SEPTEMBER 18, 2014 9:30 A.M.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Reibel followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll call was taken showing Cole, Stitzel, Imel, Payette, Reibel, Hartman, Fritz, Preston and Picolotti all being present with no one being absent.
Motion by Mr. Hartman, second by Mr. Preston to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by Mr. Hartman, second by Mr. Imel to approve the September 4th County Board meeting minutes as presented. Motion carried.
Bills Paid in Vacation was presented. Motion by Mr. Hartman, second by Mr. Imel to approve the action of the clerk. Motion carried.
Committee on Claims was presented. Motion by Mr. Preston, second by Mr. Hartman to approve the bills as presented. Motion carried.
Transfers – Motion by Mr. Hartman, second by Mr. Imel to approve the following transfers:
1. $38,099.00- 911 Disp Wages 41-5203 to Gen Fund Wage Reimb 11-3080 as per budget
2. $6,872.00 – 911 Ins Reimb 41-5377 to Gen Fund Ins Reimb 11-3082 as per budget
3. $2,915.00 – 911 Soc Sec Reimb 41-5210 to 911 Soc Sec Reimb 19-3200 as per budget
4. $4,740.00 – 911 IMRF Reimb 41-5378 to 911 IMRF Reimb 20-3200 as per budget
Motion carried.
Motion by Mr. Hartman, second by Mr. Imel to transfer $200,000.00 Public Safety 37-5412 to Gen Fund 11-3058 as per budget.
Main Discussion: 1) Was the Public Safety money being spent correctly?
2) Should the board designate some of the money specifically for remodeling the jail or build new?
3) How this change would affect the general fund?
Motion by Mr. Preston to table, seconded by Mr. Picolotti. Roll call vote was called for showing Picolotti, Imel, and Preston voting aye and Stitzel, Fritz, Hartman, Cole, Payette and Reibel all voting nay. Motion defeated. Roll call vote for the original motion to transfer $200,000 into general fund was called for showing Stitzel, Picolotti, Fritz, Imel, Hartman, Cole, Payette and Reibel all voting aye, with Preston voting nay. Motion carried.
Motion by Mr. Preston, second by Mr. Hartman to approve the following transfers:
1. $16,342.00 Soc Sec 19-5399 to Health Dept 54-3211 as per budget
2. $25,561.00 IMRF 20-5399 to Health Dept 54-3212 as per budget
Motion carried.
Monthly Financial Report- The report was submitted in the packet.
Board Members Services – Motion by Mr. Hartman, second by Mr. Preston to approve as presented. Motion carried.
Sheriff & Property – A monthly report was submitted in the packet. Sheriff Doran reported that the jail is at capacity and there was new discussion on courthouse security, and there is a plumbing problem in the jail.
State’s Attorney – No report
Treasurer – Treasurer Powers stated that her new employee Lydia Kice had finished her probation period and was now the county’s newest employee.
Circuit Clerk – No report
Assessor – SOA Gruhn reported on attending the Assessor Zone meeting. The program was on “MyDec” a software that would be used by the SOA Department and the Recording Department. Attending with her was Linda Kessler, Leah Eberle, and the JoDaviess SOA.
County Clerk and Recorder – County Clerk Woessner followed with comments about “MyDec” and stated it would coincide with E-recording in the future. He also reviewed the upcoming voting calendar for the fall election and stated that petitions for the spring Consolidated Election would be available September 23rd.
Animal Control – Mr. Grimm asked permission to travel to Iowa for a three day seminar. Motion by Mr. Hartman to approve, seconded by Mr. Preston. Motion carried.
Highway – A bi-monthly report was submitted in the packet. Mr. Vandendooren asked for the amendment to extend job number P-92-049-11 be approved. Motion by Mr. Hartman, second by Mr. Imel to approve the amendment as presented. Motion carried.
GIS – No report
Zoning – No report
Zoning Board of Appeals – No report
Other Departments – No reports
LRA – Mr. Hartman – No report
CEDS – Mr. Imel – No report
UCCI – Mr. Payette – No report
911 – Mr. Fritz reviewed the last meeting and current legislation.
Extension – Mrs. Cole reviewed the September 10th meeting at Sauk.
Health Department – Mr. Picolotti – No report
VAC – Mr. Hartman – A monthly report was submitted in the packet.
Senior Services – Mr. Imel – No report
Hotel/Motel – Mrs. Cole – A monthly report was submitted in the packet.
Tri-County Opportunities Council – Mr. Preston – A monthly report was submitted in the packet and the next meeting is September 30th in Princeton.
708 Board – A monthly report was submitted in the packet.
Administrator Doty stated that September 30th is scheduled to be the start of the phone installation and the PRI line had been ordered.
Budget Discussion – 2015 Budgets and discussion for the following departments were reviewed:
VAC – Ellis Boughton presenter – Motion by Mr. Hartman, second by Mr. Preston to adjust line item 9190 from $8827 to $10,000. Roll call vote showed Stitzel, Picolotti, Hartman, Preston and Payette all voting aye and Fritz, Imel, Cole and Reibel all voting nay. Motion carried. Chairman Reibel also asked to remove the second part of 9190 (wages – 1 part time)
Senior Services – Butch Hasz presenter – Discussion only
Probation – Darrell Pauley presenter – Discussion only
Treasurer – Diane Powers presenter – Discussion only
GIS & Zoning – Jeremy Hughes presenter – Discussion only
Sheriff – Jeff Doran presenter – Discussion continued about the use of Public Safety funds and whether an amount should be set aside for jail renovation or new jail facilities and adding a security system to the courthouse. Motion by Mr. Payette, second by Mr. Picolotti to secure $145,000 of the current Public Safety Fund 27 for jail enhancement or new construction. Sheriff Doty again reminded the board of the general fund consequences if approved. Roll call vote was called showing Preston, Fritz, Picolotti and Payette all voting aye with Reibel, Hartman, Imel and Stitzel all voting nay with Cole being absent. Motion failed for lack of majority.
County Clerk & Recorder – Brian Woessner presenter – Discussion only
The entire budget segments will continue to be discussed until 2nd meeting of November.
Resolutions – Carroll County Trustee – Motion by Mr. Hartman, second by Mr. Imel to approve the resolution for parcel 08-07-24-306-002. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Hartman, second by Mr. Preston to approve the resolution for parcel 01-05-07-12-123-123. Motion carried.
Chairman Reibel and Administrator Doty have had further discussion with the Health Department about future office plans.
Motion by Mr. Hartman, second by Mr. Preston to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
Brian Woessner
Carroll County Clerk