Version 7.15
(Field Inventory and Evaluation Leading to Decisions)
Workbook Developed in Excel 97
May 1, 2002
Developed in Division 2 (Murfreesboro, TN) for use in inventory, documentation, and conservation planning. This program produces a Plan Map Legend, RUSLE Before and After Soil Loss, HEL Determination, Calculates CRP Weighted EI, CPA 026, CPA 027, PRMS Help Sheet, Graze, Pest Management Plan, Cost Estimator, Soil Legend, Non-Technical Soil Description, Urban Soil Interpretations,
SCS- CPA-52, TN-CPA-25.
For follow-up contact your Division Field Coordinator. For program information contact Paul Fulks at
To use the Table of Contents online click on the colored page numbers on the right. When the cursor is pointed to the colored numbers the cursor turns into a hand. A hyperlink has been attached to those numbers and the computer jumps to that page number when the left mouse button is clicked. To return to the Table of Contents click on the arrow to right on the hyperlink tool bar at the top. The User Manual may also be printed out for use as a desk reference. (In order to have the colors on the desk reference to show print on a color printer.)
Instructions for Loading and Removing the FIELD Program
1.) Computer Requirements………………………………….…………………...iv
2.) Installing FIELD with one county………………………….………………iv-vi
3.) Installing FIELD on one computer with multiple counties…………...vii-x
4.) How to Remove the Field Program & Toolbars From the Computer…. x
5.) Troubleshooting…..……………….……….………………………………..….xi
6.) Tracking Changes to Fielda.xls file….….………………………………..xii-xv
7.) Tracking Changes to Fieldb.xls file………………………………………xv-xvi
A. INTRODUCTION –to the Field Program (Field Inventory and Evaluation
Leading to Decisions) … …………….……………………….………….……..…….1. 1. CountyData.xls File……………….……………………….…………..…..…….1.
2. FIELDa.xls File……………………...……………….…………………………..2.
3. Fieldb.xls File……………………………………….………………………….…3
4. Saved Tract Data Folder……………….……….……………………………….3 .
B. DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS FOR CountyData.xls FILE…..……….…….……4-10
· Open CountyData.xls..………………………………………………4
· Setting Zoom Percent for CountyData.xls……….………………..4
· Entering Local Data Into the CountyData.xls file….……………..4
1 Soils Data for your County, Entering …………… ……..………….……..4-7
2. Cropping Sequences along with C factors, Entering……...………..….7-.8
3. Hydrologic Unit Numbers and Names, Entering ……….…….……………8.
4. Congressional Districts and Names, Entering…….…….…...…………….8.
5. County Name, Entering ………………………………………...…………...9.
6. R Factor from RUSLE, Entering ………………………………..………..….9.
7. Emergency names, addresses and phone numbers, Entering…..…….. .9.
8. Non-Technical Soil Descriptions, Entering………………..………………. 9.
C. TIPS FOR COMPUTER SETTINGS……………………….…………………………10
1. Number Lock……………………………………………………….…………10.
2. Zoom Setting Percent………………………………………...……………..10.
D. TIPS FOR EXCEL………………………………………………………………………11.
1. Comments…………………………………………………………………….11.
2. Moving around the spreadsheet…………………………………………….11
3. Moving to upper left most cell………………………………..……………..11.
4. Moving to next unprotected cell……………..……………..……………….11.
5. Entering information…….…………………………………….……………...11.
6. Repeating an entry from the cell above……………………………………12.
7. Active cell and cursor………………………………………………………...12.
E. TIPS FOR THE FIELD PROGRAM………….…………………….……………..13-14.
1. Moving to different spreadsheets in a workbook……………………..…….13
2. Buttons………………………………………………………………….….……13
3. Toolbars……………………………………………………………….…….…..13
4. Office Assistant……………………………………………………….…….…..13
5. Cell Validations……………………………………………………….…….…..13
6. Color-coding (cell background colors)…………………………….…………14
7. Print and clear button………………………………………..…….………….14
Open FIELDa.xls ………………………………………………..…..…15-17.
1) Legend Spreadsheet Instructions…………….…………………………..18-27.
2) RUSLE Before and After Spreadsheet Instructions……….…..…….…28-32.
3) HEL Determinations Spreadsheet Instructions.………………………...34 -38
4) CRP Spreadsheet Instructions…………………………………………….39-40.
5) CPA 026, CPA027, and PRMS Spreadsheet Instructions….………….41-44.
6) GRAZE Spreadsheet Instructions………………………………..……....45-48.
7) Pest Management Spreadsheet Instructions……………………...……50_51.
8) EQIP Ranking Spreadsheet Instructions …………………………….…52-53.
9) Cost Estimator Spreadsheet Instructions ………………………………54-56.
G. DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS FOR Fieldb.xls FILE….………….………………57-60.
Open FIELDb.xls ……………………………………………….…. …….57.
