1 / News and Events
2 / 4-H Activities and Information
3 / Family and Consumer
4 / Leaders
5 / Livestock
10 / Calendar

Colorado State University Extension, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Colorado counties cooperating. Extension programs are available to all without discrimination.

4-H Council Upcoming Meetings: March 23, 6:30 pm – Extension Office

April 20, 6:30 pm – Extension Office

·  4-H Carnival

Talent Festival

All 4-H members are encouraged to polish up your talent and participate in the Talent Festival on Sunday, March 8. We are holding one talent contest for District 1on March 8 at 2:00 pm. Top performing youth from Logan County will be able to compete at the Colorado State Fair (as in years past.) There will be (3) overall awards given; that will recognize the top performers in Junior, Intermediate and Senior Division. There are several divisions to participate in: vocal, instrumental, dance, skits, and as a soloist in these divisions, as an ensemble or with several members as in a group skit, etc. To participate, fill out the enclosed entry form for our talent event and return it to the extension office by February 27.

Logan County 4-H Carnival

The Logan County 4-H Carnival will be here before you know it. This year’s carnival will be on April 24, from 6:00-9:00 pm @ the Fairgrounds. As always, we are looking forward to seeing everyone having fun at the 4-H Carnival.

4-H 101

This exciting night will help first year families understand 4-H a little more. We will be offering a dinner and fun door prizes as you learn about the different opportunities in 4-H. After dinner we will cover how to survive your first year, as we go over the 4-H manual. This is really a great program to attend if you are a first year family. Put us on your calendar March 5th at 6:00 pm at the DeSoto Building.

District Meeting

District 1 meeting March 9th 6:30 pm at the Extension Office. Pizza will be provided. Please let Brian (522-3200 ext 3) know if you plan on attending by noon that day, so that we order enough pizza. District President and Vice President will be elected for the upcoming year. This meeting is open for anyone interested in learning more about their district and helping elect your president and vice president.

BE SURE YOU HAVE THE CORRECT MANUAL……As you enroll in projects for the year ahead, be sure to check on-line the requirements for the unit you plan to do. Units and e-records change from year to year. Look up the project EACH YEAR to see what the new requirements are. Be sure your manual is current. If you need to order a new manual, it is your responsibility to check the appropriate box on your enrollment page. (We keep only a very limited number of manuals on hand at the Extension Office; so forgetting to indicate that you need a manual at the time of enrollment may mean that you must wait until we do a group order.)

Project Materials

We have a variety of project materials available here at the Logan County Extension Office for you to borrow and/or use as you begin your projects for this year. Stop by at your convenience to see our selection.

1.  McCalls Patterns for beginning construction projects

2.  Leather Crafting Tools

3.  Cake pans and decorating tips

4.  Knitting needles & other craft supplies

Judging 4-H Project e-records

The judge is looking for your total experience as a 4-H member. Your e-record should tell your story of personal growth in your own words. Your project e-record should answer the following questions:

·  Is your record complete?

·  Are your goals clearly stated?

·  Have you recorded all activities on your Activity Log page?

·  Have you listed any demonstrations or project talks?

·  Have you listed all community service activities you have been involved in?

·  Does your expense record show clearly the costs of your project?

·  Did you complete the self-evaluation and explain your rating scores?

·  Do you need to complete a project supplement?

·  Does your 4-H story have a minimum of 4 photos with captions?

·  Is your e-record neat and legible?

Location for FCS Judging at the 2015 Logan County Fair…..Remember that the DeSoto Building will once again be the location for all the FCS Project judging at this year’s fair.

Affirmative Action

Part of the Gold Seal requirement is to send a copy of the club’s affirmative action for 2015, to the Extension Office by March 1.

General & Consumer Science Projects

4-H project requirements and the E-record are online. Members and parents should look up their project(s) online each year to see what is required – as some requirements may have changed from the previous year.

4-H Club Reporter Award

Your club reporter should email a copy of all 4-H club minutes to Sara Waite at the Journal-Advocate each month to be eligible for the Club Reporter Award given at the 4-H Achievement Banquet. Sara’s email is .

