In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit One God Amen

Please hand over no later than May 7,2017

The Gospel According to St. Matthew

(part 2)

Name:------------------------ Phone:--------------------

Chapter 15

Choose the correct answer:

1. Objection of scribes and Pharisees that the disciples break (the commandment of God—the tradition of the elders—Caesar orders)

2. Lord taught his disciples that what defiles the man is (what’s inside—evil thoughts—eating with unwashed hands)

3. Jesus Christ rejected the request of Canaanite woman first to show the people (her giving—her faith—her sin)

4. Jesus sent the multitudes away after they stayed with him (3-4-5) days

5. “It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dog” this was a (parable—verse—praise) with the Jews

Please answer the following questions:

1. Put a title for this chapter?--------------------------------------------------------

2. Why did Jesus Christ describe the Pharisees as hypocrites?


3. There are some equity prayers the Canaanite woman prayed, what were these? Provide the reference?


4. Explain the contradiction between the Pharisees and the Canaanite woman?


Provide the reference:

1. God speaks to each one in an appropriate manner to him---------------------

2. The impact of the words of Christ on the Pharisees-----------------------------

3. The inquiry of disciples about the internal cleansing----------------------------

4. The Lord of Glory witness of the Canaanite woman’s faith--------------------

5. The Canaanite woman’s witness that Jesus is the expected Messiah----------

6. The Canaanite woman confession of her sin-----------------------------------

7. God's kindness to his people-----------------------------------------


Chapter 16

Please answer the following:

1. What is the intent of Jesus Christ of telling the Pharisees “the signs of the times”? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. Why did Jesus Christ choose the Prophet Jonah’s as a sign to the Pharisees?


3. What does it mean “the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it”?


Choose the correct answer:

1. “ on this Rock” was meant for (Peter—the faith announced by Peter—the disciples)

2. The Lord rebuked Peter, describing him as a demon because (he announced Him as Jesus—not caring about God but caring for people—all of the above)

Provide the reference:

1. God is he who searches the minds and hearts-----------------------------------

2. Jesus warned his disciples of hypocrisy----------------------------------------

3. Jesus affirms his humanity-------------------------------------------------------

4. God does not reveal his secrets except for those who deserve--------------

5. Those who reject the cross rejects divine thought---------------------------

6. Peter’s announcement of God's incarnation----------------------------------

Match column(A) to column(B)

(A) (B)

1. The signs of following Christ hypocrisy ( )

2. The signs of times Christ, the son of the . Living God( )

3. Leaven of the Pharisees self-denial and carrying

And Sadducees the cross ( )

4. Our faith in Christ the mysteries of the kingdom ( )

5. The rock is the forces of evil ( )

6. The gates of Hades is the Lord's announcement ( )

7. The Pharisees don' believe in resurrection ( )

8. The Sadducees Orthodox in the Law( )

Chapter 17

Match column(A) with (B):

(A) (B)

1. He was Transfigured is one of minor feasts ( )

2. His face shone like the sun represents the Prophets ( )

3. The Transfiguration feast means that Jesus showed His

Hidden glory behind flesh ( )

4. Moses Greek currency ( )

5. Elijah Christ is the Sun of

Righteousness ( )

6. A piece of money(star) represents the law( )

Choose the correct answer:

1. The disciples asked about Elijah who must come before Christ then He told them that (the Baptist—Moses—Peter) came in the spirit and power of Elijah.

2. The disciples were unable to bring out the unclean spirit from the boy because (their faith—the boy's faith—the boy’s father) was weak.

3. Jesus paid His tax to teach us to (obey—rebel—fear) the ruler.

Please answer the following:

1. On chapter 16, Jesus Christ talked to his disciples about his sufferings and crucifiction and on this chapter; He declared to them his divinity, what is the purpose of that?


