Index of White & Van Buren County Deeds in Wayne Haston’s Files
To / From / Date / Acres / Notes / CS / DM
CS = Certificate of Survey DM = Deed Map (placed on)
y = have CS * = need CS ok = plotted properly on deed map
L? = location unsure; D? = dimensions unsure; LD? = both unsure
Akef, Spencer / Terry, John / 1811 – October 1 / ? / part of land that said Terry now lives on, begin at mouth of 1st branch or gut that empties into Cane Creek above Terry’s cleared land, up the gut, meanders of Cane Creek, wit: Abijah Crane & Jesse Kitchen / LD?
Alexander, Daniel / Armstrong, John – of heirs of Hary Hardison / 1807 – October 5 / 247 / General TN Grant #560, Overton & White & Jackson counties, SE corner of his 60 acres, on Walton’s Road (line that divides Overton & White), near line that divides White & Jackson, 28 poles to Rock Island Road / y
Alexander, Daniel / Armstrong, John – of heirs of Hary Hardison / 1807 – October 6 / 60 / General TN Grant #559, 16th Section, Overton & White & Jackson counties, one pole north of Walton’s Road, near line that divides White & Jackson / y
Anderson, Isaac / Dillon, Thomas - #63 / 1807 - July 21 / ? / #1048 – 3rd District in Hickory Valley, waters of main Caney Fork, adj. Isaac & John Anderson, James Taylor, Turner Lane, James R. Bryan
Anderson, Isaac & John / Dillon, Thomas - #63 / 1807 - July 21 / 200 / #532 - occupant claim, 3rd District on main Caney Fork in Hickory Valley (same as John Anderson entry – see below) / y
Anderson, Isaac / Summers, Jethro / 1808 - November 18 / 50 / #3100 - Summers’ military service, adj. James R. Bryan, Thomas Wilson, in 3rd District in Hickory Valley
Anderson, Isaac / Dillon, Thomas - #63 / 1807 - July 21 / 9 / #3965 – 3rd District in Hickory Valley, SW corner of his 50 acres tract, in Hickory Valley, James R. Bryan’s line
Anderson, Jacob / Dillon, Thomas - #63 / 1807 - August 28 / 50 / TN General Grant # 551 - adj. Thomas McCrory 5000 acres tract, wit. Spence Mitchell – survey May 4, 1808, 3rd District in Hickory Valley on waters of main Caney Fork / y
Anderson, John & Isaac / Dillon, Thomas - #63 / 1807 - July 21 / 200 / #532 - occupant claim, 3rd District on main Caney Fork in Hickory Valley (same as Isaac Anderson entry – see above) / y
Anderson, John / Anderson, Robert / 1819 – August 12 / 100 / south of Caney Fork, including buildings and improvements where said John Anderson now lives
Austin, John / Brightwell, William / 1817 - October 22 / 20 / waters of main Caney Fork, orig. to Jacob Lane by grant #4492, corner of 100 acres granted to Jacob Lane in Fisk & Co. large survey on their south line
Austin, John / White, Woodson P. & Dibrell, Anthony / 1818 - January 20 / 154 / small distance west of Jacob Lane survey, near head of spring on side of mountain, near a dry branch, including improvements where Hobbs formerly lived
Austin, John / Tucker, George / 1818 - September 9 / 1 / part of 100 acres of Wm. Brightwell tract, on waters of the Hickory Valley (branch?), NW corner of 100 acres survey from Wm. Brightwell to Geo. Tucker
Austin, John / Hobbs, Henry / 1820 – January 19 / 36 / two tracts: (1) 10 acres - E corner of Jacob Lane’s 20 acres, James Fisk & Co. large survey (2) 26 acres - corner of above survey, line of Tucker’s 100 acres, near head of a spring