1) Soil Legend Spreadsheet Instructions…………….…………….…...…58-59.
2) Non-Technical Soil Descriptions Instructions…………..…………….…….59.
3) Soil Legend Interpretations Instructions…………….…….……..………...60.
4) CPA-52 Environmental Effects For Conservation Plans..………….…… 60.
5) CPA-TN-25 Environmental Effects For Conservation Plans…….……….61.
Thanks go first to James Ford, State Conservationist in Tennessee. It was his vision, support, and encouragement that provided the time for the development and implementation of this program. Donald Dotson, Natural Resources Planning Staff Leader was also an encouragement in developing a useful tool to assist the field with conservation planning.
The original idea for this program came from the field employee's of NRCS in Middle Tennessee. For review and beta testing of the program recognition and thanks goes to the following D.C.'s George Hofstetter, Ron Harrison, Allen Persinger, Odell Poyner, Mike Richardson, David Tapp, and Rusty Walker. In addition thanks goes to the following District Employees Gladys Rochelle, Vonnie Prince, and Jane York. The program was put together by Paul Fulks Field Operations Assistant in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. A special thanks goes to Annie Flanigan of Tullahoma, Tennessee who provided invaluable consultation, advice and encouragement to develop the advanced features of the program.
Additionally the Southeast Regional Technology Group set up a committee to review and enhance this program for release in the Southeast. Thanks goes to that team which is as follows: Donald Dotson (TN), Vic Simpson (SE Region), Alan Walker (NC), Robert Horton (NC), David Summers (MS), Tony Nott (KY), Bill Hughes (Al.), Sid Brantly (SE Region), Jim Frost (AL), Josh Wheat (GA), Pete Deal (FL), David Faulkner (VA), Felix Latorre (PR), and Paul Fulks (TN). Special thanks goes to Robert Horton of this group who developed some of the Visual Basic Code and for developing improvements on a number of items. Robert assisted greatly in the latter stages of development.
Thanks also goes to the following D.C.'s who served as test sites Jim Needham for West Tennessee and Gloria York for East Tennessee.
Individual spreadsheets that are a part of the Field Program were developed as follows:
· Legend Sheet, HEL Det Sheet, CRP Sheet, Soil Leg. Sheet, (26,27), Pest Management, Non-Tech Soil Sheet, and Soil Leg Urb. Paul Fulks Field Operations Assistant in Murfreesboro, Tennessee developed worksheets.
· The RUSLE B&A Sheet Calculates Before and After Soil Loss for RUSLE, this sheet was developed by David Tapp a District Conservationist in Winchester, Tennessee.
· The paper PRMS help sheet was developed by George Hofstetter D.C. Middle Tennessee.
· The EQIP ranking sheet was developed by Mark Garrettson, Jeff Sanders (OH), Rusty Walker all D.C.'s in Middle Tennessee.
· Bill Hughes in Alabama developed the Cost Estimator sheet. Paul Fulks made refinements to this spreadsheet along with layout changes.
The Graze worksheet was developed originally in Missouri and was the work of Pat Adams and Mark Kennedy who developed the Graze4 program. This particular version was reworked into its present form for Tennessee by Greg Brann, Grazing Lands Specialist and Paul Fulks. The following is a summary of changes made to GRAZE: paddocks added to page two, a table added to the graph on page 3 and a completely new page 4, which is a summary sheet.
This program is dedicated to the field employees of NRCS, past and present, which have made the agency of service to the farmers, ranchers, landowners, and the public and have added to our natural resources instead of depleting them.
Instructions for Loading the Field Program—
A computer loaded with Windows and with Excel 97 or later with at least 8,000 KB of storage space that will allow the program to run and save up to 2,000 tracts.
A. Create a Field Tools folder:
Before downloading these files onto your computer either NRCS or non-NRCS create a new folder named Field Tools in C drive.
Step by step instructions for creating a new folder and naming a folder in C drive:
Create a folder by using Windows Explorer. Open Windows Explorer by right clicking on the Start Button and selecting Explore. In the right hand box click on C drive. In the left hand box click on any white area (blank area) and select “New”. Then click on folder at the top of the drop down box. This creates a new folder icon in the C directory named New Folder. Right click on the New Folder and select rename. Type Field Tools in as the name and hit enter. Close Explorer by holding down the Alt key and hitting F4.
By installing Field in C drive on NT machines all users may have access to Field.
B. Files to install
The field program was developed in Excel 97 and consists of three excel files and one folder:
1. CountyData.xls
2. FIELDa.xls
3. Fieldb.xls
4. Save Tract Data Folder (test.xls a sample tract)
The saved tract folder within the Field Tools folder in C drive is where all the excel files containing data for each tract will be saved. There is one test tract (test.xls) already in the folder. (Normally this would be labeled with the tract number.)
Load all four files and the one folder onto the computer so that you can use the FIELD program.