Livestock Record Books

Again this year, livestock record books do not need to be turned in prior to fair. ALL record books are due Friday, August 28th to be judged. Any project without a book will result in an incomplete and you will not be able to show that project at the 2016 Logan County Fair.


A big Thank You to South Platte Vet Supply for donating the beef ear tags for the 2015 Logan County Fair!

Please note Rabbit and Breeding Beef ownership deadlines.

2015 Livestock Weigh-in Dates/Ownership Dates

Beef Saturday, February 7th (75 cattle were weighed in) THANKS to

all of those who helped –Brad Stromberger, Rich Pomeroy,

Becky Santomaso, Mark Lambert, Lee Ann Lambert, Linda Meisner,

Justin Jones, Jim Santomaso, Marlin Eisenach, Trae Stull and Jay Groom.

Poultry Ownership Deadline (non Meat): May 1

Ownership Deadline (Meat Birds): June 20

Goat Weigh-in: Saturday, May 2, 7:30-9:00am, Logan County Fair Grounds

Sheep Weigh-in: Saturday, May 2, 9:00-10:00am, Logan County Fair Grounds

Swine No swine weigh-in see page 8.

ID Sheets due May 2

Horse ID Sheets due June 1

Rabbit Ownership Deadline (non Meat): May 1

Ownership Deadline (Meat): June 20

Breeding Beef Ownership Deadline: May 1

Lost Ear Tags

In the instance that your animal loses its ear tag: Notify Kacy immediately so we have documentation and bring the tag in to the Extension Office. If we do not have documentation of the lost tag you will not be able to show that animal at the fair.

Sale Information

We have lots of information on upcoming pig, lamb and goat sales in the area – stop in to get information on these sales! Also “Like” Logan County 4-H on Facebook for updates!

Horse Identification Sheet

Horse identification will be done through 4-H Online this year and you should have received a letter on how to complete this. If you have questions please contact Kacy at 522-3200 ext.4. This is due by June 1st to be eligible to show at the 2015 Logan County Fair and Colorado State Fair.

Meat Quality & Pork Quality Assurance Certification and Re-certification Workshops

There will be MQA training on April 2nd at the DeSoto Building, 4-7pm. (Members come and go at this time – plan to take an hour)

MQA Requirements:

1) Anyone with a market livestock or breeding project who has not attended training must do so.

2) Members must attend their first two years of showing livestock, and again at age 12 & 15.

2) National Pork Board (NPB) requires yearly re-certification. All swine members will be required to attend a PQA workshop unless:

°  The swine member has a current PQA certificate. 4-H age members from 8-12 years need to attend annually. (At 12 & 15 you can test to receive a 3 year certificate).

°  Age 15 needs to attend this year; all other ages need to have a current PQA certificate.

If you do not attend MQA/PQA training by May 19, 2015, you will not be eligible to show at the 2015 Logan County Fair.

Northeast Colorado MQA Dates

Date / County / 3/23/15 / Prowers / 4/22/15 / Elbert
2/7/15 / Arapahoe / 3/24/15 / Baca / 4/27/15 / Boulder
2/9/15 / Huerfano / 3/25/15 / Otero/Crowley / 4/28/15 / Adams
3/3/15 / Adams / 3/26/15 / Cheyenne / 4/29/15 / Douglas
3/4/15 / Adams / 3/27/15 / Kiowa / 5/12/15 / Morgan
3/7/15 / Larimer / 3/30/15 / LasAnimas / 5/13/15 / Weld
3/9/15 / Fremont / 3/31/15 / Morgan / 5/15/15 / Larimer
3/10/15 / Fremont / 4/2/15 / Logan / 5/19/15 / Jefferson
3/11/15 / Teller / 4/7/15 / Sedgwick
3/12/15 / Park / 4/8/15 / Phillips
3/13/15 / Chaffee / 4/9/15 / Kit Carson
3/14/15 / Custer / 4/11/15 / ElPaso
3/16/15 / Elbert / 4/13/15 / Lincoln
3/17/15 / Elbert / 4/14/15 / Yuma
3/18/15 / ElPaso / 4/15/15 / Yuma
3/19/15 / Pueblo / 4/16/15 / Washington
3/20/15 / Bent / 4/18/15 / San Luis Valley

