Albania/Montenegro Lake Skadar/Shkoder Integrated Ecosystem Management Project
GEF Grant No. TF091937 (Albania)and
GEF Grant Nr. TF091939 (Montenegro)
Project ID No.P084605
The Government of Republic of Albania and the Government of Montenegro have received financing in the amount of US$1.99 million and US$ 2.56 million equivalent respectively from the World Bank toward the cost of the Albania/Montenegro Lake Skadar/Shkoder Integrated Ecosystem Management Project, and they intend to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods, works, related services and consulting services to be procured under this project.
The project will include the following components for both countries:
• Component 1 – Understanding and Management of Lake Shkodra Ecosystem: This component will help establish and operationalize a high-level Skadar-Shkodra Lake Commission (SLC) with a Secretariat that will serve as the main steering mechanism to implement the SAP, and serve as the key forum to discuss and agree on issues affecting lake resources management and use. The Commission will convene bilateral Working Groups of technical specialists and local stakeholders to facilitate discussions on specific issues and to steer joint program implementation. The project will support an initial four Working Groups: Planning and Legal; Monitoring and Research; Communications/Outreach and Sustainable Tourism; and Water Management. These Working Groups will agree on specific objectives and work programs in their respective areas of responsibility and will directly oversee design and implementation of joint activities. They will also serve as a mechanism to exchange technical information and coordinate with linked non-project activities. The two line Ministries for environmental protection (Ministry of Tourism and Environment in Montenegro and Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Administration in Republic of Albania) will be responsible for appointing the SLC and Working Group members. The Commission and Working Groups will be served by a small 2-person Secretariat based in Albania.
• Component 2 – Enhancing Sustainable use of Lake Ecosystem: This component aims to promote adoption of sustainable approaches to economic development of the lake and its natural resources. It focuses on tourism and fishing where there is high potential for economically significant sustainable use.
• Component 3 – Catalyze Pollution Reduction Investments: This component will support investments to help address existing sources of pollution identified in the transboundary diagnostics analysis (TDA); the project will complement investments by the two governments and other donors (see Annex 15), addressing transboundary issues and demonstrating innovative approaches. The component includes three subcomponents:
(i) Small-scale, innovative wastewater treatment for a lakeside village (Montenegro)
(ii) TA for protection of groundwater from hazardous wastes at the KAP Aluminum plant (Montenegro)
(iii) Pilot ecological restoration of lakeside vegetation buffer areas (Albania).
Some contracts, although managed by one country, are for joint actions/activities which benefit both countries. The main packages/contracts of the project include:
Procured by Albania:
Consulting services contracts:
- Legal Framework harmonization and integrating role of commission into national legislation;
- Development joint fisheries monitoring and management plans;
- Establish and maintain joint data-base;
- Expertise for social-ecological study;
- Assistance on learning and capacity building on international cooperation related to water basin management;
- Preparation Lake-wide zoning and management plan;
- Expertise on inventory cultural heritage sites;
- Expertise on fishermen organization support;
- Design study of needs for restoring lake tree groves;
- Architectural design for community based lakeside vegetation management pilot.
Goods, technical services and civil works:
- Procurement of a vehicle;
- IT equipment for and furniture for Bilateral Lake Commission Secretariat
- Lab equipment for targeted transboundary monitoring programs;
- Equipment for fishermen organization support (refrigerated truck; fishing nets; cell phones); equipment for enhancing lake protection enforcement capacity, and equipment for community based lakeside vegetation management pilot.
- Refurbishment of Bilateral Lake Commission Secretariat office;
- Pilot renovation of cultural sites/visitor centers;
- Restoring lake tree groves; stream design bank erosion control and improvement works for community based lakeside vegetation management pilot;
- Lab service for environmental monitoring.
Procured by Montenegro:
Consulting services contracts:
- Expertise for preparing Lake-wide zoning and management plan;
- Development of joint Lake water/ecological monitoring manuals as per EU parameters;
- Designing predictive hydrological model;
- Assistance on learning and capacity building on international cooperation related to water basin management;
- Expertise on fishermen organization support;
- Study on waste inventory, site investigation, option analysis and feasibility study;
- Environmental impact assessment;
- Advisor for KAP hazardous waste containment.
Goods, technical services and civil works:
- Vehicles, small motorized boats and other equipment (binoculars, cameras, compass) for
enhancing lake protection enforcement capacity;
- Lab equipment for targeted transboundary monitoring program (small boat; nets);
- Equipment for fishermen organization support (fishing nets).
- Vranjina WWTP building construction;
- Pilot renovation of cultural sites/visitor centers;
- Works for migratory waterfowl monitoring stations;
- Lab service for environmental monitoring
Procurement of contracts financed by the World Bank will be conducted through the procedures as specified in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits (date May 2004) and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the guidelines. Consulting services will be selected in accordance with the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (dated May 2004).
Procurement notices for contracts to be bid under the World Bank’s international competitive bidding (ICB) procedures and for contracts for consultancy services will be announced, as they become available, in UN Development Business, dgMarket and in websites of the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Administration (MEFWA) in Albania and in the Ministry of Tourism and Environment (MTE).
Interested eligible bidders who wish to be included on the mailing list to receive invitations for bid under ICB procedures, and interested consultants who wish to receive a copy of advertisement requesting expressions of interest for consultancy contracts, or those requiring additional information, should contact the addresses below for each country:
For Albania:
Mr. Pellumb Abeshi, Secretary General and
Mr. Sajmir Hoxha, Department Director
Tel: +355 4 270624
Fax: +355 4 270 627
E-mail: ;
The Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Administration
Department for Nature Protection Policies
Address: “Rruga Durresit”, Nr 27.
Tirana, Albania
Web site:
For Montenegro:
Attention to both:
Sinisa Stankovic, Assistant Minister
Tel: +382 20 482 141
Fax: +382 20 234 168
Web site:
The Ministry of Tourism and Environment
Department for Environment Protection
Address: Rimski trg 46
20 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
Branka Cmiljic
Assistant Procurement/Finance Officer
Technical Services Unit - Ministry of Finance
General Secretariat of Montenegro
Jovana Tomasevica b.b.
Tel: +382 20 201-696
Fax: +382 20 201-698