16.6.2014 Planning Committee

Planning Committee

Monday, 16th June 2014 at 6.30 p.m.
in the Mayor’s Parlour, the Town Hall, Kendal

PRESENT Councillors John McCreesh (Chairman), Chris Hogg, Keith Hurst-Jones, Lynne Oldham, Jon Robinson, Kath Teasdale and Matt Severn.

APOLOGIES Councillor Austen Robinson (Vice-Chairman).

OFFICERS Margaret Graham (Secretary)


No interests were declared at this point


Members considered the minutes of the Committee meeting held on
3rd June 2014.

RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd June 2014 be accepted as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



It was noted that there was nothing further to report at this stage.


South Lakeland District Council had asked the KTC Planning Committee whether it would be willing to send representation to a meeting, hosted by SLDC, with representatives of Burneside Parish Council in relation to its previous application to have the Parish designated as a Neighbourhood Area.

The Chairman gave a summary of the background to the situation, explaining that the Town Council had raised some objections to the Neighbourhood Area proposal in relation to developments on the Kendal/Burneside boundary where it felt that residents were more likely to look to Kendal (rather than Burneside Parish) for services. South Lakeland District Council had been approached about the boundary issues over a year ago, but had pointed out that it could not address the situation at that time because the Local Development Framework had not been approved. Now that the Framework is adopted, Kendal Town Council will debate a motion to ask SLDC formally to redraw the Kendal boundaries to take into account developments which would otherwise fall within both Kendal and an adjoining Parish (e.g. Burneside, Natland, Helsington etc). Kendal Town Council proposes to inform adjoining Parish Councils of its intentions, and invite representatives along to the appropriate KTC meeting. The Chairman explained that boundary changes would have an effect on which councils would be able to benefit from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

Councillor Kath Teasdale asked if there would be any disbenefit to Burneside residents but it was felt that this would not be the case.

Councillor Matt Severn felt that Kendal Town Council should defend its boundaries. Councillor McCreesh indicated that the matter of Community Infrastructure Levy and other issues would be the subject of a briefing for KTC Councillors on 30th June 2014.

It was agreed that Members of the Planning Committee would meet with representatives of Burneside Parish Council, facilitated by South Lakeland District Council, and Councillors John McCreesh and Austen Robinson be asked to represent Kendal Town Council.

RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be requested to advise SLDC of the Planning Committee’s willingness to meet with Burneside Parish Council, and that Councillors John McCreesh and Austen Robinson, as Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively of the Planning Committee, be asked to represent the Town Council.


019/14/15 Tree Preservation Orders

It was reported that South Lakeland District Council had confirmed Tree Preservation Orders at the following locations. It had been requested that the Orders be held available in the Town Council office for public inspection for 28 days, and retained on file thereafter.

-  TPO No.264 2014 Stainbank Green, Kendal

-  TPO No.265 2014 22 Yeats Close (off Collinfield), Kendal

-  TPO No. 266 2014 26 Collinfield, Kendal

RESOLVED that the Tree Preservation Orders be noted.


020/14/15 Land at Oxenholme Road, Kendal

The SLDC Planning Officer had provided an indicative layout for this development, asking that the Planning Committee provide comments to be forwarded to the applicant prior to submission.

In view of the fact that newer Members of the Committee were not fully aware of the application, it was requested that they be sent the house plans, etc previously supplied. The request for comments would be addressed at the next meeting on 7th July 2014.

RESOLVED that the issue be placed on the agenda for the next Committee meeting on 7th July 2014.

021/14/15 Infrastructure Planning and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) in South Lakeland

The Committee had been provided, through the Cumbria Association of Local Councils, with the power-point presentation on Infrastructure Planning and CIL, by Dan Hudson, SLDC Development Strategy and Housing Manager. The Chairman felt that the presentation would have been much more useful with Mr Hudson’s expanded explanations.

However, it was felt that the documentation might provide background information to the issue of CIL prior to the scheduled Council briefing on 30th June 2014.

RESOLVED that the Secretary be requested to e-mail the information to Planning Committee Members.


Members considered Planning Applications submitted for consultation purposes by the local planning authority, South Lakeland District Council.

RESOLVED that having considered the applications outlined in the schedule, the recommendations in the appendix attached to these minutes be made to South Lakeland District Council.

The meeting ended at 7.20 p.m.

Signed …………………………………………………………………

Dated …………………………………………………………………

Appendix 1

No. / App No./
Type / Address/
Proposed Development / Observations/
1 / 0519
FPA / 21 Fulmar Drive, Kendal
Extension and alteration to front Bay Window (part retrospective) / APPROVE
2 / 0493
FPA / 6 Mayfield Drive, Kendal
Two Storey Extension / APPROVE
3 / 0526
FPA / Land adjoining Oxenholme Road, Kendal
Proposed culvert and alterations to watercourse (in advance of approved residential development and associated access works ref SL/2012/0566) / APPROVE, subject to ordinary watercourse consent from Local Flood Authority
4. / 2013/
FPA / Kendal Rugby Union Football Club, Shap Road, Kendal
Erection of Foodstore (Class A1), Petrol Filling Station and associated Parking and Servicing Facilities
Amended Plans and Reports / REFUSE
amendments do not address fundamental concerns previously expressed by KTC
5. / 0527
FPA / Rear of Captain French Health Centre, Chapel Lane, Kendal
Erection of 8 No. Self-contained apartments / APPROVE
6. / 0488
FPA / Peartree Bank, 31 – 33 Entry Lane, Kendal
Removal of Chimney Stack / REFUSE,
inappropriate in Conservation Area
7. / 0544
FPA / The Granary, 6 The Old Shambles, Kendal
Change of use of Office to Dwelling / APPROVE