NHS HIGHLAND / Human Resources Department
PA31 8LB
Board Room, Aros,
Lochgilphead / 13 September 2007 : 1.00 pm
Present / Ms Kate MacAulay, RCN - Chair
Ms Gaye Boyd, Senior HR Advisor
Ms Angela Dewsnap, Senior HR Advisor
Mr David Logue, CHP HR Manager
Ms Linda McMillan – Rep Viv Smith
Mr Brian Mearns, HR Advisor
Ms Helen Duthie, Unison
Ms Anne Helstrip, Locality Manager, Helensburgh & Lochside
Mr John Dreghorn, Locality Manager, Mid Argyll, Kintyre and Islay
Ms Lorna Low, RCM
Mr John Barnett, Clinical Services Manager
Ms Liz McMillan, Unison
Mr Bruce Emslie, Support Services Officer – Rep David Whiteoak
Mr Peter Cartwright, RCN
In Attendance Mrs Kirstin Walker, Senior HR Administrator – Minute Secretary
Item 1 Welcome and Introduction
The Chair welcomed, and thanked everyone for coming to the meeting.
Item 2 Apologies
Apologies for absence were received from
Ms Fiona Ritchie, Argyll & Bute CHP General Manager
Ms Pat Tyrrell, Lead Nurse
Ms Lorraine Gilchrist, Support Services Manager
Ms Viv Smith, Locality Manager Cowal and Bute
Mr Robert Smylie, Unison
Mr George Morrison, Head of Finance
Ms Dawn Gillies, Unison
Ms Joyce Oxborrow, RCM
Mr David Whiteoak, Locality Manager Oban Lorn and the Isles
Ms Veronica Kennedy, Clinical Services Manager – Lorn and Islands Hospital
Ms Jean Kennedy, Unite / Actions
Item 3 Minutes from Previous Meetings 11/4/07, 7/6/07, 12/7/07, 16/8/07
The minutes were agreed as accurate records, and were approved.
Item 4 Actions from Previous Meeting
4.1 – Harmonisation of IT Policies – David Logue will liaise with Bill Staley, IT, to progress this issue.
4.2 – Staff Lottery Funding – David Logue will liaise with George Morrison and report to the next meeting.
4.3 – Joint Future Staff Forum – The document has been sent to Clare McCann for circulation.
4.4 KSF – David Logue advised that advice and assistance is available from the Learning and Development Team in Inverness.
4.5 – OU Student Nurses – Paperwork relating to this is in preparation. This will be circulated to Staff Side Representatives.
5.2 - Pay Cut Off Dates – Bruce Emslie advised that forecast rotas are now in place and that Oban are now synchronised with other localities. However, staff side raised concern that they had not been notified. B Emslie will provide a communication for staff and will report on progress at the next meeting.
10.1 – Travel Expenses – concern was still surrounding the payment of expenses timeously. David Logue will write to Liz Hilhouse to raise concern on behalf of Argyll and Bute CHP.
12.1 – Permanent Night Shift – David Logue to liaise with Pat Tyrrell surrounding this issue.
15.1 – KSF – the NHS Argyll and Clyde documentation requests two signatures, however, this document is sent electronically, therefore, the signatures are required in order to show evidence of consultation with staff over the content.
17.1 – Public Holidays – these dates are agreed and Ray Stewart, Employee Director has been informed. / 4.1
Item 5 – Review of Nursing in the Community
This item will be carried over to the next meeting.
Item 6 – Nursing and Midwifery Workload
This item will be carried over to the next meeting.
Item 7 – Family Friendly Returns
Discussion took place surrounding the Family Friendly returns. The requirement to collate this information stems from Staff Governance and the provision of evidence of Family Friendly leave uptake, this requirement covers all CHPs and the SSU within NHS Highland.
It was agreed that the duty sheets contain the relevant information and this should be used to transfer the information on to the Family Friendly leave spreadsheets. Hilary Simpson had previously offered to collate all returns for the Mid Argyll Kintyre and Islay locality.
The Forum noted the situation and the requirement for collation of this type of information.
Item 8 – Place of Safety Update
This item will be carried over to the next meeting.
Item 9 – Jeannie Deans Unit
David Logue spoke to a previously circulated letter regarding the Jeannie Deans Unit. The Jeannie Deans Unit officially closed on 6 August 2007. Staff are being redeployed to the Vale of Leven Hospital and other areas. Proposals have been outlined, however a decision has still to be reached.
