Instructions to Applicant

A variety of teaching, research, and/or service activity conducted by Louisiana Tech University faculty, staff, or students are closely regulated by the federal and/or State governments and by university policy. Among these, are activities that involves the purchase/ production, storage, use, and disposal of: (a) recombinant DNA, including transgenic animals or plants; (b) microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi) that are potential infectious to humans, other animals, or plants; (c) biological toxins; (d) human and mammalian tissue, including blood and other body fluids; (e) radionuclides; (f) herbicides and pesticides; and (g) euthanizing agents. Other activities which require Committee approval are the production and/or the use of nanoparticles and/or the field release of plant pest or genetically modified organisms.

These Policies and Procedures specify the conditions under which these activities can be conducted such as the required physical layout of area where activities are to conducted, equipment/personal protective equipment requirements, necessary qualifications of user, necessary user training, necessary safety requirements, necessary reporting requirements, the required approval process, and others. Approval of the use of these agents must be obtained from the applicant’s Budget Unit Head, the Center Director/Facility Director/Department Head/Budget Unit Head of the facility in which the activity is to be conducted, the Biosafety Radioisotope Institutional Review Committee (BRIRC), and the Vice President for Research and Development BEFORE any portion of such project is to commence. In addition, the approval of the Vice President for Finance and Administration may be required for the purchase of some of these agents.


The purposes of this approval process are to verify that various federal, state, local, and University policies and regulations which govern the purchase, storage, use, and disposal of these agents are to be adhered to by the personnel who are conducting these activities, and to assure that the necessary safe work practices are in place to protect participants and other members of the community.

The following web pages can provide guidance to personnel who are interested in using these agents and to the Committee:

1. Recombinant DNA-

a. “NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA”-

b. “Roles and Responsibilities of the Principal Investigator”-

c. “Proposed Framework for the Oversight of Dual Use Life Science Research…”,

d. "Biosafety Considerations for Research with Lentiviral Vectors-

2. Microorganisms and biological toxins-

a. “Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories”-

b. “National Select Agent Registry”

c. “Material Safety Data Sheets

3. Human and mammalian tissue, including blood, body fluid-

a. “ Exposure Control Plan for Blood-Borne Pathogens-

b. " Working with Human and other Primate Tissue”-

4. Radionuclides-

a. Louisiana Tech University Nuclear Center Radiation Safety Regulations

b.“ Standards for Protection Against Radiation”-10CFR20, 40, and 70

c. “ Radiation Protection”, LA Dept. of Environmental Quality Title 33 Part XV

5. Euthanizing Agents-

a. “Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals”-

b. “AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia”-

6. Pesticides/herbicides- NOTE: Louisiana Tech University is classified by the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry as a “Subcategory 7b Commercial Applicator”

a. “ Louisiana Pesticide Law”-

b. “Louisiana Suggested Chemical Weed Control Guide”-

c. EPA Restricted Use Products

d. EPA Restricted Use Products Update

7. Nanoparticles-

a.“Progress Towards Safe Nanotechnology in the Workplace”-

b. “Approaches to Safe Nanotechnology”-

8. Field Release of genetically-modified organisms or pests

a. “Biotechnology Regulatory Service”-

b. “Roles and Responsibilities of Principal Investigators”-

c. “Proposed Framework for the Oversight of Dual Use Life Science Research”-

9. General Laboratory Safety-

a. “Louisiana Tech University Safety Manual”

b. “Louisiana Tech University Laboratory safety Manual”

10. Safety Training Modules-

a. General Laboratory safety-www….. ( being developed by EHS)*

b. Recombinant DNA and General Biosafety*

c. “Biosecurity”-*

d. Radionuclides- “ Radionuclide Hazards” by Howard Hu ghes Medical Institute