Austin, John / 1824 – December 25 / 50 / #6395 – waters of Mine Lick Creek in White County, TN / y
Austin, John / Survey / 1850 – October 15 / 93 / Mountain District # 10,593 – waters of the Caney Fork, NW corner of John Austin’s 20 acres, line of his 154 acres, SE corner of his 18 acres, Wilson’s line, Lowel’s line, Baker’s corner, includes 36 acres of Austin’s older claims: wit. Pleasant Austin / y
Austin, John / Survey / 1826 – July 11 / 39 36/160 / head of Hickory Valley on waters of Caney Fork, begin of Storm’s line on John Austin’s east boundary, side of mountain in Nathaniel Austin’s line of 175 acres, / y
Austin, John / Survey / 1831 – September 5 / 237 / Mountain District #4229 – begin in river bank Jonathan Wiseman’s lower corner of 500 acres, Congo’s line, wit: Elisha Congo & Drew Tibbs
Austin, John / Survey / 1842 – July 23 / 47 4/5 / #3257 – waters of Caney Fork, N. Austin’s line of 175 acres, corner of his 54 acres, crossing the road, Baker’s line now owned by Austin / y
Austin, Mary Jane / Austin, John – dower deed / 1858 – May / 142 ¼ / from White Co, TN court: 2nd District, crossing road that leads to Sparta / y
Austin, Nathaniel / White, Woodson P. / 1818 – January 20 / 175 / on waters of Lost Creek, foot of mountain, small branch in line of J. & P. Fitzgarrrel’s 320 acres – location 21
Barton, William / Ogle, John / 1813 – February 27 / 50 / adj. Thomas Dillon’s 200 acres, Isham Bradley’s 50 acres, bank of Hastings big spring branch, later to Wm. Denney / ok
Birdin, William / Dillon, Thomas - #63 / 1808 – May 21 / 200 / TN General Grant # 558 - preference right, waters of Calf Killer of Caney Fork, adj. Elias Wallace & Alexander Thomas, / y
Blevens, A.C. / Survey / 1859 – April 7 / 123 / survey – 2nd District, waters of Caney Fork, Daniel Hollingsworth corner, line between Briant Sparkman & Blevens / y
Bowin, Arthur / McBride, John / 1814 – January 5 / 25 / south of Caney Fork, near a spring, wit. Nicholas Gillentine, Charles Bowen, Thomas Meek
Bowen, Charles & John Cummings / White, Woodson P. / 1814 – December 27 / 110 / See John Cummings entry for same deed, adj. Daniel Hasting’s SW corner, from two grants: #5709 & #5716 / * / ok
Bowman, William / McIver, John (on deed) or Isaac Midkiff (on survey) / 1811 – December 4 / 60 / #4172 – 3rd District on waters of Cane Creek of main Caney Fork, west bluff & bank of Cane Creek at foot of mountain / y / L?
Boyd, Margaret / see Nathan Woods file
Bradley, Isham / Dillon, Thomas - #63 / 1807 – July 21 / 50 / TN General Grant #529 (location #172) – 3rd District on big spring branch, adj. Joseph Hastings & Jacob Mitchell / y / ok
Braselton, Isaac / Pearce, Robert D. / 1813 – January 1 / 100 / 3rd District in Hickory Valley on waters of main Caney Fork, adj. Thomas McCorrey’s 500 acres, W line of John Bryan
Brock, Jesse / Acuff, Spencer / 1811 – December 18 / ? / Acuff bought from John Terry, on Cane Creek, begin at mouth of 1st branch or gut that empties into Cane Creek above the land of said Terry, up said gut or branch to 1st bend, with meanders of creek, wit. Isaac Brown & John Brock; see John Terry entry
Brown, Isaac / Dillon, Thomas - #63 / 1808 – May 20 / 100 / TN General Grant #525 – 3rd District on Cane Creek & crossing the creek, Dozier T. Crain’s SW corner, wit. Hercules Ogle & Joseph White / y / L?
