Hurricane Powerpoint Assignments

Your task in this assignment is to succinctly summarize details of the following Hurricanes via a Powerpoint presentation to the class (on Tuesday, April 20). Your presentation should be comprehensive in summarizing at a minimum the following aspects of each Hurricane/Tornado:

o Category of the Hurricane

o Number of deaths/injured

o Path of destruction

o Satellite images (if possible)

o Pictures of devastation

o Wind speed

o Storm surge

o Pressure

o Date(s) of storm

o Amount of damage

o Amount of rain

Considering that you have a week to prepare these presentations, I am expecting high quality work. Please take this assignment seriously.

Total Points (40 Lab points)—25 for the rudiments of the presentation and 15 (graded separately for each member) for the presentation

Suggestion: I would anticipate that you will have to meet informally as a class on Tuesday, April 13 to meet with your group members and exchange e-mail addresses to work on this assignment during next week.

Group 1

Connie Gibbons

Nicholas Sitzman

Marjorie Torres

Daniel Kirpes

Weston Baker

o 1970 Bhola Cyclone

o Galveston Hurricane

Group 2

Linda Arnott

Hilary Lamb

Cory Szach

Charisse Radnothy

Star Saxman

o Greensburg Tornado

o Hurricane Camille

Group 3

Danielle Sheiss

Michael Moser

Marcus Gawne

Christina Davidson

Jaime Escalante

o Hurricane Donna

o Hurricane Hugo

Group 4

Barry Baume

Gabby Brunt

Mario Palacio

Victor Samaniego

o Hurricane Carla

o Labor Day Hurricane of 1935

Group 5

Travis Dodge

George Ferranti

Reba Fritz

Tyson Hoekstra

o Hurricane Andrew

o Hurricane Katrina