ECE 4339 – Fall 2003
ECE 4339: Physical Principles of Solid State Devices
Syllabus – Fall 2003
Section 02162: MW 5:30PM – 7:00PM, Room: 102-D (Engineering Building 1)
Instructor: Dr. Dmitri Litvinov
Office: N329-D;
Phone: 713-743-4168; Fax: 713-743-4444
Office Hours: MW 3:30-5PM; TTH 10AM-11:30AM, or by appointment
Catalog Description:
Physical Principles of Solid State Devices Cr. 3. (3-0). Prerequisites: ECE 3455, 3317 and credit for or concurrent enrollment in ECE 4119. Electronics, modern physics, and electromagnetism used to develop fundamental understanding of bipolar, Schottky, and MOS solid state device operation.
Academic Honesty Policy:
Students in this course are expected to follow the Academic Honesty Policy of the University of Houston. It is your responsibility to know and follow this policy. You must sign the Academic Honesty Statement on the last page of this handout, detach it, and submit it by Wednesday, September 3, 2003. If you fail to do this, you may be dropped from the course.
Religious Holy Days:
Students whose religious beliefs prohibit class attendance or the completion of specific assignments on designated dates may request an excused absence. To do this, you must request the excused absence, in writing, by September 9, 2003, which is the 15th calendar day of the semester. Please submit this written request to your instructor immediately, to allow the instructor to make appropriate arrangements. Students who fail to submit a written request will not be given an excused absence due to religious reasons. For more information, see the Student Handbook.
Students with Disabilities:
Students with recognized disabilities will be provided reasonable accommodations, appropriate to the course, upon documentation of the disability with a Student Accommodation Form from the Center for Students With Disabilities. To receive these accommodations, you must request the specific accommodations, by submitting them to the instructor in writing, by September 9, 2003, which is the 15th calendar day of the semester. Students who fail to submit a written request will not be considered for accommodations. For more information, see the Student Handbook.
Withdrawal Policy:
The withdrawal dates listed in the Academic Calendar section of the Class Schedule will be followed strictly. Please consult this document for appropriate dates. Grades of Incomplete (I) will be given only when a small portion of the course has not been completed for a good reason. If the material has been completed, an “I” grade cannot be given.
Expected Course Outcomes:
Students who successfully complete this course are expected to meet the following course outcomes:
Students will add to their knowledge-base in the area of solid state device physics as it relates to fundamental understanding of bipolar, Schottky, and MOS solid state device operation.
Students will be able to perform calculations related to material properties of semiconductors and to parameters of electronic devices.
Students will improve their abilities in problem solving. They will be able to interpret operation of semiconductor devices based on physical effects.
Students will be exposed to selected integrated circuit (IC) fabrication technologies as needed to understand device properties.
Student will become sufficiently proficient with semiconductor and device physics to understand more advanced literature on these subjects, and be prepared for further study.
Course Topics:
Introduction to Semiconductor Physics
Current Carriers and their transport
P-N junction devices
Schottky diodes and metal-semiconductor contacts
Bipolar transistors
Field effect devices
Textbook: Robert F. Pierret, Semiconductor Device Fundamentals, Prentice Hall, 1996 ISBN 0-201-54393-1.
There will be assigned homework, one mid-term exam, and a final exam. An in-class quiz may be given during any class period. There will be no make-up of missed in-class quizzes. Course grades will be calculated with the following approximately weights.
Final Exam: 35%Midterm: 30%Quizzes: 15%Homework: 20%
An estimate of your letter grade based on your final semester average, as calculated by the formula above, is given below. This schedule is only an indication of your probable letter grade; actual grades will differ somewhat from one semester to another. The letter grade indicated below is the minimum grade that you will receive for a given numerical average.
92 - 100: A76 - 92: B66 - 76: C52 - 66: D< 52: F
Email: You should have one or more working e-mail addresses, which you should check periodically for messages. Please obtain an account if you do not already have one. In order to get onto the distribution list please join through the campus Listserv, joining the list called ECE4339FALL2003. Visit for information on how to subscribe to the mailing list.
Academic Honesty Statement
I have read the University of Houston Academic Honesty Policy on pages 8 through 11 of the UH Student Handbook. I agree to abide by the provisions of this policy.
Name: (Please print) ______
Signature: ______
Date: ______
Please detach this page, and submit it to the instructor by Wednesday, September 3, 2003. If you fail to do this, you may be dropped from the course.
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