Enhancement Services

Delivery Form

Date: / 10/23/03 4:33 PM
To: / Nigel Scholes (for 600Lathes)/Tracy Gill
Company: / Mapics UK ( for 600Lathes)
Fax or Email: /
From: / Mike Pastore

Project/Modification Description:

Item Identity Project

-Insure good DB Backup or do in development environment

-Backup all files prior to overwriting.

-We will be installing some files on the Utility server, and it may need to be rebooted so you might consider doing this a time when that is possible (users would have to get out of SL) to reboot. Have everyone logged out before continuing.

-Create a user in SyteLine called 600Lathes.

-Purpose for creating this user is so that you can test without affecting Std SyteLine CustomerOrderLines ,CustomerBlanketOrderLines, and Items Forms

-user can be removed after testing completed and forms copied to whatever, users/groups necessary

-Make a temp directory to unzip the 600Lathes_Item_Identity_Delivery_102303.zip

-Unizip 600Lathes_Item_Identity_Delivery_102303.zip to the directory

Description of Files and Instructions:

Script_to_create_600L_item_iden_table.sql – in order to support a one to many relationship between Item and Identity number a new table needs to be created in the application database to store identity number – item relationship.

Open SQL Enterprise Manager (on Db Server) and – double click on databases – double click on the Application database, then select Tools – SQL Query Analyzer. Select File – Open and browse to the temp dir where you unzipped the zip file. Open the Script_to_create_600L_item_iden_table.sql file then on the toolbar, select the “check mark” should see that it completes without syntax error, then select the green “play button” this will then execute the script to create the UK600L_item_iden table.

UK600L~1.dll - in order to make this new table available to the SL7 application, a new IDO (Intelligent Data Object) had to be created called UK600Lathes_item_idens. This new ido will need to be installed .

Find your SyteLine Directory (probably on the Utility Server) – it should be something like: C:\Program Files\Frontstep\SyteLine (drive letter may be different) Within that directory find the ..\IDO directory. Copy from the temp zip dir the UK600L~1.dll file to the ..\IDO directory

This is now in place, but it will need to be registered and COM+ package will need to be created.

To register we will need to run the SyteLine Configuration Wizard on the Utility Server. Go to Start – Programs – Frontstep – Setup – SyteLine Configuration Wizard.

SL Config Wizard Screens


Make sure to select Configure this computer to use a SyteLine DB Environment,

(NOT Setup a new SL DB Envir) – then next

Make sure to check Configure the SyteLine Client then Next

Check the configuration name that you would like to configure, mine is SL7, yours might be SyteLIne, or a location name not sure…then select Next

You will now continue to click Next about 13/14 times (leaving defaults) till you get to the following screen:

Make sure to check Configure Session Server Components then select Next

You will now need to specify a domain\username and password for your session server components. Not exactly which user you will put here, more than likely an administrator account, probably want to check with whoever installed your SL environment. Then select Next

You will see two screens after this one that involve configuring Workflow, make sure that each one is “unchecked” then select Next on each one

Continue to select next for a couple more screen taking the defaults until you get to the following screen, where you will want to review the info then select Commit

You should see a status window as it is committing changes like below:

When it is finished you should see something like the following:

Then select Finish

After running the configuration (since we created a new IDO for this project), we will need to create a new COM+ component for our new IDO..

We can add the IDO DLLs (UK600L~1.dll) to an existing COM+ application – called "fsIDO" (SyteLine 7.02) or "MAPICS IDO" (SyteLine 7.03). To do this we will , drag and drop our new IDO file from Windows Explorer to the selected COM+ application.

Go to Start- Settings - Control Panel - Administrative Tools – Component Services

Then Expand Component Services – My Computer – COM+ Applications – fsIDO – Components

Open another explorer window to the : C:\Program Files\Frontstep\SyteLine\IDO directory ( or whatever the path - drive letter may be different) that we copied the

UK600L~1.dll earlier.

Drag the file to the right-side of the picture shown above, you should notice that cursor changes to a “+” and the component gets created in the fsIDO Components, you have just created a new COM+ Component for our IDO..

It should be on the bottom and look like this when you have created it..(see the one highlighted in the picture.)

