WB Loans Hunan Integrated Economic Development of Small Towns Project
Yueshan Waste Water Treatment Plan
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
Consigned by: WB Loan Project Management Office of Hunan Provincial Development and Reform Commission
Compiled by: Changsha Environmental Protection Career Technical College
December, 2011
Table of Contents
1 General 5
1.1 General Background of the Project 5
1.1.1 Origin of the Project 5
1.1.2 Significance of the Project Construction 6
1.1.3 Target of the Project 7
1.1.4 Contribution of the WB 7
1.1.5 Organizational Structure of the Project 8
1.2 Overview of EIA Report 9
1.2.1 Purpose of Assessment 9
1.2.2 Type of EIA 9
1.2.3 Preparation of the Environomental Impact Report 10
1.2.4 Keys of Assessment 10
1.3 Grading, Scope and Periods of the Assessment and Target of Environmental Protection (Sensitive Points) 11
1.3.1 Grading and Scope of the Assessment 11
1.3.2 Periods of the Environmental Assessment 13
1.3.3 Target of Environmental Protection (Sensitive Points) 13
1.4 Environmental impact Factors and Assessment Factors 15
1.4.1 Identification of Environmental impact Factors 15
1.4.2 Environmental Impact and Selection of Assessment Factors 17
2 Policies, Laws and Regulations and Administration Framework 21
2.1 Environmental Policies, Laws and Regulations 21
2.1.1 Overview 21
2.1.2 Laws and Regulations on Environmental Protection 21
2.1.3 Regulations and Requirements and Local Laws in Relation with Environmental protection 22
2.1.4 Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment and the Provisions 23
2.1.5 Environment Quality Standards 23
2.1.6 Pollutant Discharge or Emission Standards 24
2.1.7 Safeguard Policies of WB 24
2.1.8 Documents Related to the Project 25
2.2 Environment Administration Organizations and Functions 25
3 Description and Analysis of the Project 28
3.1 Project Name and Composition 28
3.2 Construction Proposal of the Project 29
3.2.1 Construction Content and Scale 29
3.2.2 Main Equipment of the Project 31
3.2.3 Technological Introduction 33
3.2.4 General Layout of Plant Site 38
3.2.5 Service Scope and Wastewater Discharge Forecast 40
3.2.6 Designed Inflow and Outflow Water Quality 47
3.3 Pipe Network and Pumping Stations 48
3.4 Analysis of the Pollution Sources of the Project 49
3.5 Associated Works with the Project 50
3.6 Project Investment Estimate 50
3.7 Schedule of the Project Implementation Progress 52
3.7.1 Construction Period 52
3.7.2 Scheduling 53
4 Profile of the Project Location Environment 55
4.1 Natural Environment Profile 55
4.1.1 Geographic Location and Traffic 55
4.1.2 Geological Features 55
4.1.3 Weather and Climate 55
4.1.4 Hydrology 55
4.1.5 Ecological Environment 56
4.2 Social Environment Profile 57
4.2.1 Administrative Division 57
4.2.2 Economic Status 57
4.2.3 Infrastructure 58
4.3 Status Quo of Quality of the Project Area Environment 58
4.3.1 Atmospheric Environment 58
4.3.2 Environment of Surface Water 60
4.3.3 Acoustic Environment 62
4.4 Basic Information for Major Concern on Safeguard Policies of the WB 63
5 Environmental Impact Assessment 64
5.1 Analysis on Impact of the Project to Human Health 64
5.1.1 Environmental Benefits Brought by Implementation of the Project 64
5.1.2 Analysis on Impact to Human Health 65
5.2 Analysis on Impact to Environment in Construction Period 65
5.2.1 Analysis on Dust Pollution Source and Environmental Impact 65
5.2.2 Analysis on Impact of Construction Wastewater 66
5.2.3 Analysis on Impact of Noise 68
5.2.4 Analysis on Impact of Solid Waste 69
5.2.5 Impact Analysis of Water Loss and Soil Erosion 70
5.2.6 Ecological Impact Analysis 71
5.2.7 Impact on the Traffic 72
5.2.8 Health and Safety Impact 73
5.3 Analysis on Impact on the Environment during the Operation Period 73
5.3.1 Impact of the Project on Water Conditions 73
5.3.2 Solid Waste 82
5.3.3 Impact on Air Quality 89
5.3.4 Impact on the Acoustic Environment 90
6 Countermeasures 92
6.1 Countermeasures during the Construction Period 92
6.1.1 Waste Gas 92
6.1.2 Noise 93
6.1.3 Wastewater 94
6.1.4 Solid Waste 95
6.1.5 Ecological Environment 95
6.1.6 Social Environment 96
6.2 Countermeasures during the Operating Period 97
6.2.1 Waste Gas 97
6.2.2 Wastewater 98
6.2.3 Noise 99
