Installing SolidWorks 2014 on your Computer

– License borrowing


SolidWorks ( is a 3D solid modeling package. Components in SolidWorks can be used for creation of engineering drawings, analysis of designs for motion, stress and fluid flow (friction, drag and lift), animation and photo realistic presentation of designs.

The School of Engineering has purchased 1000 licenses of SolidWorks for use by any UniSA student for their studies.

· 500 licenses are available on the Mawson Lakes pool server (SolidWorks is available on most computer pools at Mawson Lakes, plus City West (GK3-24, GK3-21, BH3-10, BH4-09, BH4-18, BH4-19), City East (P3-34, P3-33), Magill (C1-82) and Whyalla (MB2-61, MB2-62).

· 500 licenses are available on a School of Engineering server for use in ENE’s computer pool (J2-15, J2-17) and for off campus use by UniSA students (monthly license borrowing via VPN).

SolidWorks has also provided another bonus 1000 licenses (stand alone installation expiring 31 December 2015, requiring only internet/email to activate). The access codes are in 10 batches of 100 licenses and these access codes will be associated with specific UniSA courses. The codes and installation instructions will be provided to students by their Course Coordinator.

The software will be updated annually, around January to the latest Educational Version (i.e. for 2015 the version will be SolidWorks 2014).

Note: Solidworks 2014 is not compatible with Windows XP and Mac OS.

Installing SolidWorks on your computer – license borrowing

In order to gain a copy of SolidWorks 2014 for your personal computer you must:-

STEP 1. Obtain a copy of the SolidWorks software from either:-

(i) Download from the Internet

1. Go to:

2. Enter the SEK ID: XSEK12

3. Fill out the registration information and select 2014-2015 version

4. Download the 64 or 32 bit version of SolidWorks, install and activate with the serial number detailed below. The download is approximately 2.5 GB.

(ii) Download from the UniSA pool computer from the server address (this is not a web address and you must either follow link or paste it into the Windows Explorer search box)


(approximately 7.13GB for 32-bit OS) or

\\\Software\Solidworks2014\64bit (approximately 7.84GB for 64-bit OS).

For Whyalla students, they can access the local Whyalla server


STEP 2. Connect your PC to the UniSA network

UNISA wireless setup on your laptop (On Campus):

Go to the Connecting to the UniSA wireless network

Connecting to UNISA Network (Off Campus):

Go to the Download Cisco AnyConnect Client (VPN Software)

STEP 3. Install the software on your PC

Firstly, install SolidWorks 2014 SP2.0 by running the installation file \sldim\sldim.exe This may take 15 to 30 minutes depending upon your computer.

When asked, select installation type: Individual (on this computer)

When asked, insert the following as your serial number: 9710 0064 9170 1470

To associate this serial number with the School of Engineering licenses, you will need to be connected to the UniSA computing network (staff office, unisa wireless or VPN) and enter the following to the requested server list by clicking “add” and entering the following path:

At the end of the installation you will need to restart your computer.

STEP 4. Obtaining a SolidWorks license

SolidWorks licenses can either be obtained by being connected to the UniSA computing network or a license can be borrowed for up to a 30 day period and used remote from the UniSA network. After the selected period, a borrowed license will automatically expire and its can be renewed by repeating the license borrowing procedure.

Access or Borrow a SolidWorks license

From Windows select Start à All Programs à SolidWorks 2014 à SolidWorks Tools

Click on “SolidNetWork License Manager”.

Under the Server List tab you can add the server path , if not already done in Step 3.

Select the License Borrowing tab. Select the expiry date (borrow until) of up to 30 days to activate a take home (off-line) license and select the Available product licenses called “SolidWorks Simulation Premium”, “SolidWorks Flow Simulation”, and “SolidWorks Premium”. The license will automatically expire at the end of the license period.

Ensure the licences are in the order shown below or else some features may not be available.

STEP 5. Running SolidWorks

For Windows 7:

From Windows select Windows Logo à All Programs à SolidWorks 2014 à SolidWorks 2014 (or Solidworks 2014 x64 Edition)


1) Having difficulty reinstalling SolidWorks after having a problem during installation?

You will need to remove all the SolidWorks folders and registry key before you can reinstall SolidWorks again.

From Add / Remove Programs, you need to remove

SolidWorks 2014 SP02 (if available)

SolidWorks 2014 x64 Edition SP02 (if available)

2) Getting the error message “Error 619: A connection to the remote computer could not be established, so the port used for this connection was closed.” when connecting with the VPN connection.

Please disable or uninstall the third party Firewall Software such as Windows Live One Care, ZoneAlarm, Norton Internet Security, etc.

3) Have problem to renew the license after license has expired or to re-borrow a license after formatting the hard drive of a computer for some reasons?

(Please make sure that you know what to do before doing it. If you do any mistakes, then your computer may have a problem to startup, etc)

i) Start > Run and type REGEDIT

ii) browse to “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\FLEXlm License Manager" registry folder.

iii) delete the “Borrow” sub folder.

If the above method does not work, then you need to create a new login name.

Note: These instructions are given to help with the set up and installation of SolidWorks on your PC, however I am unable to provide individual assistance with installation and running of SolidWorks on your computer. For technical help please contact

John Fielke

School of Engineering

University of South Australia

28 January 2015