Draft 3 Checklist /
Draft Author
Sec. / Item / Item
no. / y/n
FORMAT – Check document formatting!
---- / Name on submitted file name follows file naming convention: DoeDraft3.doc / 1
---- / p. 1 top right: full name, semester and year, course number and course identifier, and Draft 3 typed in 4 lines / 2
---- / p. 2 to end: floating header includes last name, course identifier, page number / 3
---- / p. 1 contains the title of the report / 4
1, 2, 3, 4 / Sections 1, 2, 3 & 4 headings and subheadings are exactly as in assignment / 5
CONTENT – Check content by section!
---- / All narrative sections summarize and explain; do not list details in narrative sections that are contained in appendixes / 6
1, 2, 3, 4 / Draft is complete and in order assigned; responds to every part of instructions / 7
3.1 / Includes definition of authority control and explanation of its purpose. Identifies the types of authority control, and describes how they are used in the system / 8
4.1 / Indicate all fields in records that provide subject access / 9
4.2 / Includes purpose of subject authority control and thesaurus / 10
Lists only subject fields under subject authority control or whatever field is under the control of the thesaurus / 11
Addresses all items listed in the narrative instructions / 12
Includes effects of indexing on precision and recall / 13
Refers to App. D / 14
4.3 / Includes definition and discussion of the purposes of classification / 15
Does not list unique number as a classification notation facet / 16
Example explains meaning of unique number (e.g., first record created) / 17
Refers to App. E / 18
APPENDIXES – Check content by appendix!
A / Semantics for any/all subject fields(s) are complete / 19
Semantics for classification field include word "unique" if classification is used as basis for physical location of objects / 20
B / Contains both assigned subheadings / 21
All cells in table are filled with specs (yes/no, etc) or dashes – no blank cells / 22
Part 1 matches left hand column of Part 2 in order, spelling, etc / 23
APPENDIXES (continued)
C / Subheadings are exactly as assigned, repeated for each field. / 24
Shows Libib fields, not desired fields / 25
Field under control of thesaurus has complete input rules, including reference to App. D / 26
Example term for thesaurus field is drawn from App. D / 27
Classification field rules are complete, including reference to App. E / 28
Example used for classification field is entered in at least 1 App. G record / 29
D / Follows assigned format / 30
Terms are in alphabetical order / 31
Shows at least one instance of all 3 kinds of relationships, with legend to indicate the meaning of abbreviation for relationships and has at least 15 authorized terms / 32
Shows all mandatory reciprocals / 33
E / Follows assigned format: 4 subheadings (doc 40, pp 31), At least 3 facets / 34
Does not include unique number as a notation facet in schedule or rules / 35
Example explains meaning of unique number (e.g., first record created) / 36
G / Contains 10 records / 37
Deleted / 38
Each field contains data in at least one record / 39
Deleted / 40
Thesaurus terms in all records are drawn from thesaurus in App. D / 41
Thesaurus terms match thesaurus exactly in form, spelling, capitalization / 42
Classification codes follow rules in App. E – all records classified / 43
---- / Writing is clear and concise. / 44
---- / Uses present-tense verbs. / 45
---- / Uses third-person pronouns (it/they), not first or second person (I/we/you). / 46
---- / Nouns and pronouns agree in number (not user . . . they). / 47
---- / Copy is spell-checked and edited for grammar and punctuation. / 48
[Document last updated 3/21/17 -LME]