Brown, Isaac / Ogle, Hercules / 1824 – July 17 / 160 ¾ / south side of main Caney Fork on Cane Creek, Hercules Ogle of Bledsoe County, bottom of creek, crossing creek, stake in creek
Brown, Isaac / Crain, Stephen / 1826 – July 15 / 130 / two tracts: 100 acres granted from TN to Stephen Crain in 1810 and 30 acres granted in 1821, west bank of Cane Creek, SW corner of Isaac Brown
Brown, William / Dillon, Thomas - #63 / 1808 – May 19 / 100 / TN General Grant #526 – west side of Cane Creek & crossing creek twice / y
Brown, William / Jones, John from Evan Shelby / 1811 – March 23 / 267 / #3340- occupant claim, 3rd District, cove of mountain, waters of main Caney Fork, adj. Daniel Hasting’s 150 acres on his S boundary, IM marker, passing Hasting’s SW corner / ok
Brown, William / Norton, William & Winney / 1807 – October 19 / 20 / #539 - adj. William Brown 100 acres on his west boundary, 3rd District on waters of Cane Creek of Caney Fork, adj. William Brown’s 100 acres on his W boundary, Harcules Ogle line
Bryan, Andrew / Fraser, Thomas / 1819 – April 1 / 30 / Thomas Fraser’s grant # 4169 of September, 21, 1812, west of his spring, place where Fraser formerly occupied
Bryan, John / Dillon, Thomas - #63 / 1807 – July 21 / 150 / TN General Grant #531 – 3rd District in Hickory Valley on waters of Caney Fork, adj. John & James R. Bryan / y
Bryan, William M. / Goodpasture, John / 1819 – September 9 / 20 ½ / Hickory Valley on waters of main Caney Fork, above said Bryan’s spring, passing Turner Lane’s corner
Bryant, Andrew / Mooney, William / 1819 – April 21 / 20 / 3rd district, waters of main Caney Fork, near Thomas Frasers, land from grant #11813 of May 11, 1818
Briant, Andrew / Cummings, Joseph Jr. / 1823 – June 17 / 80 / south of Caney Fork, part of George W. Sanders TN grant #3011, adj. Ephraim Shockley, Moses Goddard, William Sparkman, Richard Medley
Burks, Charles / Dillon, Thomas - #63 / 1808 – May 10 / 50 / TN General Grant #545 – Warren County, Charley’s Creek runs through this land / y
Burks, Richard / Dillon, Thomas - #63 / 1808 – May 19 / 50 / TN General Grant #544 – Warren County, an unnamed creek runs through this land (Charley’s Creek? - See Charles Burk’s entry) / y
Crain, Abijah / Barnet, Robert / 1811 – February 18 / 50 / #3110 – 3rd District on Cane Creek of main Caney Fork, adj. William Brown’s 100 acres on east, Brown’s corner, another of Brown’s lines, spur of mountain, bank of and down Cane Creek, Dozier T. Crain’s line / *
Crain, Abijah / Crain, Dozier T. / 1821 – January 13 / 100 / 3rd District & 31st Section, on Cane Creek, east bank of Cane Creek, Isaac Brown’s line, down creek with meanders, see Grant # 540 of Dozier T. Crain
Crain, Abijah / Moore, James / 1833 (or 1832) – microfilm is dim / 60 / 3rd District, on Cane Creek of main Caney Fork, foot of Cumberland Mountain, near creek, (microfilm is dim)
Crain, Abijah / Dale, Daniel / 1838 – September 14 / 360 / part of 100 acres granted to Isaac Brown, also 20 & 50 acres tracts entered by Isaac Brown, also 50 tract entered by Joseph Keener, bank of Cane Creek, SW corner of Dozier T. Crain, Abijah Crain’s line, side of mountain, east of James Moore’s old farm on Cane Creek, E corner of 100 acres tract granted to Isaac Brown, corner between Abijah Crain and Robert Gamble
Crain, Dozier T. / Norton, Winney - heir of William Norton (for military service) / 1807 – August 28 / 100 / TN General Grant # 540 – 3rd District & 35th Section, on Cane Creek, waters of main Caney Fork, east bank of Cane Creek, line of William Brown, Isaac Brown’s line, bank of Cane Creek, Isaac Brown’s beginning corner, meanders down creek, sold to Abijah Crain on 1-13-1821 / * / L?
Crain, Stephen / Dillon, Thomas - #63 / 1807 – July 21 / 100 / TN General Grant #537 (#1837) – west bank of Cane Creek, adj. Isaac Brown’s 100 acres, conditional line between sd. Crain (assg. of Isaac Midkiff) & Jesse Manourd (assg. of Wm. Helburn) / L?
