European Operations Centre
EDI User Manual
Supplement 5 - CMS Reporting
Table Of Contents
1. Clarifications 2
2. EDI interchange IDs for FPP Ordering 2
3. CMS reporting implementation overview 3
4. Documents Used 4
5. The CMS Inventory Report 5
5.1. Introduction 5
5.2. Conventions 5
5.3. CMS Inventory Report Hierarchy 6
5.4. INVRPT - Inventory Report Message 7
5.5. Example of an CMS Inventory message 17
6. The CMS Sales Out Report 18
6.1. Introduction 18
6.2. Conventions 18
6.3. CMS Sales Report structure 19
6.4. SLSRPT Sales Data Report Message 20
6.5. Example of an CMS Sales Report message 36
7. CMS Reseller Report 37
7.1. Introduction 37
7.2. Conventions 37
7.3. Message Structure 38
7.4. PARTIN Party Information Message 39
7.5. Example of a CMS Reseller Report 49
8. Revision History 50
1. Clarifications
This document is a supplement to the ‘Microsoft European Operations Centre EDI User Manual’. It details the EDI transaction set required for Channel Measurement System Reporting (CMS reporting). By inference all requirements, legal or otherwise, specified in the parent document are implied in this addendum.
2. EDI interchange IDs for FPP Ordering
Microsoft uses its standard set of EDI interchange Ids for CMS ordering. All EDI communication relating to CMS Orders must be exchanged via these EDI Interchange Ids.
Test System / PrimaryQualifier / ZZ
EDI Interchange ID / MS-EMEA-TEST
Address / ACK 02577
Production System / Primary
Qualifier / ZZ
EDI Interchange ID / MS-EMEA
Address / ACK 03211
3. CMS reporting implementation overview
· Unless agreed otherwise with your Microsoft representatives, all CMS reports should reach Microsoft by 12:00 PM each Monday.
· Partners may sign up to send either or both CMS Inventory and CMS Sales reports via EDI.
CMS Inventory Reporting
If the partner has signed-up to do CMS Inventory reporting via EDI, the following sequence of events will occur on a weekly basis:
1. The channel partner sends the Inventory report via EDI to Microsoft
2. Microsoft receives the report into its CMS Report processing systems.
3. Microsoft will send a functional acknowledgement to the Channel Partner within 24 hours of receiving the report.
4. The channel partner receives the functional acknowledgement.
CMS Sales Reporting
If the partner has signed-up to do CMS Inventory reporting via EDI, the following sequence of events will occur on a weekly basis:
5. The channel partner will send a CMS Sales Report outlining its sales Microsoft products. The CMS Report can be spread across two or more EDI messages. Two formats of the report are offered namely. ‘Simple’ and ‘Combined’ formats, see section 6.1 for more details.
6. Microsoft receives the EDI messages and processes them.
7. Microsoft generates functional acknowledgements for all messages received and sends them to the channel partner.
8. The channel partner receives the functional acknowledgements.
4. Documents Used
Microsoft will use UN/EDIfact messages for all EDI documents identified above. The EDIfact documents used are as follows:
Transaction Name / UN/EDIFACT Document / Where DefinedCMS Inventory Report / INVRPT (D93a) / This supplement
CMS Sales Report / SLSRPT (D93a) / This supplement
Functional Acknowledgement / CONTRL / Main User guide
5. The CMS Inventory Report
5.1. Introduction
The Inventory Report is used to track Microsoft stock at a distributor’s various locations. The inventory report is sent weekly by the distributor to Microsoft. It specifies the stock-in-hand as of the close of business on the previous Friday.
The CMS Inventory Report which is based on CompTIA guidelines uses the following EDIfact message:
Message: / INVRPTVersion: / D.93A
5.2. Conventions
- Segments and elements required by Microsoft are denoted by an “>” in the leftmost column. Elements not used by Microsoft are denoted by an “X”.
- All unused segments have been omitted from the definition.
- Where possible, unused elements have been omitted. Only unused elements nested between used elements are included.
5.3. CMS Inventory Report Hierarchy
The CMS Inventory Report documents the quantity of. Microsoft product held at its various locations.
