Franklin & Marshall College
Frequently Asked Questions
Highmark Blue Shield Website
Wellness Rewards Program
Highmark Blue Shield Website
How do I register on the website?
If you have never been on Highmark’s website before, you will need to set up a website account prior to completing Wellness Rewards. First time Highmark website users can register using these steps (you will need your Highmark ID card):
Log on to www.highmarkblueshield.comClick on the “Members” Tab
Click on the “Register Now” Tab
Complete the information requested on the form.
Please note: when you enter your information from your ID card,
please only enter the numeric portion—no letters!
What is a PIN?
The Highmark website not only houses the Wellness Rewards Program, but holds your Protected Health Information (PHI), such as claims and Health Reimbursement Account information. Highmark takes your privacy very seriously. As such, the PIN Process was developed to ensure that you are the only person who accesses you PHI. When you receive your four digit PIN, you can enter it in to the website and view your PHI. Until your PIN is entered, you will have limited access to our website, including Wellness Rewards. You only need to enter your PIN one time.
Do I need my PIN to complete Wellness Rewards?
Yes, you need your PIN to complete Wellness Rewards.
What is my website login information?
When you register on the website, you create a User ID and Password. This is your login information.
I forget my login information. What should I do?
To retrieve your login information, you can visit and click on the “Forget Login ID or Password” link. Follow the prompts. You will receive your login ID and/or the opportunity to change your password. For additional assistance, you may call technical support at (877) 298-3918.
I registered on Highmark’s website a few years ago and have not been on the website since. Is my login information still the same?
Yes, even if you have not been on Highmark’s website for a long time, your login information remains the same. If you do not remember your information, refer to the above question: I forget my login information. What should I do?
I registered on Highmark’s website when I worked for a previous employer. Now that I’m working for F&M, won’t I need to register again?
If you worked for a previous employer, the number on your Highmark ID card (Unique Member Identification or UMI) remains the same. Therefore, your website registration information will not change.
Can I change my password?
Yes, you can change your password by visiting Click on the “Forget Login ID or Password” link. Follow the prompts. You will receive your login ID and/or the opportunity to change your password. For additional assistance, you may call technical support at (877) 298-3918.
Will my spouse/domestic partner use my Login ID and password?
No, your spouse must create his or her own account by registering on Your spouse/domestic partner must enter his or her own information when registering on the site for the first time. Please note that while spouses/domestic partners may participate, they are not eligible for the cash wellness reward offered by F&M at this time.
Sometimes the website can be slow and pages can take a long time loading. Why does this happen? Highmark’s website works best with Internet Explorer Version 7 or Firefox Version 2. You can download both of these versions via our website.
Highmark’s web page usually loads in 2-3 seconds. However, on pages where large amounts of data are collected, the load could take longer. Our login page is a page that gathers a lot of information about the member so that we can customize their web experience and make subsequent pages load
much more quickly. Even with login page gathering large amounts of data, you should expect the page to load in under 10 seconds.
Can I change my Login ID if I would like to do so?
Once you establish your Login ID on Highmark’s website, it cannot be changed.
Website Error Messages
The login ID or password entered does not match the information on our
system. Please verify you are using the correct login ID and password. If
you have properly entered your information, contact us at 1-877-298-
3918 Monday - Friday between the hours of 8 AM and 5 PM EST and
reference error code #LA000-INV. To contact Customer Service outside of
our hours of operation, please use the Contact Us link that is available at
the bottom of this page. A representative will get back to you as soon as
What it means:
The login ID and password you entered was incorrect.
Go back to and re-enter your user ID and password. If you still get this error message, call 877-298-3918 to make sure you are using the correct login ID and/or have your password reset.
You have entered a Member ID that is already registered on our system. Please check your Member ID and re-enter if necessary.
What it means:
You are already registered on the Highmark website. If you do not remember your user ID and password, refer to Website question: I forget my login information. What should I do?
You have entered a Login ID that is already registered on our system.
What it means:
The unique Login ID that you have chosen is already being used by another Highmark member.
Choose a different Login ID. You may want to add additional numbers or letters before or after the Login ID you originally tried. For example, if you chose a Login ID “JOHNNY,” try typing in “JOHNNY1234,” which will be less likely that another Highmark member is already using.
The information you have entered does not match our records or your
coverage is cancelled. If you have active coverage please check your
entries and try again. If the problem persists, please contact us at 1-877-
298-3918 Monday - Friday between the hours of 8 AM and 5 PM EST and
reference error code #RE000-NOCVG. To contact Customer Service
outside of our hours of operation, please use the Contact Us link that is
available at the bottom of this page. A representative will get back to you
as soon as possible.
What it means:
The Member ID you entered does not match the Member ID on your Highmark ID card.
Check the number on your Member ID card and enter it again. Make sure you are only typing in the numeric portion of your Member ID—do not type in the letters!
Wellness Rewards –General Questions
I need assistance with my Wellness Rewards program and I’d like to talk with someone. Who can I call?
Highmark’s Customer Service Line is available to answer any of your questions about your benefits, including Wellness Rewards. Customer Service can answer questions about the program, and how to navigate through the website. They can be reached at (800) 345-3806 Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. For help after hours, you can go to and click on
“Contact Us” at the bottom of the page. A Highmark customer service representative will reach out to you via email within 24 hours.
I am a full-time employee, and want to participate in the Wellness Rewards program, but I do not have my health insurance through Franklin & Marshall. Can I still participate?
Yes, please contact Human Resources and request an Associate Membership (paid for by the Franklin & Marshall Wellness Committee).
Wellness Profile
While I was taking the wellness profile, my session timed out. Why did this happen?
The wellness profile links you to a different website, and therefore Highmark’s website shows that you are “inactive.” For your security, the website asks you if you want to continue your session. If you receive this message, click “OK” and continue taking the wellness profile.
I don’t have time to finish the wellness profile right now. If I discontinue, will I lose all of the answers I have already typed in?
No. When you log back in, go back to the wellness profile. You will see that your answers are saved as you go through each page.
I don’t have my measurements or my last test results with me. Is this OK?
The wellness profile is designed to give you a snapshot of your overall health, and your biometric numbers are very helpful when your personal profile is designed. However, if you do not have this information, you may say “I don’t know” and continue the wellness profile. You can also take the wellness profile again and enter in this information when you have it.
The wellness profile is asking me for a “site code” and my employee number.
You do not need this information. Some employers use this information for their employees, but F&M employees can leave this field blank and continue.
When will I see my points for taking the wellness profile?
You should see your points right away after taking the wellness profile. If you do not, try logging out, and then logging back in. If you still do not see your points, please call customer service at (800) 345-3806 and advise us.
Highmark Blue Shield Customer Service: (800) 345-3806
Highmark Blue Shield Technical Support: (877) 298-3918