Sports and Entertainment Marketing I Syllabus

Coach Sparks

West Forsyth High School

I. Materials List: Textbook (Sports and Entertainment Marketing)

Section of a 3 ring binder**Graded assignment

2 GB min flash drive, larger if sharing with other classes, etc.

**Graded assignment, bring every day or leave in class

Pens and pencils


II. Grading Systems:

A. Marketing Classroom Grading System

Tests: 30%

Daily: 20%

Projects: 25%

Quizzes: 15%

INB: 10%

Extra Credit: TBA

B. Marketing COOP Grading System:

Employer Evaluation: 70%

Monthly Wage & Hour: 30%

Both Grading scales can and will be enhanced by membership and participation in DECA activities throughout the year.

III. Course Description:

SEM I: In this course, students are introduced to the industry of sports, entertainment and event marketing. Students acquire transferable knowledge and skills among related industries for planning sports, entertainment, and event marketing. Topics included are branding, licensing, and naming rights; business foundations; merchandising; marketing information management; selling; promotion; and product service management.

Objectives will be enhanced by field trips to various sports and/or entertainment related venues throughout the area.

Marketing COOP is offered as a part of this course, for those who have or wish to obtain employment for a grade and graduation credit.

DECA (an association of Marketing Students) membership and participation is encouraged. Competitive events, community service and leadership activities provide the opportunity to apply essential standards learned in this course through authentic Marketing experiences.

IV. Disciplinary Consequences (Refer to Marketing Class Rules)

A. Verbal Warning

B. Office referral

V. Grading Scale: 90 – 100 A

80 – 89 B

70 – 79 C

60 – 69 D

50 – 59 F

VI. Make-up Work: You have one day to make up work, for each day you are absent. (Up to three days, more than three days must be arranged with Coach Sparks.) It is your responsibility to ask for make-up work, I will not tell you unless you ask. Do not act surprised at progress report time if you have a zero for an assignment if you forgot to ask for your make-up work.

VII. Late Work: Assignments will have a designated due date attached to them. The assignment is due by the due date, I will deduct 20 points for late assignments each day, and assignments will not be accepted once INB has been submitted! If assignment has a presentation attached to it, and it is late, you will not be allowed to present and the presentation points will be deducted.

VIII. Field Trips: Field trips are a reward for a job well done in SEM Class. Only students who have an 85 or above, good conduct and exceptional effort in class are rewarded with a seat on the bus for my field trips. Please understand, IF YOU DO NOT COMPLETE YOUR WORK, MAKE GOOD GRADES, EXHIBIT EFFORT AND BEHAVE…YOU WILL NOT GO!!!!!!!

IX. Reminder: Final exam counts 20% of semester grade and is a mandatory

VOCATS State Exam. You must take this exam to pass the class!!

Parent or Guardian signature: _________________________________ Date:________

Parent email address: _____________________________________________________

Parent Phone: __________________________

Student signature: __________________________________________ DATE:_______

Please PRINT Student Name: _____________________________________