-At this point you may want to reboot the utility server, I had to on my machine. (which is acting as both the utility server and db server)

UK600L_item_idens.osx – this file is the source code of the IDO (exported from Object Studio, could in future be imported using Import wizard) that I created for 600Lathes. You are not required really to do anything with it on the server. It could be used in the future, if you were to purchase Object Studio and SyteLine 7 Source Code, which I believe that you currently do not have, but I thought that I would include. Just in case you do some development in the future.

Two Stored Procedures were required for the Item Availability Enquiry Form

UK600LRetrievePOTRNJobInfoSp.sql – this stored procedure is used to return the Due Date, Qty, and Ref Number information. It needs to be installed on the DB server in the Application Db. To install it:

Open SQL Enterprise Manager (on Db Server) and – double click on databases – double click on the Application database, then select Tools – SQL Query Analyzer. Select File – Open and browse to the temp dir where you unzipped the zip file. Open the UK600LRetrievePOTRNJobInfoSp.sql file then on the toolbar, select the “check mark” should see that it completes without syntax error, then select the green “play button” this will then execute the script to create the stored procedure.

UK600LPriceCalSp.sql – this stored procedure is used to return the Unit Price.

It needs to be installed on the DB server in the Application Db. To install it:

Open SQL Enterprise Manager (on Db Server) and – double click on databases – double click on the Application database, then select Tools – SQL Query Analyzer. Select File – Open and browse to the temp dir where you unzipped the zip file. Open the UK600LPriceCalSp.sql file then on the toolbar, select the “check mark” should see that it completes without syntax error, then select the green “play button” this will then execute the script to create the stored procedure.

Creating Forms within SL7 for Item Identity Functionality

Five forms have been modified/created, they are:

- Customer Order Lines

- Customer Order Blanket Lines

- Identity Numbers Form

- Item Availability Enquiry Form

Enhancement Services

To create each of these forms in SyteLine for the 600Lathes User:

Open SQL Enterprise Manager (on Db Server) and – double click on databases – double click on the FORMS database, then select Tools – SQL Query Analyzer. Select File – Open each of the files one at a time:

- CreateCustomerOrderBlanketLinesForm.sql

- CreateCustomerOrderLinesForm.sql

- CreateItemsForm.sql

- CreateUK600L_Item_Avail_EnqForm.sql

- CreateUK600L_Item_IdentityForm.sql

and browse to the temp dir where you unzipped the zip file. Open the .sql files listed above one at a time. Select the file then on the toolbar, select the “check mark” should see that it completes without syntax error, then select the green “play button” this will then execute each of the the scripts (respectively) to create the five modified/created forms in the Forms Db for the 600Lathes user.


Identity Numbers Form

Select Form – Open – UK600L_Item_Identity

Select – Action – New enter Identity Number, then enter in an Item Number (drop down box, or type in). This is to be done after adding items in the Items Form.

Finding an Item by Identity Number on the Items Form

Select Form – Open Items

On the red field (top right) Right click and select Find

This will then open the Identity Numbers form in Filter mode

Enter the identity number and select F4 to end filter mode, it will return the Item.

Then close the Identity Numbers Form, and answer, “Yes” to prompt to return Item. The correct Item will be displayed on the Items form.

Adding a customer order line or blanket line by Identity Number

Select Form Open and go to either the Customer Order Lines for the Customer Order Blanket Lines Forms. Since Functionality is the same, only one will be shown here.

After getting to the form Select Action – New from the menu.

Right Click in the Item field and select Find

It will open the Identity Numbers form in Filter Mode like above except, it will prompt a question:

You must select NO to the question above. This is due to a know issue with the Win Studio Toolset. Please follow-up with support to determine when this question, and response will no longer be necessary.

You will enter in the Identity Number similar to above (when finding on Items form)

Then close the Identity Numbers form, and it will prompt another question.

You must select YES to the question above and the item and identity grid will be populated on the Lines and Blanket Lines form. You must hit the Tab key after saying Yes to question above, and then rest of the line information will default.

Using the Item Availability Enquiry Form

Select Form – Open – UK600L_Item_Avail_Enq to get to the form

- Select a customer (drop down box – optional)

- Select an Identity Number

Related information will be returned to the screen.

If the value “0000000000” is returned in the Ref Num field, no replenishment was found

Using the button is enabled but not required, information will return when selecting the Customer and/or identity number.

Thank you for your business, if we can be of assistance in the future, please let me know.