World History – Mr. Hayward
India “You Pick” Points Project
Due: Monday, February 6th
For this unit, you will pick the things that you want to learn about in India. You will need to turn in “10 points”, but you can choose which items you want to do that will earn you ten points. I will grade each piece of your project, and then multiply the final score by 10. Therefore, the whole project is worth 100 points. Completing more than 10 points may earn you extra credit, but you may only complete each project once.
All ten points are due Monday, February 6th , and everyone will be required to present something they completed with the class that week. You will have 1/23, 1/24, 1/25, 1/26, 1/27, 1/31, 2/1,2/2, 2/3 in Lab 231 to work – make sure you use your time wisely! You may bring headphones to the lab to watch videos and listen to dialogue if you would like.
This packet will be linked to my website so you can also download the materials to use at home. Remember you can also access your school files at home to work on using the link on my website. You may submit digital copies of work via email to me. Everything you turn in to me should be in a polished format – ink, clear, typed, etc.
Your homework for Monday 1/23 is to read this entire packet and check the projects you would be interested in completing, then fill out the calendar on the last page.
These projects are instead of having a test, so make sure you put forth your best effort. Projects should be neat and typed where necessary. Use creativity, color, and clarity.
Show me drafts often so I can help steer you toward earning the maximum points.
January 23rd, 2012
World History – Mr. Hayward
Rubric: India Unit “You Pick” Points Project
Due Date: Monday, February 6th
Mark the projects you chose to do below with an “X” in the first column. The second column is for my grade.
____ ____ (1 A) Hindu God and Picture
____ ____ (1 B) India Matching Cards Book
____ ____ (1 C) Mantras Video
____ ____ (1 D) Buddhism Crossword Puzzle
____ ____ (1 E) Sari and Bindi Picture
____ ____ (2 A) Famous Person Baseball Card
____ ____ (2 B1/B2) Read and Analyze a Legend
____ ____ (2 C) Famous Indian Places Map
____ ____ (2 D) Indus Trader Game Website
____ ____ (5 A) Timeline of Events in Indian History
____ ____ (5 B) Indra Comic Strip
____ ____ (5 C) Sikhism/Jainism PowerPoint
____ ____ (5 D) Hindu Creation Myth and Comparison
____ ____ (8 A) Ramayana Script
____ ____ (8 B) Edicts of Ashoka
____ ____ (8 C) Pakistan and India Speech
____ ____ (8 D) ______________PBS Topic and Questions
Total: ____ /10 x 10 = ___________ /100 points
1 Point Projects
_____ (A) Pick one of the Hindu gods and read about him/her. Then draw and color your own picture of the god. The picture should fill one sheet of paper with the god’s name at the top and a short paragraph description of the god underneath or on the back.
Site to use: http://www.ancientindia.co.uk/hinduism/explore/exp_set.html
_____ (B) Print the India matching cards here and cut them out. Glue the matching answers together and make them into a children’s book on India. Make sure to add some pictures. You will need to do some online/book research to match the correct answers.
Site to use: India Matching Cards
_____ (C) Watch the video on mantras and read the caption below it. In an ACDED paragraph, define mantra and explain why mantras have helped keep the caste system alive in India.
Site to use: http://www.pbs.org/thestoryofindia/gallery/photos/2.html
_____ (D) Make a crossword puzzle about Buddhism. Use the information from your notes and/or the site below to refresh your memory. Then use the puzzle-maker site to create a crossword with at least 10 clues. Title your puzzle “Buddhism”, and make sure you print two puzzles and fill one in as the answer key.
Sites to use:
_____ (E) Find a picture of an Indian woman wearing a sari and bindi. On the picture, describe what a sari and bindi are and why they are important to Indian culture in a good ACED paragraph.
Site to use: http://www.pbs.org/thestoryofindia/gallery/photos/4.html
2 Point Projects
_____ (A) Pick one of the following famous people from recent or ancient Indian history to learn about. Create a “baseball card” about this person. The card can be whatever size you think will work best; however it must have a picture on one side and categories of factual information on the other side. Possible categories are date of birth, date of death, hometown, important accomplishments, legacy, etc.
Historic Figures to choose from:
· Mohandas Gandhi
· Jawaharlal Nehru
· Mohammad Ali Jinnah
· Siddhartha Gautama
· Ashoka
Sites to use:
_____ (B1) Read and analyze one of the following legends: Savitri, The Gifts of Wali Dad, The Millionaire Miser, OR How Violence is Ended and write a short paragraph that summarizes the story and what culture it is from. Write a second ACED paragraph that describes three elements of Hinduism and/or Buddhism in the story.
Site to use: http://www.aaronshep.com/rt/RTE.html
(B2) Read The King Stands Up from the site below and answer the questions that follow the story in good paragraph form.
Site to Use: http://kids.asiasociety.org/stories
_____ (C) Pick three of the famous Indian places and label where they are located on a map of India using a picture and the name of the place. Provide a good paragraph description of each one you choose on a different paper. This could also be done as a PREZI.
