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Teaching Objective / The Teaching Objective is a statement which identifies the specific grade level and content area you want to teach.
Education / This usually refers to post-secondary education. List degrees earned and month /year obtained or expected. List name and location of schools from most recent first. List majors and minors. List GPA.
Experience / List all teaching and intern positions. List month/year worked, Position held, name and location of employer or place. Also give a brief description of your experience. Once again, list most recent first.
Honors / List any academic awards including scholarships, fellowships, grants, professional awards or recognition. List most recent first.
Skills / List any skills you may have. These may include leadership skills, foreign languages, computer skills, Technology skills, First Aid and CPR, or research. You will want to match your skills with the needs of the school.
Activities / List all academic, professioanl , or community organizations to which you belong. List volunteer work, community activites, and professional activities.