Seg. / GroupMessage Header / UNH
Message Purpose / BGM
Inventory Report Date (Prev. Friday, i.e. Report end date) / DTM
Party Details
Distributor internal Id (Top tier channel partner) / NAD / SG2
Product and Stock on hand details
Microsoft Part Number / LIN / SG9
Product Description / IMD
Location of stock (if more than one stocking location) / LOC
Stock in hand at specified location / QTY / SG11
On-order quantity / QTY / SG11
Committed / backlog order quantity / QTY / SG11
Open RMAs (returns to distributor) / QTY / SG11
Quantity of stock in-transit to location / QTY / SG11
Message Terminator / UNT
1. “>” in leftmost column indicates a segment which MUST be included in the message.
2. The bordered areas indicate supported looping (on segment group 9).
3. Each iteration of SG9 will refer to a single part number at a single location.
4. The iterations of SG9 can be in any order.
5. The iterations of SG11 can be in any order.
5.4. INVRPT - Inventory Report Message
A message specifying information relating to held inventories. The Inventory report message is intended to be used in either direction between trading partners.
Microsoft use this message to detail inventory being held by a distributor on a part by location basis.For distributors storing stock at more than one location, quantities of a stock-item at each location will be specified using separate iteration of SG9 per product and location combination.
For the purpose of this document segments and segment groups not used by Microsoft have been omitted.
Pos. Seg. Req. Group Notes and
No. ID Name Des. Max.Use Repeat Comments
005 / UNH / Message Header / M / 1010 / BGM / Beginning of Message / M / 1
015 / DTM / Date/Time/Period / C / 1
Segment Group 2 / C / 1
030 / NAD / Name and Address / M / 1
Segment Group 9 / C / 9999
100 / LIN / Line Item / M / 1
105 / IMD / Item Description / C / 1
115 / LOC / Place/Location Identification / C / 5
Segment Group 11 / C / 9999
135 / QTY / Quantity / M / 1
200 / UNT / Message Trailer / M / 1
Segment: UNH Message Header
Position: 005
Level: 0
Usage: Mandatory
Max Use: 1
Purpose: To head, identify and specify a Message
Syntax Notes:
Semantic Notes:
Notes: / Required by Microsoft.Data Element Summary
Data Component
Element Element Name Attributes
0062 / Message reference number / M / AN / 1/14Unique message reference assigned by the sender.
Unique Message Reference assigned by sender
S009 / Message Identifier / M
Identification of the type, version etc. of the message being interchanged.
ID. of the type version etc. of the message being interchanged.
0065 / Message type identifier / M / AN / 1/6
Code identifying a type of message and assigned by its controlling agency.
Code identifying the message.
INVRPT / Inventory report message
0052 / Message type version number / M / AN / 1/3
Version number of a message type.
0054 / Message type release number / M / AN / 1/3
Release number within the current message type version number (0052).
93A / UN/EDIfact directory D.93a
0051 / Controlling agency / M / AN / 1/2
Code identifying the agency controlling the specification, maintenance and publication of the message type.
UN / UN/ECE/TRADE/WP.4, United Nations Standard Messages (UNSM)
UN = Agency responsible for the message.
Segment: BGM Beginning of Message
Position: 010
Level: 0
Usage: Mandatory
Max Use: 1
Purpose: To indicate the type and function of a message and to transmit the identifying number.
Syntax Notes:
Semantic Notes:
Notes: / Required by Microsoft.Data Element Summary
Data Component
Element Element Name Attributes
C002 / Document/Message Name / CIdentification of a type of document/message by code or name. Code preferred.
1001 / Document/message name, coded / C / AN / 1/3
Document/message identifier expressed in code.
190 / Statistical and other administrative internal documents
Documents/messages issued within an enterprise for the for the purpose of collection of production and other internal statistics, and for other administration purposes.
X / 1131 / Code list qualifier / C / AN / 1/3
Identification of a code list.
Refer to D.93A Data Element Dictionary for acceptable code values.
X / 3055 / Code list responsible agency, coded / C / AN / 1/3
Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
1000 / Document/message name / C / AN / 1/35
Plain language identifier specifying the function of a document/message.
Must use the code below:
CMS / CMS Reporting
1004 / Document/message number / C / AN / 1/35
Reference number assigned to the document/message by the issuer.
MUST contain a unique value.
1225 / Message function, coded / C / AN / 1/3
Code indicating the function of the message.
5 / Replace
Message replacing a previous message.
9 / Original
Initial transmission related to a given transaction.
