Internship Site Visit Log
Demographic Information
Name of Intern/TitleName of Supervisor/Title
Name of Company
Company URL
Name of Other Attendees/Title
Conference Call or Site Visit Questions
Intern Questions
Tell me how your experience has been to dateGive examples of how you have completed your internship objectives
What extra things have you learned?
What do you wish you would have learned?
What coursework do you feel you utilized the most on the internship? Coursework listed at end of document
What coursework do you feel you utilized the least on the internship?
Coursework listed at end of document
Supervisor Questions
Tell me overall how you think the intern’s performance has been: Strengths and areas of improvement for future promotions or future jobs.
From the list below, please tell me which coursework has been the most beneficial to you as an employer. Course descriptions listed at end of document.
From the list below, please tell me which coursework has been the least beneficial to you as an employer. Course descriptions listed at end of document.
What could MSUM do to better prepare future employees?
What advice would you have for (intern name) for the future jobs?
Do you have a need for additional internships? If so, what skill set/background are you looking for?
Other Comments:
Completed by: (Name of Faculty)
Technology Courses and Descriptions
TECH380 Methods Improvement (3)
Spring:All Years
Study of productivity improvement techniques, emphasizing lean methodologies. Topics include Value Stream Mapping, The 5S System/Visual Workplace, Error Proofing, Standardized Work, Time and Motion Study, and Ergonomics.
TECH383 Cost Analysis (3)
Fall:All Years
The objectives of the course are to study cost behavior and to apply economic analysis techniques at the process, project, and organization levels for purposes of management decision making. Topics include Time Value of Money, Breakeven Analysis, Minimum Cost Analysis, Replacement Decisions, and Master Budgeting.
Prerequisite: ACCT230
TECH385 Process Leadership (3)
Fall:All Years Spring:All Years
A study of leadership development and characteristics with emphasis on team building, problem solving, listening, negotiation, motivation and self reflection. Class activities reflect many of those leadership building activities used in business--Class discussion, written assignments, and oral presentations.
TECH394 Computer Applications for Engineers and Technologists (3)
Fall:All Years Spring:All Years Summer:On Demand
The stand alone and integrated application of computer software tools such as spreadsheets, word processors, database management systems, graphics and other productivity software to problem solving contexts specific to the disciplines of Engineering and Technology.
Prerequisite: COMS 103 or consent of Instructor.
TECH428 Project Management (3)
Spring:All Years
Project leadership and project management are mission critical competencies in business, non-profit, government, and communities. This project management class teaches students how to lead people and manage projects. Other learning goals include establishing a clear project vision, assembling teams, analyzing stakeholders, and meeting deadlines. The class will use a common methodology and MS Project as their tracking tool. Junior standing required.
TECH469 Student Internship (2-12)
Fall:All Years Spring:All Years Summer:All Years
Available to Industrial Technology and Operations Management majors with the approval of their faculty advisor. Through industry cooperation, formal instruction is supplemented with a practicum conducted on site with a host business, helping the Department of Technology students learn the necessities for successful careers in distribution and manufacturing. Maximum of 12 credits may be applied to the graduation requirement.
TECH482 Quality Planning and Implementation (3)
Fall:All Years
Focusing on expanded managerial philosophies and techniques of quality control including the comprehensive treatment of quality management and control issues. This course provides practical applications of management theory by balancing managerial and technical material.
Prerequisite: MATH234
TECH485 Production and Inventory Management (3)
Spring:All Years
Study and analysis of systems and methods for planning and control of manufacturing resources. The framework of this course is based on the guidelines provided by the American Production and Inventory Control Society. Primary topics include master planning and forecasting, inventory management, material and capacity requirements planning, and production activity control.
Prerequisite: MATH234
TECH490 Special Problems (1- 4)
Fall:On Demand Spring:On Demand Summer:On Demand
Individual study not offered in depth in the regular curriculum. Maximum of 4 credits may be applied to graduation.
TECH493 Occupational Safety and Health (3)
Fall:All Years
Designed for students to develop an understanding of basic occupational safety and health terminology, principles, and practices. Course content focuses on general industrial settings and reflects current occupational standards. Students will be exposed to the development of a safety program and will do a safety site visit off-campus, report and presentation. Junior standing required.
Math 127 College Algebra (3)
Fall:All Years Spring:All Years
Exponents, factoring, equations, inequalities, systems of equations, functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, polynomials and rational functions. Must have successfully completed Intermediate Algebra or have an acceptable placement score.
Math 234 Probability and Statistics (3)
Fall:All Years Spring:All Years
Measures of central tendency and variation, probability, probability distributions, sampling distributions and the central limit theorem, estimation and tests of hypotheses for one population mean and proportion, simple linear regression. May not be taken for credit by those who earned credit in MATH 232 or 236 or 336. Students who have completed MATH 262 are encouraged to take MATH 335 rather than MATH 234. Must have successfully completed College Algebra or acceptable placement score.
Chem 150/L General Chemistry (3)
Fall:All Years Spring:All Years
General chemistry principles: atomic structure, stoichiometry, solutions, bonding, periodic properties of the elements, thermochemistry, and properties of solids, liquids and gases. Should register for CHEM 150L (lab) to be taken concurrently. Must have completed an acceptable placement score, a minimum ACT mathematics score, or successful completion of MDEV 127. MnTC Goal 3.
Physics 160/L College Physics (3)
Fall:All Years Spring:All Years
Concepts and principles of elementary physics presented in a guided activity-based format which integrates lecture and laboratory using cooperative group learning techniques. Includes kinematics and mechanics. Knowledge of algebra and trigonometry required at the level in high school math; in terms of courses at MSUM the appropriate level is MATH 127 and 143, or 142, or 261 or higher. MnTC Goal 3.
Econ 202 Principles of Economics (3)
Fall:All Years Spring:All Years
An introductory study of the price system, resource allocation, and income distribution. MnTC Goal 5.
ENGL 387 Technical Report Writing (4)
Fall:All Years Spring:All Years
Expository writing dealing with subjects in student's major and planned for a specialized audience: documenting, writing abstracts, preparing reports of original investigations. Recommended for students who have taken classes in their major.
ACCT 230 Principles of Accounting (3)
Fall:All Years Spring:All Years
From a user's perspective, an introduction to the content and concepts underlying the three basic financial statements prepared by management for use by investors and creditors. Includes financial statement analysis.
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