AASCD Membership Strategic Plan

AASCD Goal Four: AASCD will build a diverse, broad-based and involved membership reflective of the state.

Objective One: Arkansas ASCD membership committee will recruit and sustain membership that is representative of the diversity of the state educational community.

Task(s) / Person (s)
Responsible / Resources / Estimated Cost / Year 1,2,3 or On-going / Evidence of Completion and success
Target representative of each of the 5 geographic region of the state, maintaining diversity / Vice President / Communication coordinator,
co-op liaison, regional reps / On-going / Surveys, on-line membership application data that shows growth and traditional groups
Effective promotion of membership through: conferences, newsletter, brochures and webpage, booths, conference bag inserts, incentive bundling (i.e. 10 new recruits in a district; get 1 free) lifetime memberships, student memberships, partner memberships / President Elect / communications coordinator, co-op liaison, regional reps / On-going / Publications, surveys; increase in membership
Continue to provide a high-quality annual conference to meet the needs of the diverse population / Vice-President;
Conference Coordinator / Conference feedback evaluation / $117,000 / Annually / Results of survey, conference attendance; board review; conference evaluations

Objective Two: Arkansas ASCD membership committee will place special emphasis on effectively addressing member needs.

Task(s) / Person (s)
Responsible / Resources / Estimated Cost / Year 1,2,3 or On-going / Evidence of Completion and success
Provide Graduate students pursuing a curriculum license an AASCD scholarship / Vice President / Application for scholarship available on-line / Two , $1,000 scholarships annually / Annually / Presentation of scholarship winners at annual conference; Scholarship recipients to present at Annual Conference following receipt of award
Initiate regional Ark ASCD Facilitated-Discussion-Sessions that focus on current educational issues or topics / Officers, Board members, and/or assigned members / Brochures, business cards / $2,400 for snacks and drinks at host sites / Once per semester / Creation of discussion forums based upon current curriculum and instructional topics hosted at regional sites; surveys/evaluation at conclusion
Create incentive to increase dual membership in the affiliate and ASCD / Vice President / Incentive / AASCD member to receive a $10 discount membership when individual joins ASCD
(One-time discount) / On-going / Increased dual membership
Continue to offer
drive-in conferences, journal, book sales, newsletter, web page, resources statewide / Executive Committee / Built in budget appropriate categories / Annually / Board review at annual retreat. Drive in Conference Attendance; Resource usage records

Prepared by: Membership Sub-Committee

Joe Fisher, Chair