6.2.4 Solid Waste 99
6.2.5 Ecological Environment 101
7 Environmental Risk Analysis and Mitigation Measures 103
7.1 Environmental Risk Identification 103
7.2 Impact Analysis on Potential Environmental Risk Accidents of the WWTP 103
7.2.1 Sudden Accidents 103
7.2.2 Equipment Failure 103
7.2.3 Inflow Water Quality Impact 104
7.2.4 Risk Accidents during Normal Operation 104
7.3 Risk Mitigation Measures 105
7.3.1 Equipment Security Measures 105
7.3.2 Protection of Abnormal Wastewater Discharge 106
7.3.3 Emergency Measures for Sudden Waste Water Discharge Risk Accident 108
7.3.4 Staff Personal Security Measures 108
7.3.5 Protective Measures for the Impact of Sludge Discharge on Environment 109
7.3.6 Preventive Measures for the Impact of Flood to the WWTP 110
7.4 Emergency Authorities and Assignment of Responsibilities of the WWTP 110
8 Comparison and Selection of Alternative Proposals 112
8.1 Comparison and analysis of Zero Proposal 112
8.2 Comparison and analysis of Pipe Network Proposals 113
8.2.1 Principles for Determining the Pipe Network Proposal 113
8.2.2 Wastewater Pipe Network Proposal of the Project 114
8.3 Comparison and analysis of the WWTP Site 114
8.3.1 Principles for Site Selection 114
8.3.2 Proposal for Site Selection 115
8.3.3 Comparison and Determination of the Site Selection Proposals 115
8.4 Comparison and analysis of Wastewater Treatment Process Proposals 119
8.4.1 Selection Criterion of Wastewater Treatment Process 119
8.4.2 Wastewater Treatment Process Proposal 119
8.4.3 Comparison and Determination of Process Proposals 127
8.5 Comparison and Analysis of Disinfection Proposals 129
8.5.1 Brief Introduction to Disinfection Methods 130
8.5.2 Comparison and Determination of Disinfection Methods 131
8.6 Selection and Comparison of Sludge Treatment Proposals 132
8.6.1 Comparison and Determination of Wastewater Treatment Processes 132
8.6.2 Comparison and Determination of Sludge Treatment Processes 134
9 Analysis of Gains and Losses of Environment and Economy 137
9.1 Environmental Benefit 137
9.1.1 Pollutant Load Cut 137
9.1.2 Improved Water Quality 137
9.1.3 Improvement Benefit of Environmental Management Capability 137
9.1.4 Provision of Good Environmental Conditions for Regional Social and Economic Development 137
9.2 Social Benefits 138
9.2.1 Improvement of Healthy Level of Domestic Citizens and Living Quality in the River Basin 138
9.2.2 Addition of Employment Chances 138
9.2.3 Improvement of Residents' Environmental Awareness 138
9.2.4 Provision of Base Data for Abatement of District Pollution 139
9.3 Economic Benefits 139
9.3.1 Economic Benefits from Pollution Control 139
9.3.2 Benefits from Revenue Increase 139
9.4 Conclusions 140
10 Public Participation 141
10.1 Implementation Arrangement 141
10.2 Survey Results and Discussions of Public Participation 142
10.3 Information Disclosure 146
11 Migration and Social Impacts 150
11.1 General Situations 150
11.2 Project Impacts 150
11.3 Law and Policy Framework 154
11.3.1 Major Law and Policy Criteria 154
11.3.2 Main principles 156
11.4 Compensation Standard for Land Acquisition 157
11.5 Land Recovery Proposal 158
11.5.1 Compensation and Arrangement for Permanent Land Acquisition 158
11.5.2 Recovery of Livelihood of the Farmers Affected By Land Acquisition 159
11.5.3 Resettlement and Recovery of Affected Vulnerable Groups 159
11.6 Vulnerable Groups 160
11.7 Institutional Arrangement 160
11.8 Complaint Settlement Mechanism 161
11.9 Monitoring and Evaluation 162
11.9.1 Internal Monitoring 162
11.9.2 External Monitoring 163
11.10 Financing and Implementation Plans 165
12 Environment Management Plan 168
12.1 Environment Management System 168
12.1.2 Environmental Protection Organization during the Construction Period 172
12.1.3 Environment Management Organization during the Operation Period 176
12.2 Implementation of Environment Management Plan 177
12.2.1 Detailed Tasks of Implementation of Environment Management Plan 177
12.2.2 Contract Requirements for Environment Management 180
12.2.3 Information Communication and Solution of Unconformities 181
12.2.4 Training—Necessary Capability Construction and Method Construction 182
12.3 Environment Monitoring Plan 186
12.3.1 Monitoring Objective 186