Sites to use: http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/india/gal_india_north.shtml
Map of India
_____ (D) Play and explore through the ancient Indus Valley Civilizations of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa. Read everything! As you play, complete the following worksheet that goes with the website.
Sites to use:
Indus Trader Worksheet
5 Point Projects
_____ (A) Create a timeline of events in Indian history. Use the drop down bar at the top of the site to explore different timelines. You must have 6 events on your timeline – at least one from each of the categories there (Indian History, Indus, Religion, and Writing). For each of the 6 events make sure you have the date, name of the event, a short paragraph description in your own words, and a picture. This could also be done as a PREZI.
Site to use: http://www.ancientindia.co.uk/time/explore/exp_set.html
_____(B) Read the story of Indra and create a six block comic strip using cut out pictures or your own drawings to show what happens in the story. Each block should have a 2-3 sentence caption or dialogue. On the back of the comic strip write an ACED paragraph about what the story tells us about Indian culture and religion. This could also be done as a PREZI.
Site to use: http://www.ancientindia.co.uk/geography/story/sto_set.html
_____ (C) We have learned about Hinduism and Buddhism in India. Read about one of the other religions found in India. Choose either Jainism or Sikhism and read about them using both cites below. Then create a 4-6 slide PowerPoint presentation that describes what that religion is like. Each slide should have a theme like: history, founder, holy book, core beliefs, place of worship, holidays, traditions, etc. You must email the PowerPoint to me or save it with me in class before the due date! This could also be done as a PREZI.
Sites to use:
_____ (D) Read/watch the Hindu creation myth at “Big Myth” and answer the questions on the following worksheet. Then go back to “Big Myth” and reread/watch the Sumerian (Mesopotamian) and Egyptian creation myths. Then create a chart the shows the similarities and differences between all three creation myths.
Sites to use:
Hindu Creation Myth Worksheet
8 Point Projects
_____ (A) Read the Indian epic the Ramayana. Write a script that could be performed that gives students the “gist” of the story in less than 5 minutes. You should include stage directions, a list of characters with descriptions, a prop list, setting description, and a separate minimum 4 page script. Then read about Bollywood at the second link and write an ACED paragraph explaining what Bollywood is in India and important elements of a Bollywood show. Epics like the Ramayana have become big hits in Bollywood!
Site to use: http://www.chinmayakids.org/ramayan/balkand_story.asp
_____ (B) Watch the videos and read the information found here on the Edicts of Ashoka. Make sure you click on “display all” so you can see all the information at once. Then answer the discussion questions at the bottom of the page in complete and detailed paragraph responses.
Site to use:
_____ (C) Learn more about the fighting between Pakistan and India. Start by reading the background information at the first website below. Then use the second link to learn more. From there pick 2 websites from the list to explore. Now pretend you are the president of the US and you are trying to help create peace between the two counties. Write a speech that you would give to India and Pakistan about your solution to their problem and why it will work. Make sure to cite examples from your readings of what problems you are solving, and give reasons why your plan will work when others in the past have not.
Sites to use: http://geography.mrdonn.org/kashmir.html#Background http://geography.mrdonn.org/kashmir.html#Links
_____ (D) Pick the topic from the PBS website that interests you the most. Click on the link below to see the topics. Watch ALL videos and read ALL the information found under the topic you chose. Make sure you click on “display all” so you can see all the information at once. Then answer the discussion questions at the bottom of the page in complete and detailed paragraph responses. Write out the question and the answer for each. The fewer questions your page has, the more in-depth and lengthy your answers should be. Your responses may also require some outside research to supplement your answer.
Site to use: http://www.pbs.org/thestoryofindia/gallery/
January 23rd, 2012
World History – Mr. Hayward
Rubric: India Unit “You Pick” Points Project
Due Date: Monday, February 6th
Mark the projects you chose to do below with an “X” in the first column. The second column is for my grade.
____ ____ (1 A) Hindu God and Picture
____ ____ (1 B) India Matching Cards Book
____ ____ (1 C) Mantras Video
____ ____ (1 D) Buddhism Crossword Puzzle
____ ____ (1 E) Sari and Bindi Picture
____ ____ (2 A) Famous Person Baseball Card
____ ____ (2 B1/B2) Read and Analyze a Legend
____ ____ (2 C) Famous Indian Places Map
____ ____ (2 D) Indus Trader Website Game
____ ____ (5 A) Timeline of Events in Indian History
____ ____ (5 B) Indra Comic Strip
____ ____ (5 C) Sikhism/Jainism PowerPoint
____ ____ (5 D) Hindu Creation Myth and Comparison
____ ____ (8 A) Ramayana Script
____ ____ (8 B) Edicts of Ashoka
____ ____ (8 C) Pakistan and India Speech
____ ____ (8 D) ______________PBS Topic and Questions
Total: ____ /10 x 10 = ___________ /100 points