Valid from 15 January 2014.

Price for a single license of "SCAD Office" software products version 21

Table 1

Package for the analysis of / Main functions of SCAD++ / Price in EUR
S 64 / S 392 / S мах
Stress-strain behavior
(SSB package) / Linear solver (statics, dynamics, library of finite elements)
Graphical synthesis of a design model and analysis of the calculation
Combinations of loadings
Verification by various strength theories
Calculation of loads from the part of a model
Documentation of the analysis results, export of tables into MS Excel and MS Word
Interface with the AutoCAD system (reading of DXF and DWG files) / 1200 / 2500 / 3600
Stability analysis (additionally St.An.) / 3120 / 100 / 160
Design combinations of forces (additionally DCF) / 7000 / 220 / 350
Reinforced concrete structures
(RC package) / SSB package + «Design combinations of forces»+ «Reinforcement selection for reinforced concrete structural elements» / 1600 / 3100 / 4200
Steel structures
(SS package) / SSB package + «Design combinations of forces» + «Check and selection of steel structural elements» / 1600 / 3100 / 4200
Universal (full) package
(UN package) / SSB package + «Design combinations of forces»+ «Reinforcement selection for reinforced concrete structural elements» + «Stability analysis» + « Check and selection of steel structural elements » / 1900 / 3500 / 4800

Example of a purchase order: S392 SS — package for the analysis of steel structures S392;

S64 SSB + St.An. — package for the analysis of the stress-strain behavior + stability.

The bundle also includes (without extra charge):

  subsystems for importing the geometry of design models from AutoCAD (DXF, DWG), Revit Structure, ArchiCAD, 3D Studio MAX, Tekla Structures, GRAITEC, Allplan, StruCAD and other systems;

  technical documentation in accordance with the purchased software package.

Table 1.1

№ / Additional functions of SCAD++ / S64, S392 / Smax
1 / Calculation of response spectra / 170 / 215
2 / Nonlinear solver (analysis of geometrically nonlinear problems) / 360 / 450
3 / Amplitude-frequency characteristics / 360 / 450
4 / Model variations / 360 / 450
5 / Erection / 650 / 750
Total: / 1900 / 2315
S max - SCAD Max – maximum number of degrees of freedom is not limited;
S 392 - SCAD 392 – maximum number of degrees of freedom is 392 000;
S64 - SCAD 64 – maximum number of degrees of freedom is 64 000.

Table 2

Program-satellites for analysis and design of structural elements / Price in EUR
COMET – design of joints of steel structures according to SNiP and DBN / 650
KRISTALL – examination and analysis of steel structural elements according to SNiP, DBN, Eurocode 3 (including the analysis of the damaged structures) / 600
ARBAT – examination and reinforcement selection for reinforced concrete structural elements according to SNiP and DBN / 500
COMEIN – examination of masonry and reinforced masonry structural elements according to SNiP and DBN / 450
MONOLIT – design of in-situ ribbed floors / 450
WEST (wind, snow, temperature) – analysis according to SNiP and DBN / 250
CROSS – determination of subsoil parameters on the basis of geotechnical investigations / 450
ZAPROS – analysis of soil and foundation members according
SNiP and DBN / 450
DECOR – examination of timber structural elements according to SNiP and DBN / 450
SLOPE – stability analysis of slopes / 200
Total: / 4450
Table 3
Programs for building cross-sections and the analysis of their geometrical characteristics / Price in EUR
Section Builder – formation of built-up cross-sections and the analysis of their characteristics / 150
CONSUL – formation and analysis of arbitrary cross-sections of bar elements / 300
SEZAM – equivalent cross-section selection / 120
TONUS – formation of thin-wall cross-sections and the analysis of their characteristics / 300
Total / 870

Table 4

S64 / S392 / Smax
When purchasing the full SCAD Office package, including a full set of programs – satellites and electronic manuals (table 7) / 5150 / 7200 / 8000
Without auxiliary functions (points 1 - 5 table 1.1) and electronic manuals (table 7) / 4000 / 5500 / 6500

Table 5

Discounts in % when identical workstation or network license packages are purchased / Number of installations (licenses)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 and more
Points of the Table 1, 1.1, 4 / 0 / 10 / 15 / Agreed on call
Points of the Table 2, 3 / 0 / 5 / 10 / Agreed on call

Table 6

TERMS of UPGRADING (UPG) from previous versions of «SCAD Office»

Replacing a version with a similar package: / Percentage of the cost of the analogical package
v. 21
«SCAD Office» v. 7.31 and lower with v. 21 / 50%
«SCAD Office» v. 11 with v. 21 / 20%
Transition to more complete packages can be done by additional payment in the prices of v. 21

If you are using a maintenance plan, the upgrade price to the version «21» is 80(eighty)% of the price given in Table 6.

Price of a year maintenance plan in EUR for 1 workstation
SCAD and program-satellites on one license / SCAD without program-satellites / Program-satellites without SCAD
350 / 250 / 120

Services included in the price of a year maintenance plan:

1.  Consultations on the software installation and operation.

2.  Consultations (by phone, «Internet», and also in the offices of the “SCAD SOFT” Group companies) on specific issues concerning the interface, operation and use of SCAD Office programs, not requiring a deep engineering analysis of a design model.

3.  Lost documents recovery, re-registering a license to a new user, replacement** of outdated and broken product keys.

4.  Receiving the new print editions of SCAD Office technical documentation, released during the prepaid customer support period.

Consultations take place within one year from the moment of the purchase of a new license or the extension of the customer support period for the existing license. The terms of consultations on projects requiring a detailed engineering analysis of a design model are discussed individually.

**necessary conditions for the provision of services:
·  valid customer support for the license recovery;
·  return of the invalid product key (if there is no possibility to fulfill this requirement, the price of the license recovery is set individually depending on the circumstances of the product key loss, but not more than 50% of the current price of the given license).

Table 7

Electronic manuals / Price in EUR
CoCon – reference manual on the concentration factors and stress intensity / 140
KUST – engineering theory and design manual / 180
Special offer only for public specialized higher and secondary educational institutions.
Price of 20 network workstations of SCAD Office S64max – 1200 EUR

Provision of a protection device with the remote work possibility - 100 euros.