Chapter 1

I.  Enter MRK in “Companies” (Merck & Company, Inc.). Click “Go”.


  1. Briefly summarize the business description.
  1. What is the industry?
  1. What is the sector?
  1. Analyst rating. In your opinion, is this rating relatively high? Click “News & Events”.
  1. Review and comment on the three most recent news headlines. Click “Comparables”.
  1. For the comparable companies:
  1. List the companies.
  2. For Merck & Company, Inc. and each comparable company, list the current sales.
  3. For current sales, select the peer weight for Merck & Company, Inc.
  4. For current sales, select the peer aggregate.
  5. For current sales, determine the peer mean.
  6. For current sales, determine the peer median.
  7. Comment on how dominant Merck & Company, Inc. appears to be in relation to the peer set.

Thomson One; Chapter 1 / Page 1 of 1