Improvement of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Black Sea Region (ICZM)

Duration of the Project: 24 months

Locations of the Project:
Romania – South East Region, Constanta County
Bulgaria – Severoiztochen region, Varna District
Ukraine, Odessa Region
Moldova, Cahul town
Turkey, TR82 (Sinop, Kastamonu), TR 90 (Rize), TR 10 (Istanbul), TR 21( Demirkoy-Kirklareli)

Applicant: The National Administration Romanian Waters, Dobrogea – Litoral Water Basin Administration, Romania

Partner 1: Union of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities (UBBSLA), Bulgaria

Partner 2: Center for Regional Studies (CRS), Ukraine

Partner 3: Ecological Counseling Center Cahul (ECC), Moldova

IPA Financial Lead Beneficiary: Name: Sinop Provincial Special Administration (SINOP), Turkey

IPA Partner 1: Turkish Marine Research Foundation (TUDAV)

IPA Partner 2: DAYKO Foundation for the Protection of Natural Life (DAYKO), Turkey

Objectives of the action:
Overall Objective: To improve the quality of maritime environment using common innovative methodologies for Integrated Coastal Zone Management plans within the Black Sea region to assure the economical use of the common natural resources in a sustainable manner.

Specific objectives are to:

· To develop common and coherent ICZM approach within the regions, base for sustainable development of the area and improvement of environmental quality;

· To provide integrated support for the stakeholders (local and regional authorities, private companies and NGOs);

· To increase the level of public participation in the decision-making process on environment using innovative methods.

Target group(s):

· Selected members of the working groups: 16 persons (3 from national public authority, 4 from regional authorities/government, 7 from NGOs and 2 from research/educational institutions);

· Participants in training and study visit on ICZM: 24 persons, 2 from each partner/ associates. These members of the target group will be public workers as well representatives of the private sector, including NGOs;

· Participants to the 5 Regional Workshop on ICZM Partnership: 250 persons;

· Experts within local/regional public institutions, research/educational institutes and NGOs working on ICZM related matters within Project Regions;

· 500 citizens participating in the public debates regarding participatory process to ICZM approach

Final beneficiaries:

· Experts within local/regional public institutions, research/educational institutes and NGOs working on ICZM related matters within Black Sea Basin

· Private companies within Black Sea Basin

· Population/communities within Black Sea Basin

Main activities:

GA 1: Developing an ICZM common approach in Project area


o Activity 1: Evaluation of ICZM administrative schemes, indicators, methodologies, decision making process and specific issues in each Project region

o Activity 2: Evaluation report of the political commitments strategies and actions plans adopted by the Governments in relation with EU obligations

o Activity 3: Organizing workshop “Integrated Coastal Zone Management: today and tomorrow”

o Activity 4: Working groups on Indicators and Methodologies

o Activity 5: Delivering the Technical Toolkit Black Sea ICZM

GA 2: Creating resources for Black Sea Basin ICZM

o Activity 1: Drafting an ICZM Regional Partnership Guide within Black Sea

o Activity 2: Elaborating ICZM Partnership Toolkit within Black Sea Area

o Activity 3: Developing of human resources for ICZM approach – theoretical training

o Activity 4: Developing of human resources for ICZM approach - practical training (Study visit)

GA 3: Public participation in ICZM process

o Activity 1: Organizing an awareness campaign about the role of the citizens in bottom-up ICZM process

o Activity 2: Creating a Guide for public authorities on ”How to involve citizens in ICZM process”

GA 4: Visibility of the Action

o Activity 1: Creating the project visual identity concept and the communication strategy

o Activity 2: Managing mass-media communications

o Activity 3: Creating and maintaining the website platform of the project

o Activity 4: Printing information materials

o Activity 5: Printing promotion materials

GA 5: Management and coordination of the Action

o Activity 1: Organization of steering group meetings

o Activity 2: Services and goods tender procedures

o Activity 3: Partnership Agreement between partners for permanent cooperation of the Regional Network

o Activity 4: Internal evaluation of the project