2015 Logan County Fair Show Dates

Horse Monday & Tuesday, August 3rd & 4th

Sheep Wednesday, August 5th

Goat Wednesday, August 5th

Swine Thursday, August 6th

Poultry Thursday, August 6th

Beef Friday, August 7th

Rabbit Friday, August 7th

Dog Friday, August 7th

Livestock Record Books

Again this year, the Horse & Livestock Record Books are in Excel workbooks or pdf documents. To print in Excel select “print entire workbook.”

Members will access their record books at the state 4-H website www.colorado4h.org. If you do not have access to a computer or internet, hard copies will be available at our office for $2.00 or you may come in and use our computers. The record books include all livestock species in ONE BOOK so for members enrolled in more than one livestock project, they will only have to complete one book. Horse projects have a separate book.

We will be holding record book workshops in the spring to help answer any questions/concerns you may have and to assist in completing the books.

Again this year all livestock record books will be judged after the fair. Record books will be due to the office Friday, August 28th. Any project without a book will result in an incomplete and you will not be able to show that project at the 2016 Logan County Fair.

If you have any questions please call Kacy at 522-3200 ext. 4.

Country of Origin Label (COOL)

Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) was implemented starting on September 30, 2008 by the USDA. As a result, all beef, pork, lamb, and goat must have documentation as to the origin of the animals to be marketed in the U.S. and international meat industry. This act will require effective documentation of 4-H or FFA market animal projects that will be sold for meat purposes. The COOL form will again be required for 2015!

State Fair Information

Deadlines for Ownership/Nomination of Market Animals for State Fair:

Beef Kacy needs by March 15, 2015 at Extension Office

Swine Kacy needs by May 15, 2015 at Extension Office

Sheep Kacy needs by May 15, 2015 at Extension Office

Goats Kacy needs by May 15, 2015 at Extension Office

Please turn your cards into the Extension Office or your Ag instructor well before these deadlines.

State Fair requires Opti Brand Retinal Imaging which means if you are planning to take an animal to State Fair, we will be taking a retinal image of that animal at weigh-in. You must still fill out a nomination card.

Beef members: Your Opti Brand certificate will be available at the Extension Office.

Swine, Sheep, and Goat members: Nomination cards will be available for you at weigh-in on May 2nd.

A Premise ID Number will be REQUIRED for all 2015 Colorado State Fair 4-H and FFA livestock/small animal (rabbits are exempt). This number must appear on the original CSF entry form. We have the forms to fill out here in the office or you can go to the website at www.coanimalid.org and complete the process online.


Again this year, we will not be weighing in swine.

Tagging & Identification: Each member will need to tag and ear notch their own animal prior to Friday, May 1st. Tags will be available in the Extension Office April 1st. A hog ID sheet also needs to be filled out for each animal and turned in with 2 pictures of animal. Pictures must clearly show ear notches and identifying marks prior to May 1st.

Also Note: Swine members will need to have a current PQA certification to be able to participate in the Logan County Fair. See dates and places for PQA/MQA workshops. Logan County’s workshop is Thursday, April 2nd – Mark your calendars now!

State Fair Nomination cards will be available at the Extension Office starting April 1st for swine.

Scrapie Tagging Requirements

The USDA’s Scrapie Eradication Program will be enforced at the Logan County Fair. This regulation requires sheep and goats to have scrapie identification ear tags that list their flock of origin. Animals required to have scrapie tags are:

Sheep: All breeding sheep regardless of age and all ewes shown as market lambs.

Goats: All breeding goats, wethers 18 months of age and older, and all does shown as market goats. Exception: Registered goats may use tattoos or microchips (EIDs) with Breed Registration Numbers in place of scrapie tags. Registration papers must be provided for verification. Illegible tattoos and non-readable EIDs must be replaced with a “USDA scrapie ID tag.”