Crain, William / Dillon, Thomas - #63 / 1807 – July 21 / 20 / #1836 – 3rd District on waters of Cane Creek of main Caney Fork, adj. Dozier T. Crane’s SE corner and Isaac Brown’s line
Cummings, David / Cummings, Joseph / 1812 – August 11 / 30 / part of grant #2086, south side of Caney Fork, in the Military Line, Joseph Cummings spring branch
Cummings, David / McLunore, John C. / 1813 – January 11 / 40 / #1402 - south side of & near bank of Caney Fork, Joseph Cummings north line at Malachi Cummings corner, James Hill line
Cummings, John & Charles Bowen / White, Woodson P. / 1814 – December 27 / 110 / from two grants: #5709 & #5716, adj. Daniel Hasting’s SW corner / * / ok
Cummings, John / Goodon, David / 1810 – December 1 / 50 / SW corner of Joseph Cummings, 3rd District of south side of main Caney Fork, adj. John Medley’s N boundary
Cummings, Joseph / Dillon, Thomas (as per deed, not survey) / 1808 – August 27 / 100 / #2086 - 1st District, south side of Caney Fork, on E boundary of Military Reservation, occupant claim, including Cummings’ improvement / y / L?
Cummings, Joseph Jr. / Cummings, Joseph Sr. / 1820 – October 16 / 120 / two tracts: (1) 1st District and south side of Caney Fork, E boundary of Military Line (2) 3rd District on waters of main Caney Fork, David Cummings 30 acres mentioned & excluded
Cummings, Joseph / Ross, David / 1809 – May 27 / 50 / #2088 – 3rd District & 31st Section on waters of main Caney Fork
Cummings, Joseph Jr. / Sparkman, George / 1822 – March 23 / 80 / south side of Caney Fork, part of George W. Sanders grant #3011, Ephraim Shockley, Moses Godard, William Sparkman, Richard Medley; see above – sold later to Andrew Briant
Cummings, William B. / Stipe, John / 1843 – September 23 / 137 / three tracts (#5709, #5716, & two acres from #535), Civil District 3, corner of Rodam Doyle & Gillentine, John Stipe, William Moore, included two acres from Daniel Haston’s #535 grant (sold by Isaac Haston to Rhodam Doyle in 1822)
Cummings, William B. / Plumlee, Joel & Denton / 1836 – January 3 / 175 / Plumlees had gone to Arkansas, near Rodam Doyle’s SW corner, Arthur Parker’s corner,
Cummings, William B. / 1853 – August 6 / 720 / 3rd District, waters of Caney Fork, Joseph Cummings NW corner & F.E. Plumblee’s SE corner, north side of spring, George Stipe’s corner, Wm. B. Cummings W line, George Stipe’s SE corner, line between Wm. B. Cummings & Wm. Moore, stake in road, John Stewart’s corner, Wm. B. Cummings’ field, Samuel Shockley’s line / y
Dale, Daniel / Mitchell, John / 1838 – October 4 / 100 / #2147 of October 10, 1828 - on Cain Creek, bluff of Cain Creek, near survey where Stephen Crane formerly lived; wit. Agnes Mitchell & Russell T. Crain
Dale, Daniel / Brown, Isaac / 1829 – October 5 / 100 / 3rd District on Cane Creek of main Caney Fork, SW corner of Dozier T. Crain, crossing creek, Isaac Brown’s field
Dale, Daniel / Brown, Isaac / 1829 – October 5 / 20 / on waters of Cane Creek of Caney Fork, adj. Dozier T. Crain’s 100 acres – his east boundary,
Dale, Daniel / Brown, Isaac / 1829 – October 4 / 130 / waters of Cane Creek of Caney Fork, two tracts: (1) 100 acres (to Stephen Crane, 1802?) - west bank of Cane Creek, Isaac Brown’s line, with meanders of creek as line between Stephen Crane (asg. of Isaac Midkiff) and Jesse Mainard (asg. of Wm. Hilburn), passing Isaac Brown’s SW corner, (2) 30 acres (to Stephen Crane, 1821) – S line of Stephen Crane’s 100 acres, side of mountain, on dry branch
Index of White & Van Buren County Deeds in Wayne Haston S Files