Segment: DTM Date/Time/Period
Position: 015
Level: 0
Usage: Conditional
Max Use: 1
Purpose: To specify date, and/or time, or period.
Syntax Notes:
Semantic Notes:
Notes: / Required by Microsoft.Data Element Summary
Data Component
Element Element Name Attributes
C507 / Date/Time/Period / MDate and/or time, or period relevant to the specified date/time/period type.
2005 / Date/time/period qualifier / M / AN / 1/3
Code giving specific meaning to a date, time or period.
91 / Report end date
End date for the reporting period. (NB total period defined as one calendar week running from Saturday to Friday).
2380 / Date/time/period / C / AN / 1/35
The value of a date, a date and time, a time or of a period in a specified representation.
Reporting date - should contain the date of the final day of the reporting period - for CMS this will be a Friday.
Date expressed in CCYYMMDD format.
2379 / Date/time/period format qualifier / C / AN / 1/3
Specification of the representation of a date, a date and time or of a period.
Calendar date: C = Century; Y = Year; M = Month; D = Day.
Segment: NAD Name and Address
Position: 030
Group: Segment Group 2 Conditional
Level: 1
Usage: Mandatory
Max Use: 1
Purpose: To specify the name/address and their related function, either by CO82 only and/or unstructured by CO58 or structured by CO80 thru 3207.
Syntax Notes:
Semantic Notes:
Notes: / Required by Microsoft.Data Element Summary
Data Component
Element Element Name Attributes
3035 / Party qualifier / M / AN / 1/3Code giving specific meaning to a party.
BY / Buyer
(3002) Party to which merchandise is sold.
Partner purchasing goods direct from Microsoft.
DS / Distributor
Party distributing goods, financial payments or documents.
C082 / Party Identification Details / C
Identification of a transaction party by code.
3039 / Party id identification / M / AN / 1/17
Code identifying a party involved in a transaction.
Agreed code by which Microsoft can identify the channel partner.
X / 1131 / Code list qualifier / C / AN / 1/3
Identification of a code list.
3055 / Code list responsible agency, coded / C / AN / 1/3
Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
90 / Assigned by manufacturer
Segment: LIN Line Item
Position: 100
Group: Segment Group 9 Conditional
Level: 1
Usage: Mandatory
Max Use: 1
Purpose: To identify a line item and configuration.
Syntax Notes:
Semantic Notes:
Notes: / Required by Microsoft.Each iteration of SG 9 will refer to a single product for a single site.
Data Element Summary
Data Component
Element Element Name Attributes
1082 / Line item number / C / N / 1/6Serial number designating each separate item within a series of articles.
Unique line reference number - unique within the EDI message. A simple line counter will suffice.
X / 1229 / Action request/notification, coded / C / AN / 1/3
Code specifying the action to be taken.
Refer to D.93A Data Element Dictionary for acceptable code values.
C212 / Item Number Identification / C
Goods identification for a specified source.
7140 / Item number / C / AN / 1/35
A number allocated to a group or item.
Microsoft Part Number.
7143 / Item number type, coded / C / AN / 1/3
Identification of the type of item number.
MF / Manufacturer's (producer's) article number
The number given to an article by its manufacturer.
Segment: IMD Item Description
Position: 105
Group: Segment Group 9 Conditional
Level: 2
Usage: Conditional
Max Use: 1
Purpose: To describe an item in either an industry or free format.
Syntax Notes:
Semantic Notes:
Notes: / Required by Microsoft.Data Element Summary
Data Component
Element Element Name Attributes
7077 / Item description type, coded / C / AN / 1/3Code indicating the format of a description.
F / Free-form
X / 7081 / Item characteristic, coded / C / AN / 1/3
Code specifying the item characteristic being described.
Refer to D.93A Data Element Dictionary for acceptable code values.
C273 / Item Description / C
Code of a standard article description from a specified source.
X / 7009 / Item description identification / C / AN / 1/7
Code from an industry code list which provides specific data about a product characteristic.
X / 1131 / Code list qualifier / C / AN / 1/3
Identification of a code list.
Refer to D.93A Data Element Dictionary for acceptable code values.
X / 3055 / Code list responsible agency, coded / C / AN / 1/3
Code identifying the agency responsible for a code list.
7008 / Item description / C / AN / 1/35
Plain language description of articles or products.
Channel partner's product description.
Segment: LOC Place/Location Identification