Additional files may appear, 'msforms.twd' in
c:\winnt\system32 and 'Administrator8.xlb' in c:\winnt. These are
standard Excel files. The '.xlb' file is the toolbar created for this
application and the name of the file will be the user name of the user
that installs the program, presumably 'administrator. These files are part of standard Excel, however they're created by use and not part of the initial Excel load.
C. Unzipping The FIELD Files:
Once the Field Tools folder is created unzip the files to the Field Tools Folder in C drive using the WinZip program (installed on NRCS computers or available on the web, search for WinZip on the web to obtain a free trial version if you do not have WinZip on your computer).
Step by step instructions to Unzip files:
· Left click the Start Button and select WinZip (may have to look under programs to find WinZip).
· When the WinZip box opens hit escape.
· Click on the Open icon.
· In the drop down box labeled “Look in” select the location of the zipped files either a: drive if you have a copy on floppy disk or C:\Temp where an e-mail attachment would be saved.
· When the file names appear in the WinZip box as follows:
1. CountyData.xls
2. FIELDa.xls
3. Fieldb.xls
4. Save Tract Data Folder (test.xls a sample tract)
Click on the Extract icon.
Extract the files to C:\Field Tools
· In the extract to box select extract to C:\Field Tools
· Click on the extract icon on the command line. In the Extract box click on the Extract to blank on the upper left side. Enter C:\Field Tools.
· Left click on the Extract button on the upper right hand side of the Extract box.
· If a Confirm File Overwrite box asks if you want to replace older files downloaded before click yes. After all the files have been extracted then the box will display the number of files successfully unzipped.
D. Create A Shortcut On Your Desktop:
After installing the files in the Field Tools Folder in C drive create a shortcut to the Field Tools folder in Windows Explorer and place it on the desktop of each person who will be using Field.
Step by step instructions to create a shortcut
· Open Windows Explorer by right clicking on the Start button and selecting Explore.
· In the box on the left-hand side scroll to C: drive.
· Now scroll to the Field Tools Folder (all folders are in alphabetical order).
· Right click the mouse while pointing at the Field Tools folder (The Field Tools Folder should be highlighted.) Continue to hold down the right mouse button while dragging the icon to your desktop. (If the desktop is not visible you will need to click on the restore window button on the top of the Explorer screen.
· Click on Create Shortcut Here. This creates a shortcut on the Desktop for you. You must repeat this process to create a shortcut on the Desktop for each user that should use the program.
E. Data That Must Be Entered Before Using All Features Of FIELD
For a detailed explanation of the data to be entered in CountyData.xls file read the word document labeled InstructionsForField.doc. The User’s Manual is approximately sixty pages long. The User’s Manual was developed to be used on the computer. Hyperlinks are set up in the Table of Contents. Clicking on the colored page numbers jumps the user directly to the selected page number. Clicking on the back arrow on the menu line at the top takes the user back to the Table of Contents.
folder is created unzip the files to the Field Tools Folder in C drive using the WinZip program (installed on NRCS computers or available on the web, search for WinZip to obtain a free trial version).
Step by step instructions to Unzip files:
· Left click the Start Button and select WinZip (may have to look under programs to find WinZip).
· When the WinZip box opens hit escape.
· Click on the Open icon.
· In the drop down box labeled “Look in” select the location of the zipped files either a: drive if you have a disk or the hard drive if from an e-mail.
· When the file names appear as follows:
1. CountyData.xls
2. FIELDa.xls
3. Fieldb.xls
4. Save Tract Data Folder (12346.xls a sample tract)
Click on the Extract icon.
· In the extract to box select extract to C:
· Click on the extract button.
By installing Field in C drive on NT machines all users may have access to Field.
F. Create a shortcut on your desktop:
After installing the files in the Field Tools Folder in C drive create a shortcut to the Field Tools folder in Windows Explorer and place it on the DeskTop of each person who will be using Field.
Step by step instructions to create a shortcut
· Open Windows Explorer by right clicking on the Start button and selecting Explore.
· In the box on the left-hand side scroll to C: drive.
· Now scroll to the Field Tools Folder (all folders are in alphabetical order).
· Right click the mouse while pointing at the Field Tools folder (The Field Tools Folder should be highlighted.) Continue to hold down the right mouse button while dragging the icon to your desktop. (If the desktop is not visible you will need to click on the restore window button on the top of the Explorer screen.
· Click on Create Shortcut Here. This creates a shortcut on the Desktop for you. You must repeat this process to create a shortcut on the Desktop for each user that should use the program.
A. Files to install
The field program was developed in Excel 97 and consists of three excel files and one folder:
1. CountyData.xls
2. FIELDa.xls
3. Fieldb.xls
4. Save Tract Data Folder (12346.xls a sample tract)
The saved tract folder within the Field Tools folder in C drive is where all the excel files containing data for each tract will be saved. There is one test tract (1236.xls) already in the folder.
Load all three files and the one folder onto the computer so that you can use the FIELD program.