Concern was however raised as Staff Side had not been involved in the circulation of the letter. Further, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde are not complying with PIN Guidelines. David Logue will draft a letter to the Health Minister on behalf of the partnership Forum. / 9.1
The Forum noted the letter and highlighted their concerns surrounding NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.
Item 10 – Bute Redesign Organisational Change Group
The Terms of Reference for this group have been agreed, however these are still to be circulated. Currently there are 2 people displaced.
Item 11 – Permanent Night Shift Policy
This policy was circulated for comments only, however it has been posted on notice boards. This policy is not a live document. David Logue will write to Managers indicating that it is not a working document / 11.1
The Forum noted the situation surrounding this document.
Item 12 – Maternity and Parental Policies
The policies have been updated in line with current legislation and a guidance note has been produced for each policy.
The Parental Leave policy outlines different entitlements, providing inconsistencies depending on original NHS employer; however, the harmonisation process has still to take place. Staff are bound by the policies that were in place when they commenced employment.
Concern was raised surrounding public holiday entitlement when staff are off on Maternity Leave as the guidance is unclear.
Item 13 – Sickness Absence
David Logue spoke to a previously circulated paper and informed the Forum that the absence in May-June had increased following a downward trend.
A meeting is currently being arranged with the Occupational Health Department to identify if more work can be done to reduce sickness absence.
David Logue will review the way the statistics are compiled. / 13.1
Item 14 – Agenda for Change
David Logue informed the forum that 63 posts had been assimilated in September, approximately 400 posts are outstanding.
Discussions have taken place between NHS Highland and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde to move assimilation data to NHS Highland. These discussions are continuing and HR will be involved in identifying posts.
It was highlighted that all newly created vacancy posts require the Job Descriptions to be submitted to the Agenda for Change team in Inverness for banding prior to being advertised. All other vacancies will be advertised on Whitley Council grades, unless similar posts have been banded.
Item 15 Part Time Staff and Agenda for Change
Agenda for Change Terms and Conditions surrounding the working week hours alter at the end of 2007 from 37 to 37.5 hours. Concern has been raised surrounding part time staff as there is an option to continue with the current hours or to increase by 0.5 hours per week to retain the current salary. Due to the increase, the hourly rate will change. Staff who work on a part time basis will require to be written to, to provide them with the option. A FAQ sheet will be circulated by the Head of Personnel in NHS Highland, no action should be taken until this is circulated.
Item 16 – KSF Update
David Logue spoke to a circulated paper and indicated that after considerable HR and Learning and Development input, the figures had increased from 16% to 22%. Managers have identified the staff that they are responsible for, however all the changes have not been fully implemented; this will be followed up.
All managers received a detailed report outlining their staff and the submissions to date.
From 1 October 2007, all recruitment documentation will require to include an outline submitted with the Job Description. This will enable the first gateway to be active from 1 October 2008.
David Logue thanked Fiona Woodcock, Angela Dewsnap, Gaye Boyd and Brian Mearns for the support they have provided to Managers.
Item 17 – AOCB
17.1 – Structure Changes to Support Services in Oban
Bruce Emslie spoke to a previously circulated paper prepared by Lorraine Gilchrist. The report indicates that there are inconsistencies within the current structure and reporting arrangements. Staff Side Representatives are concerned that there may be financial issues surrounding the porter supervisor post.
The forum noted the paper, and requested that a further paper be presented to the Partnership Forum when the situation is resolved and a review of the Portering Service has been completed.
17.2 – Administration Review
David Logue indicated that an Administration Review has been carried out in the Mid Argyll area and the Helensburgh area. A proposed structure has been drafted and will be presented for discussion. An Organisational Change Group requires to be established.
17.3 – Staff Side Representatives
Linda McMillan requested Staff Side Representatives for the discussions on the Decommissioning of the Older Peoples Services in Dunoon.
The Acute Inpatient Forum also requires a Staff Side Representative.
Kate MacAulay will report back to the forum with a nominated Staff Side Representatives for the Admin Review Organisational Change Group, the Decommissioning of the Older People Services and also the Acute Inpatient Forum.
17.4 – 12 Hour Shift and Public Holiday Payments
David Logue to confirm if this has been paid. / 17.1
Item 18
Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting
The next meeting will take place on 18 October 2007 at 1.00 pm in the Boardroom at Aros.

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