Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council
Tuesday 13th June 2017 in the Village Hall, Horrabridge at 7.30pm
Chairman – Cllr Beard
Vice Chair – Cllr Roche
Cllrs – Moorhead, Hemsil, Minns, Keane & Lear
Clerk - Andrea Taylor / In Attendance:
9 member of public
Cllr Cloke, Cllr Moyse / Apologies:
1 / Opening comments from the Chair: -.the chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. / ACTION
3 / Democratic / Public Question Time: (max 20 minutes)
3a / Email sent to Finance Chairman in March at the April meeting I asked when could I expect a reply. It was minuted that he was away most of March. Not raised at the last meeting as he spoke to me before and said that he would reply by the following Friday and I have still not had a reply. Cllr Beard replied that Cllr Godkin and Cllr Ransley both stood down shortly after the last meeting. Please copy me in to any future emails.
3b / Section 106 (S106) of the town and country planning act, which relates to things that can be added on to a contract. It differs to each development. Both Cllr Moyse and Cllr Cloke advised that DNPA be contacted. S106 is an agreement between the developer and the planning authority.
3c / 18d Mr Sweetinburgh claimed that there was an inaccuracy with the minutes and that he said ‘all’ not personal. Clerk advised that he did say personal and that she has mechanical recordings as well as notes. There is a notice on the board that states recording can be made. Publish accounts on the website. Cllr Beard thanked Mr Sweetinburgh and his points have been noted. Mr Sweetinburgh stated that he thought HPC have never consulted a solicitor. The monies from the sale of land £100,047.00 any expenditure should be itemised. Mr Sweetinburgh left the meeting.
4 / Declaration of Interest:
None declared.
5 / Minutes:
Cllr Hemsil proposed and Cllr Roche seconded. A vote was carried and the minutes were declared a true and accurate representation of the previous month meeting. Cllr Keane abstained as not present at the last meeting
6 / Progress Reports:
6a / Meeting with Bere Ferrers re Shared Mower: date for 26th June at 7.30pm
6b / Update re ‘World Pizza’: Cllr Minns, HRFT have no objections, a charge will be made for them to use the site. Will be on site every Tuesday.
6c / Allotments: Cllr Moorhead, A lot of the rubbish has been cleared. The Clerk has found out prices to remove. Need to sort metal from other waste. I will sort out this month.
6d / Play equipment: Cllr Beard, meeting 23rd May, details from one company, replace damaged equipment plus disabled swing and toddler equipment complete with surfacing £33,500.00. Waiting for more quotes to come back.
6e / Freedom of Information Act: Cllr Roche, I wish to apologise to the council and Mr Sweetinburgh I gave some incorrect information at the last meeting. The Freedom of Information Act does apply to parish councils. If people apply to HPC in writing we will look at request. We will give Mr Sweetenburgh the name and email address for the solicitor that acted for us on the sale of land.
7 / Neighbourhood Plan
7a / Cllr Roche, First meeting on 6th June ‘Horrabridge Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group’ (HNPSG) May take some time to complete. Cllr Roche & Hemsil to meet with Dan Janota of DNPA forward planners. I get the impression that DNPA don’t want us to do this. Will know more after the meeting.
8 / Costing of disabled swing
8a / This was incorporated with item 6d.
9 / Consideration of purchase of ‘Red Ensign’ flag
9a / To be considered for the next meeting is the purchase of a red ensign flag for merchant navy day, the flag to be flown weekend of 3rd September. Polyester flag cost £42, Linen flag £85 but will last longer. To be voted on at the next meeting.
10 / Borough and County councillor’s report:
10a / Cllr Cloke, Charge being introduced for the collection of garden waste. Cllr Hemsil has posted it on Facebook. Due to continuous cut backs, Borough council having to find ways to save money but also to generate money. Collection of garden waste is not a statutory service. The introduction of the charge will bring to WDBC £140,000 per year obviously dependent on how many people sign up for the service. Not mandatory can still take garden waste to Crowndale or compost it. Due to start in July. Cllr Beard asked what about maintenance of the burial ground? Cllr Cloke, you will have to pay for it, there is no acceptions. The Church will have to pay so will the Parish Council.
Cllr Moorhead, what do we get for £40 charge? Cllr Cloke four bags. Cllr Moorhead, four bags once a fortnight for HPC is not enough, so how does it work? Cllr Cloke, not sure as it is based on domestic usage. Will have to make enquiries.
11 / Capital project ideas
11a / Last month we nominated a Cllr to advertise and collate the ideas, but he has since stood down so we need to nominate another cllr. Cllr Keane volunteered. Cllr Moorhead prosed, Cllr Hemsil seconded all in favour.
12 / Police attendance/monthly report:
12a / No report.
13 / Planning: Cllr Roche
13a / 24 Station Road – non-material amendment which covers two windows at the front of No. 5, deleting two windows there because they overlook a pool. Obscure window bathroom. I know nothing about changing the bathroom back to a bedroom.
13b / 22 Station Road – garden wall. DNPA have said that it is a permitted development and they don’t need permission.
13c / Stable Cottage, Fillace Lane – property extension and doubt about permission. Enforcement Officer visited, the bit that sticks out needs retrospective planning permission, which the home owners will apply for.
14 / Finance
14a / To consider payment to be made as on list attached (cheque signing)
Countrywide / 63.49 / Open spaces tolls
Countrywide / 39.98 / Weed killer
14b / Nominate a new Chair of Finance: Cllr Hemsil currently Vice Chair, most obvious choice. Cllr Hemsil happy to step back into this role. Cllr Roche proposed, Cllr Moorhead seconded, all in favour.
15 / Open Spaces
15a / Nothing to add this month.
16 / Councillors reports and items for future agenda
16a / Cllr Moorhead, speaker system for the Hearing Loop System.
16b / Cllr Hemsil, burial ground.
17 / Democratic / Public Question Time: (max 10 minutes)
17a / Notice of recording to be put on agenda.
17b / Two councillors lost since the last meeting, why? One has stood down due to other commitments and the other due to ill health. Vacancy to be advertised on the notice board.
18c / Merging of councils. Cllr Cloke, since 2010 joint working has progressed overtime. Discussions so far are that there will be a formal joining of the district and the borough.
18d / HPC business to be obvious on Facebook or social media to reach out. Cllr Beard, HPC did have a Facebook page but it was closed down through lack of interest.
Would like social media to be used more, to gain more public interest, get more people involved. Cllr Moorhead reminded the council if they put something on social media then it is only a notice not a discussion point. Cllr Hemsil to advertise next HPC meeting on Horrabridge Noticeboard.
19 / Date of next meeting:
Tuesday 11th July 2017at 7.30pm in the village hall.
HRFT Horrabridge Recreation Field Trust
HPC Horrabridge Parish Council
HRSA Horrabridge Rangers Sports Association
WDBC West Devon Borough Council
DCC Devon County Council
DNPA Dartmoor National Park Authority
SWW South West Water
EA Environment Agency
LACC Local Authority Control Company
TPO Tree Preservation Order
HATOC Highways and Traffic Orders Committee
HNPSG Horrabridge Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group