2. When did Jesus gather the Old Testament and the New Testament at the same time?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mention the reference:

1. Everyone who is enslaved to the devil, loses his peace and lives in pain---------------------------------------------------

2. Fasting and prayer give strength against the Devil--------------------------

3. What grieves the heart of God most, is to see his children defeated from the devil------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Chapter 18

Please answer the following:

1. Why did Jesus Christ use the children, as a means of clarification to his disciples, to break the thoughts of greatness in them?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. What did Jesus mean from verse “8-9”---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. In the parable of the "slave who does not forgive”, the Lord of glory explained to us a law, what is that?----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Provide the reference:

1. Forgiveness must be from the heart -----------------------------------------

2. The penalty for those who cause pitfalls------------------------------------

3. The Angels are guarding the children of God------------------------------

4. Admonition should be in secret---------------------------------------------------

5. Jesus Christ gave the authority to bind and loose to his disciples -----------

6. God does not wish the death of the sinner but his return and being alive----

7. With the measure you use, it will be measured back to you--------------------

8. Pray for each other ----------------------------------

Choose the correct answer:

1. The greatest in the kingdom of heaven is (John the Baptist—the disciples—who have children’s simplicity)

2. Who enter into eternal life are those who (cut off one of his hands—pluck one of his eyes—does not get weak in front of his desires)

3. We understand from the Lord's answer to Peter’s question about forgiveness, to forgive (7 times—70 times—every time)


Chapter 19

Please answer the following:

1. God decided "one wife' law since the beginning of creation, provide the reference?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. Why did God allow divorce in the Old Testament? And what is the condition of divorce?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. Jesus Christ Has raised us from one wife commandment to a higher spiritual level in the New Testament, demonstrate that?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. “From the story of the rich young man” does it mean that the poor will enter the kingdom of heaven without debate? Why?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. Whom are meant by “ first and last”?


Mention the reference:

1. Marital bonding is stronger than family bonding --------------------------

2. Marriage is a bond of my God------------------------------------------------


Chapter 20

Reflection on the eleventh hour Parable

Match column(A) with (B):

(A) (B)

1. Why have you been standing indicate the justice and

Here idles all day generosity of the owner vineyard ( )

2. Whatever is right I will give you implacable person( )

3. Meant by your evil eye God is the one who initiates

The love ( )

4. Complained means that God invites everyone

To work till the last minute ( )

5. Idle referring of Jews complains ( )

6. No one hired them He is Jesus Christ ( )

7. The owner of the they are not stubborn but never

Vineyard went out heard God’s call ( )

8. The vineyard referring to Gentilles ( )

9. A landowner it is the church ( )

Provide the reference:

1. Envy leaked into the heart of disciples-------------------------------------------

2. Maternal feelings overcome and ask what is good for her children----------

3. Jesus Christ wants to announce the two blind men's faith ------------------

4. The equity prayers, the two blind men prayed----------------------------------

5. Persistence in prayers --------------------------------------------------------

6. Jesus Christ prepares his disciples for what will be happening----------------

Please answer the following:

1. What is the intent of Jesus Christ from the cup and tint?


2. What is meant by the dinar regarding the laborers wages?


3. What is the measure of greatness in the eyes of Jesus Christ?


4. Mention one who won the paradise on the eleventh hours



Chapter 21

Choose the correct answer:

1. The Lord of Glory entered Jerusalem sitting on (donkey—colt—all of the above)

2. God entered the temple where He (healed the sick—overturned the tables of the money changers—all of the above)

3. Jesus Christ stayed Monday night at (Bethany—Beth phage—upper room)

4. The Lord of Glory said to his disciples that the prayer of faith shall (move the mountains—get everything—all of the above)

5. In the story of two sons the (first son—second son--two sons) acted according to God's will

Please answer the following:

1. Who is the prophet who prophesied the entry of Jesus Christ to Jerusalem with humility? Provide the reference?


2. The beginning of this chapter is the beginning of important events, so what are these events? Why are they mentioned in such detail?


3. In any of the Psalms reported is verse 16? At which hour of Agpeya prayers this psalm is listed?


4. There is a miracle reported in this chapter declares that God's rejection of hypocrisy and phenotypic, what is this?


5. Why did not Jesus Christ answer the chief priests and elders' question in this chapter?


6. Why did Jesus Christ enter Jerusalem with the great procession?


7. What is the meaning of Hosanna?


8. Who is the cornerstone?


Provide the reference:

1. Jesus Christ shows his power-----------------------------------------------------

2. The first will be last and the last will be first------------------------------------

3. Lying of the chief of priests and elders of the people ------------------------

4. Jesus Christ shows his humanity-----------------------------------------


Chapter 22

Reflection on wedding parabale :

Match column(A) to (B):

(A) (B)

1. The King Jesus Christ( )

2. The wedding refers to the sacrifice of Christ

On the cross ( )

3. Prince the father( )

4. First servants the church ( )

5. Other servants prophets and Old Testament's

Men ( )

6. Who declined the invitation disciples, Apostles and New

Testament servants ( )

