Terra-Aqua Column: Student Instructions

Student Guidelines


Will the independent variable make the plant grow better than the control plant? Your teacher will help determine which variable your group will use.

Independent Variable: (as determined by your group with approval from your teacher)

Dependent Variable: (The observed response in an experiment)

Control Variables or Constants: (What variables are the same on both the control and experimental group?)

Hypothesis: If I add this independent variable, then I think this will happen.


Write step by step instructions for your Investigation.


2-2 liter bottles per group

30 cm. cotton string

1 full cup of plant soil

2 cups of water (500 mL)

1 scoop of gravel (60 cc)

Independent variable

Handful of birdseed (60 – 75g)


Drill a 1/8” hole though the center of one of the caps



Marker (Draw a line on the bottle that you will begin your measurement from every day)

Data Table: Fill out the chart with as much information as possible each day.

Graph: Determine the type of graph would best represent the data from the control and the experimental groups. Make your graph on graphing paper!

Only one graph should be used. Be sure to include a key to show how the control group and the experimental group are represented on the graph.

Conclusion: Accept or reject your hypothesis. Give a brief summary of your supporting data. Include any outside factors that may have caused exceptions in the data (such as spills, amount of light, etc.) Include any questions or ideas that you have for future study based on the information obtained in this investigation.

Terra Aqua Column Project

Student Sheet

Problem: ______



Independent Variable:


Dependent Variables:


Control Variables/Constants:




Draw Experimental Design:

Data: Record your data in the table on the next page. Measure the growth of the plant in centimeters.

Graph: Determine the type of graph that best represents the data obtained in this investigation. Draw the graph on a separate piece of graph paper and attach it to this packet. Include a title, key, color, and label the x and y axis.

Conclusion: Accept or reject your hypothesis. Give a brief summary of your supporting data. Include any outside factors that may have caused exceptions in the data (such as spills, amount of light, etc.) Include any questions or ideas that you have for future study based on the information obtained in this investigation.

Data Table

Day / Date / Control Height (cm) / Experimental
Height (cm) / Control Observation / Experimental Observation
Day / Date / Control Height (cm) / Experimental
Height (cm) / Control Observation / Experimental Observation