12.3.2 Environment Monitoring Institution 186
12.3.3 Detailed Environment Monitoring Requirements 190
12.4 Environment Management Expenses Estimate and Source of Funds 190
12.4.1 Budget Allocation 190
12.4.2 Source of Funds and EMP Budget 190
12.5 Information Management of Environment Management Plan 191
12.5.1 Information Communication 191
12.5.2 Record Mechanism 192
12.5.3 Report Mechanism 192
13 Conclusions of Environmental Assessment 194
List of Appendixes
Appendix 1 Environmental Standards for the Project
Appendix 2 Odor Prediction Model and Results
Appendix 3 Materials Related to Public Participation
Appendix 4 Planning and Detailed Budget of Project Environmental Monitoring
Appendix 5 Project Associated Works (Environmental Monitoring Plan of Quanhu Garbage Disposal Plant, Xiangxaing City)
Appendix 6 Summary of Project Environmental Management Plan
List of Figures
Figure 1 Geographic Location of Hunan Province in China
Figure 2 Geographic Location of the Project
Figure 3 Geographic Location of the WWTP
Figure 4 Layout Plan of the Project Area
Figure 5 Pipe Network of the WWTP
Figure 6 Transportation Route Diagram of the Project
CEA Consolidated Environmental Assessment
CSE Construction Supervision Engineer
CSEE Construction Supervision Environmental Engineer
CSEMP Construction Site Environmental Management Plan
DI Design Institute
EA Environmental Assessment
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EMC Environmental Manager Coordinator
EMP Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan
EMS Environmental Monitoring Station
EPB Environmental Protection Bureau
IA Implementation Agency
PO Project Owner
PMO Project Management Office
PRC The People’s Republic of China
SE Supervision Engineer
WB World Bank
WWTP Wastewater Treatment Plant
HNPMO Hunan Project Management Office
CSEPCTC Changsha Environmental Protection Career Technical College
MU Area Unit (1MU=0.0667ha)
面积单位,1 亩=0.0667ha
RMB Chinese Yuan (Renminbi)
USD United States Dollar
Conversion rate 1 USD=6.3RMB
汇率,1 美元=6.3人民币元
ABR Anaetobic Bafflted Reactor
A²/O Anaerobic-anoxic-oxic biologic phosphorus & nitrogen
BOD5 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (5 days)
CASS Cyclic Activated Sludge System
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand
NH3-N Ammonia Nitrogen
SBR Sequencing Batch Reactor Processing
SS Suspended Solids
TN Total Nitrogen
TP Total Phosphorus
TSP Total Suspended Particulates
UASB Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Bed
1 General
1.1 General Background of the Project
1.1.1 Origin of the Project
As the social and economic development of Yueshan Town, its urbanization development is further quickened and the township construction takes on a new look. However, there are still some problems required to be solved immediately, including the underdevelopment of township economy, the small size of economic aggregate, the lagging of township basis and public facilities, the sluggish flow rate of people and goods, the week effect of attraction, the rather serious environmental pollution, the shortage of construction funds and so on. The waste water from production and domestic uses, in particular, are discharged randomly without previous treatment and directly into surrounding channels through no discharge pipe, the results of which are rather serious pollution to waters and the surrounding areas and a huge impact on the life of the surrounding urban residents and further the gradual degrading of urban residential environment quality. Therefore, to further promote the healthy sustainable development of social economy of Yueshan Town, to improve township residential environment quality and to change the insufficient status of funds for basic facilities, Yueshan Town decides, according to the purpose of World Bank (“WB”) Loans “to improve the environment and to keep sustainable development”, to use the WB loans to quicken the construction of Hunan Integrated Economic Development Demonstration Town Project and to practically promote the fast development of social economy of Yueshan Town, on the base of reality and upon the site survey carried out by the development and reform departments of the province, the city and the town and by experts.
