ESOL 1 Agenda / 1st 6 Weeks

Monday 8/27

·  Introductions

·  Syllabus

·  Homework: sign parent contact form

Tuesday 8/28

·  Set up compositions books

·  Create a yearly goal

·  Decorate composition books

·  Grammar: Nouns on pg 294 (green book)

·  Who am I? writing sample (example on pg 5)

Wednesday 8/29

·  Categories, synonyms, and antonyms pg 6

·  Card sort

·  “Be” verbs

·  Make a chart

·  Pg 8 #6-10 in composition book

Thursday 8/30

·  Vocabulary pg 10. Write each word in a sentence.

·  Read “First Names” pg 14

·  Illustrated Vocabulary

o  Characters

o  Dialogue

o  Read Romeo and Juliet pg 21

Friday 8/31

·  AIP Powerpoint (sign form)

·  Change passwords

·  Write and Discuss: Learn and share 5 things about your partner.

·  Vocabulary Review pg 25

Monday 9/3

·  No School

Tuesday 9/4

·  Personal Dictionary in composition book

·  Page 10 in personal dictionary

·  Similes and Metaphors

Wednesday 9/5

·  Sentence Stems

·  The verb “do” in composition book

·  “Say It” pg 30 card sort

·  Do “Write It” pg 30 alone

Thursday 9/6

·  Picture Day

Friday 9/7

·  Pg 32 Vocabulary in Personal Dictionary

·  Imagery: Forming Mental Images

·  Read “Growing Together” pg 35

·  Write: Describe your home. How did you feel when you left home?

·  Partners: Ask “do” questions?

Monday 9/10

·  Revisit Metaphors and Similes

·  Find Metaphors in “Growing Together” pg 35

·  Vocabulary Practice pg 45.

·  Pronouns pg 46

Tuesday 9/11

·  Question words page 49

·  The verb “have”

·  Interviews (Write questions)

Wednesday 9/12

·  Test review

·  Interviews

Thursday 9/13

·  Talent Search Presentation

·  Important Place Illustration and Caption

Friday 9/14

·  Unit 1 Vocabulary and Grammar Test

Monday 9/17

·  Vocabulary pg 52

·  Read “Ways to Know You” on pg 55

·  Read “Who is She” on pg 62

·  Complete a sequence chart for “Who is she”.

Tuesday 9/18

·  Write: What makes you special?

·  Vocabulary Review pg 67

·  Pronoun Practice pg 68

Wednesday 9/19

·  Personal Timelines

Thursday 9/20

·  Synonym and Antonym Practice on pg 69

·  Contraction Practice Sheet

Friday 9/21

·  Career Research in Lab 241

Monday 9/24

·  Career Research in Lab 241

Tuesday 9/25

·  Career Research in Lab 241

· Listening activity

·  Write about your school.

Wednesday 9/26

·  Library Orientation

·  Present Career Research Projects

Thursday 9/27

·  Contractions pg 78

·  Compound words pg 84

·  Begin Root Word Vocabulary

Friday 9/28

·  Root Word Practice