St. Francis Preparatory School Foreign Language Department

Hispanic Heritage Month Cultural Presentation

Spanish Speaking Countries of the World

Directions: Every student will choose a Spanish speaking country by lottery. Each student will be responsible for a display and an in class presentation. The project will count as one test grade and receive a score out of a 100.

Part 1-Display: Each student will research the map and flag of their country and create a display of the countries flag within the shape of its map, as shown in the example above. The display must be the size of an 8 1/2” by 11” sheet of paper. It may not be smaller or much larger. All work must be done by hand. This means absolutely no copied and pasted images off of the Internet. Free hand tracing is aloud.

Part 2-Presentation: Students are responsible for presenting their countries in front of the class. The presentation must be in Spanish. Students must turn in a written copy of their presentation. The presentation must include the following information.

1. The name of the country

2. The capital city

3. Type of government

4. Head of State

5. Two places that would be great to visit

6. Traditional music of the country

Grading Rubric: Each grade will be out of 100 points, 50 points for the display and 50 points for the presentation. You will be graded on the following.

1. Was the work delivered on time?

2. Was the work complete?

3. Did the student follow all of the directions?

4. How was the quality of the work?

5. How does the work rate above the minimum requirements?

Constancio Soto, Teacher