In December2010, Yueshan Town initially finished a discrimination report of Integrated Economic Development Demonstration Town Project Utilizing WB Loans. In January2011, to further quicken the development of the Project, the People’s Government of Yueshan Town consigned Hunan International Engineering Consulting Center to compile “The Feasibilities Study Report of Integrated Economic Development Demonstration Town Project Utilizing WB Loans”. In February2011, an expert team came and made a site survey and, according to the reality of the Yueshan Town, discussed with the People’s Government of Yueshan Town, studied and settled down a construction proposal and the content thereof which is to utilize the WB loans on launching contraction projects including the construction of a WWTP (WWTP) and the supporting engineering thereof, the industry development study of a small town, the administration study of a small town, the personnel training and so on. Currently, the preparatory work successfully proceeded.
Geographic location of Hunan Province in China is shown in Figure 1, of the Project in Figure2, and of the WWTP of the Project in Figure 3.
1.1.2 Significance of the Project Construction
The construction and implementation of the Project are full of below meanings:
(1) The construction of the Project can improve local environment, which is of benefit to the construction of a livable town.
The construction of the Project will improve the residential environment of Yueshan Town and complete the basic facilities. The construction of a WWTP and the supporting engineering thereof will effectively prevent pollutions; greatly improve people’s living conditions; protect surrounding water sources; beautify the surrounding environment; construct a more comfortable and beautiful living environment; improve and raise residential environment; quicken the construction of a livable town; and lay a better environmental foundation for quickening urban development.
(2) The construction of the Project is of benefit to improving the livelihood of the people and optimizing the soft environment necessary for development.
The implementation of the Project is aimed at optimizing regional soft environment necessary for development and putting forth effort to raise the livelihood of the people. On the base of the reality of Yueshan Town, via the construction of the WWTP and the supporting engineering thereof, Yueshan Town will exert its effort to increase the taste of the town, to optimize the soft environment, to accelerate the continuous strengthening of town functions and to improve the quality of people’s life so as to further generate a powerful cohesion and strong driving force, effect and attraction to accelerate related industry cluster; to boost investment invitation and capital introduction; to promote regional industrialization, urbanization and agricultural industrialization; to quicken the steps of pushing regional economic development and building a better-off society in an all-around way; to drive economy and all social undertakings to develop in an all-around, healthy and harmonious way; and to strive for the construction of a modern livable town of a new type.
1.1.3 Target of the Project
General Target:
The construction of the Project aims at raising the level of urban basic facilities of Yuehsan Town, strengthening public service function, improving investment environment, boosting swift economic growth of Yueshan Town and ensuring people living and working in peace and contentment, so as to lay a sound foundation for the all-around, harmonious, sustainable and steady development of social economic environment of Yueshan Town.
Detailed Target:
(1) To reinforce the pollution prevention and environmental protection of Xinqiaohe River, to implement a complex pollution prevention and reduction measure through controlling the pollution from the source, to control the pollution load on the river and to increase the number of people participating wastewater treatment so as to improve environmental monitoring, monitoring frequency and the quality; and
(2) To raise the level of urban basic facilities of Yuehsan Town and to enhance the living standard and the taste of the urban inhabitants, which are favorable to achieving investment invitation and capital introduction.
1.1.4 Contribution of the WB
The WB actively contributes to the improvement of city environmental basic facilities and the urbanization level. The Project is to utilize the loans and technical support of the WB of about USD 5,000,000 to build a WWTP in Yueshan Town, Xiangtan City, Hunan Province. It will increase a wastewater treatment capacity of 3,000m3/d, and reform and complete the urban wastewater collection network at the meantime. Via the implementation of the Project, the basic facilities and environmental conditions of the Project site can be effectively improved so as to make new contributions to the realization of the outline target of the “20th five-year plan”.