Please join me in congratulating VIP Robin Goddard who has just been named this year’s recipient of the National George B Hartzog, Jr. Award for outstanding Volunteer Service for her enduring service to Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
The Hartzog Awards for Outstanding Volunteer Service honor volunteers’ hard work and draw attention to their vast skills and contributions. The intent of the awards is to distinguish those individuals or groups who give of their skills, talents, and time beyond the normal call of duty. The Enduring Service Award goes to an individual whose service has had a sustained, positive impact on the National park Service and Robin is truly deserving of this honor.
Robin Goddard exemplifies the Volunteer Park role through her 43 years of continuous, outstanding volunteer service in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Robin is not only an excellent interpreter, teacher, storyteller, and trainer - she is also a naturalist and tireless advocate for the National Park Service. Through her many years of service, Robin has developed material for curriculum-based programs, taught countless outdoor classes, assisted scientists collect data, collected archival data for development of 1st person period programs, and served as a formal GRSM Ambassador through outreach programs in the community. Because of Robin’s conducting special programs for dignitaries, politicians, and other special park guests. She performs these duties while also faithfully conducting her weekly interpretive program for visitors through October, rain or shine.
Since 1969, Robin has contributed over 12,000 volunteer hours the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. She is always willing to share her knowledge, not only with the visitors, but also with staff. In addition, Robin assists in teaching a course for new volunteers. Through her efforts, Robin contacts literally countless school children, NPS staff, and fellow Volunteers-in-Park.
Robin’s husband, Jim Goddard, is also a tireless park volunteer whose great contribution can be seen throughout the park in the shape of our trail signs. Robin will receive her award at a ceremony in Washington, DC in February and we will also celebrate with her and Jim at the VIP Banquet in March.
Christine Hoyer
Volunteer Coordinator
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
107 Park Headquarters Road
Gatlinburg, TN 37738