Immunization & Tests Checkup Schedule

Your child will be given a series of immunizations beginning as a newborn. These shots provide your child with protection against many dangerous but preventable diseases. In addition, other tests, including blood tests are routinely performed at certain ages. The schedule, as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics is listed below.

Birth Hepatitis B –routinely given in the hospital

2 Weeks Checkup with Pediatrician

2 Months Checkup with Pediatrician

Immunizations: DTaP, IPV, Hep B, HIB (may be offered as Pentacel or Pediarix), Prevnar, Rotavirus (oral)

4 Months Check up with Pediatrician

Immunizations: DTaP, IPV, HIB (may be offered as Pentacel), Prevnar, Rotavirus (oral)

6 Months Checkup with Pediatrician

Immunizations: DTaP, IPV, Hep B, HIB (may be offered as Pentacel or Pediarix), Prevnar, Rotavirus (oral)

*Flu Vaccine may be given after 6 months, requires 2 doses 1 months apart for initial vaccine

9 Months Check up with Pediatrician

TB/Lead/Cholesterol Screening questionnaires

Developmental screening

12 Months Check up with Pediatrician

Hemoglobin (may perform lead level screening)

Immunizations: Prevnar, Varivax, Hep A, Flu Vaccine*

15 Months Checkup with Pediatrician

Immunizations: MMR, HIB

18 Months Checkup with Pediatrician

M-CHAT Developmental Screen

Immunizations: DTaP, Hep A

2 Years Checkup with Pediatrician recommended each year


M-CHAT Developmental Screen

Immunizations: Hep A, Flu Vaccine*

3 Years Checkup with Pediatrician recommended each year

4 Years Checkup with Pediatrician recommended each year

Hearing & Vision Screens

Immunizations: DTaP, IPV (may be provided as Kinrix), MMR, Varivax

5 Years Checkup with Pediatrician recommended each year

Hearing Screen

Vision Screening from Optham/Optometrist required by state of Kentucky

6-10 Years Checkup with Pediatrician recommended each year

10-Year Checkup –Cholesterol screen

11 Years Checkup with Pediatrician recommended each year

Hearing & Vision Screens

Immunizations: TdaP, Meningococcal, HPV (3-dose series at 0, 2, 6 months)

12-21 Years Checkup with Pediatrician recommended each year

Immunizations: Meningococcal booster as 16-18 years

*Flu Vaccine should be administered yearly in the Fall after 6 months of age, this may be given by injection or nasal mist