Independent Reading Assignment: FICTION

You will be creating a character card on 5x7 index card OR 8x10 printer paper, displaying your favorite character from your independent reading book. An example is below (you do not have to use the computer if you do not want to and must use various colors).

This may be hand written (in pen of any color, NOT pencil) or typed. Doing this in only one color pen is NOT acceptable. Be creative and unique.

Then, on the back, you should explain the following: setting, conflict, resolution, and theme.

Blank side of card:

By: Louise Fitzhugh
Harriet M. Welch / Personality Traits:
1.  CURIOUS: (adjective) eager to
learn or know; inquisitive
2.  KNOW-IT-ALL: (noun) a person who behaves as if they know everything.
1.  Quote: “I’m taking notes on all those people who are sitting over there…because I’ve seen them and I want to remember them” (Fitzhugh 24).
2.  Quote: “I can’t believe that you didn’t know that. Everyone should know that!” (Fitzhugh 24).

Lined side of card:

Setting: New York, Upper East Side, 1990s
Conflict: Harriet wants to be a journalist and spy, but winds up hurting the people she loves in the process.
Resolution: Harriet figures out how to balance being a journalist and a friend.
Theme: Friendship.
Task / Possible Points / Score
Included book title, author, and character’s name on card. / 6
Provided and defined TWO personality traits that represent the character. (part of speech must be included) / 30
Used a quote for each personality trait as evidence to support the trait, with page number. Quotation marks must be used. Quotation format must follow the example above. / 30
Illustration relevant to one of the character’s personality traits.
(I grade effort not final product) Preferably hand drawn and not clip art. If you use clip art, you must make it your own and alter it. / 20
Overall Effort/creativity/thoughtfulness
Followed directions / 10
Name/Due Date/Period on card / 4

Please attach this to your project