7. My Oxen and fatted cattle the invitation for everyone ( )

Are killed

8. As many as you find Christ righteousness ( )

9. Wedding garment the Jews ( )

Mention the reference:

1. God is He who searches the minds and hearts ----------------------------------

2. God taught us obedience to rulers----------------------------------------------

3. Birds of a feather flock together-------------------------------------------------

4. There is no death for your servants, but a departure ------------------

5. Jesus Christ faces Sadducees’s ignorance-------------------------------

Please answer the following:

1. On verse 45, how can Jesus Christ be a son of David and a God to him at the same time?


2. Who are the Herodians?


3. Where was mentioned this law: the brother should marry his sister-in-law when his brother dies to bring offspring for his brother?


4. Jesus Christ summed up the Ten Commandments in two Commandments, what are these? Provide the reference?



Chapter 23

Match column(A) to (B):

(A) (B)

1. Pharisees cause people to sin he is a pagan who enters into

The Jewish faith ( )

2. Pharisees were not honest by their wrong behavior ( )

3. Obtrusive on widows funds ( )

4. Pharisees neglected spiritual blindness because they

Refused to see the right thing ( )

5. Jesus described Pharisees was mentioned in psalm“118:26”( )

6. Blessed is He who comes in essence of the relationship

The name of the Lord with God ( )

Answer the following:

1. Jesus warned his disciples of Pharisee’s pride, provide the reference?


2. Who are the groups that Jesus cursed? What are the reasons for these curses?


Provide the reference:

1. Wrong diligence of the Scribes and Pharisees----------------------------------------

2. Pharisees rejected their fathers evils ---------------------------------------------------

3. Unless the Lord builds the house it will be destroyed -------------------------------

4. The will of Christ is the salvation of Jerusalem----------------------------------------


Chapter 24

Provide the reference:

1. We must be always ready-----------------------------

2. The Great distress----------------------------------------------------------------

3. Jesus warned us of false prophets--------------------------------------------------

4. God reassures his children in the days of distress--------------------------------

5. God told us about the distress and persecutions which the believers will face --------------------------

6. God confirm the sincerity of his words-------------------------------------

7. Some leave Christianity because of persecution----------------------------------

8. The mercy of God for the salvation of his children------------------------

9. The second coming of the Lord of glory will be declared to the whole world-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

10. God Takes who are ready and Leaves those who are not ready-----------------------------------------

Answer the following:

1. When was the demolition of the Temple of Solomon? And by whom? Why?


2. What is the relationship between the ruins of Jerusalem and the second coming? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. Mention examples, from the history of the church, of saints (male or female) handed by their loved ones for torture and martyrdom, and others have converted their families to the Christian faith?


4. Provide the reference from the (Book of Daniel) regarding the abomination of desolation that he prophesized with?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. Mention some situations for the presence of God in the cloud in the two Testaments “Old and New”?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6. What is the purpose that God did not specify the date for the second coming but declared his coming signs? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*************************************************************

Chapter 25

Reflection on Virgins parabale:

Match column (A) with (B):

(A) (B)

1. The virgins refer to he is Jesus Christ ( )

2. The bridegroom means the end of life( )

3. The wise virgins those whom you can do work

Of mercy for them ( )

4. The foolish virgins they have the image of

Godliness and its depth ( )

5. Slept for the eternal kingdom ( )

6. The sellers they have the appearance of

Piety and its depth ( )

7. The wedding symbolizes They have the form of godliness,

But without fruit ( )

Choose the correct answer:

1. The problem of the foolish virgins is that they did not bring oil (at all—enough—for the groom)

2. In the talents' parable, the problem of the third servant was that he was ( not responsible—not willing—lazy) to work

3. At the end, the first servant got (five talents—tenth talents—eleven talents)

4. In the talents parable, the money referred to the ability of (people—God—none of the above)

5. Jesus described the first servant as a good person because he was (honest—needy—all of the above)

6. The outer darkness is (deep darkness—away from God—all of the above)

Answer the following:

1. In which prayer from the Agpeya prayers, the virgins’ parable is recited? Why?


2. What was Jesus' description of the believers? What are their rewards? Mention the reference?


3. “God explained to us how to do the work of mercy” give examples of it with reference?


4. Who is meant by the least? With what did God reward them?



Chapter 26

Choose the correct answer:

1. A woman poured out a fragrant oil on Christ'shead while he was sitting in the house of Simon (Peter—the leper—cananite)