Honors Anatomy & Physiology Health Science Careers Project– 100 total possible points
Final Due Date: ______Profession Chosen: ______
Growing up many small children hope to be doctors, lawyers, firemen, policemen, and nurses. Even after these children begin high school, their dreams of the perfect “job” are still just fairytales. There are many health science careers and professions related to anatomy and physiology.
There are several components to this project. You will have a written component, an oral presentation, a visual aid, and a written reflection. Research the profession you have selected and identify the following information:
· Description of the career field
· Scope of duties performed
· Years of school
· Degree(s) required
· Mandatory testing
· Starting and average salary in Memphis, in Tennessee and the US
· Body system(s)/structure(s) involved
· Possibilities for advancement
· Group of people served (if specific)
· Select a health/science related career.
· Research the career.
· Create a written summary of your findings.
· Secure a visual aid related to the career.
· Complete the oral presentation using the visual aid.
· Complete and submit a reflection of the project.
Written Component: (50 points)
You should summarize your research 2-3 typed pages. The previously mentioned information must be included. If there is additional pertinent information you would like to share, you may include that information as well. You may include pictures and clip art, but it is not included in your page requirements. Your name, final due date & class period must be on the first page of your written component. The format of the written component is your choice, but it must be a minimum of 2 pages, no more than three pages, and no larger than 12 pitch font. You must include in those pages a reference section with a minimum of 3 references. Information regarding APA citations can be found on your class webpage at bufordsbiobuzz.weebly.com. Your textbook may be used as a reference, but should not be counted as one of your required references. Cutting and pasting or plagiarism will result in a zero. The rubric for this project is on the last page. You may make your “written component” a PowerPoint or a Prezi, but you MUST include the references.
Oral Component: (20 points)
You must present your findings to the class in 3-5 minutes. The instructor will announce the dates for the oral presentations. Your presentation should include all of the information researched. Point distribution for this task is included on your rubric.
*Visual Aid: (10 points) Date of Presentation ______
As part of your oral presentation you should have a visual aid to assist in conveying the information to your audience. The visual aid should be creative, of high quality, and relevant to the career you have chosen. Examples of visual aids are poster collages, pamphlets, pre-approved videos, pictures, models, and guest speakers.
*submitted and used the day of the oral presentation
**Project Reflection: (20 points)
You should reflect on the tasks and research for this project. **form provided
Additional Information:
The homework center is open after school, and I am available Tuesdays and Thursdays from 230-330p. This eliminates the excuse of not having access to a computer or a printer. I will accept projects early, but no project submissions after the final due date. No projects accepted via email or on flash drives.
Upon completing this project, you should learn factual information on various careers related to human anatomy & physiology. Hopefully, this will allow you to make informed decisions about college choices, your field of study and majors, as well as career goals. If your dream “job” is not related to human anatomy & physiology, after completing this project, you should be more informed about science careers and closer to science literacy!
According to Merriam-Webster to plagiarize is to “take (the work or an idea of someone else) and pass it off as one's own.” It is the same a copying during a test. You “copy from (someone) and pass it off as one's own.”
After completing your research, you should paraphrase and summarize your findings to provide information to others while giving credit to the person or persons that provided the information. The information you document must be paraphrased. This means that it should be written in your own words. You may quote the original information.
Paraphrasing is taking information and expressing it in a different manner to gain or convey a better understanding and for clarity. At times this includes summarizing, giving the high points and important facts on a topic.
Honors Anatomy & Physiology Health Science Careers Project– 100 total possible points
Final Due Date: ______Profession Chosen: ______
Component / Excellent(10 points) / Good
(8 points) / Fair
(6 points) / Poor
(4 points) / No Basis to Grade
Written x 5
including organization & grammar / The information is detailed and has been paraphrased so that it is written in a manner that can be easily understood, at least 2 pages in length, and includes 3 references, cited properly. Neat, free from grammatical and spelling errors, organized in an easy to read format. / The information has been paraphrased so that it is written in a manner that can be easily understood, however the information is not detailed, at least 2 pages in length, includes 3 references, cited properly. Neat, 1-2 grammatical or spelling errors, organized well. / Includes very little information and the information given is not detailed. Some of the language indicates that it has not been paraphrased, less than 2 pages in length, includes 2 reference, cited incorrectly. Difficult to read or sloppy. Grammatical and spelling errors, but organized. / Includes very little information and the language indicates that the information has been plagiarized, less than 2 pages, includes 1 or fewer reference, citations incorrect. Difficult to read, sloppy, grammatical and spelling errors and unorganized. / Student did not complete the written componentOral Presentation
x 2 / 3-5 minutes w/
proper poise, appearance, includes all necessary information / 3-5 minutes, proper poise, appearance, missing some information / 3 minute presentation, poise and appearance appropriate with missing information / Less than 3 minute presentation, poise and appearance inappropriate with missing information / Student did not complete the oral presentation
Visual Aid
x 1 / Relevant to career selected, incorporated during the oral presentation, high quality and shows creativity / Relevant to career selected, used during presentation, high quality, and shows creativity / Used during presentation and relevant to career chosen, limited quality and creativity / Irrelevant to career, used during presentation, limited quality and creativity. / Student did not include a visual aid in oral presentation.
x 2 / Completed project reflectionReflection includes thoughts about project process, project content, and application to real-life. / Completed project reflection.
Reflection includes thoughts about project process and project content with no application to real life. / Complete project reflection.
Reflection includes thoughts about project process or project content may or may not include real life application. / Complete project reflection.
Reflection includes thoughts about project process or project content and missing real life application. / Student did not complete a written reflection.