Health, Safety & Environment Management System (“HSEMS”) Guidelines for Contractors

Health, Safety & Environment Management System (“HSEMS”) Guidelines for Contractors


1.0  Purpose

2.0  Scope

3.0  HSE Management Minimum Requirements and Guidelines for Contractors

4.0  Attachments

4.1 Table - 1: Minimum Requirement of Contractor’s HSE Personnel

4.2 Table - 2: Minimum Qualification of Contractor’s HSE Personnel

4.3 Table - 3: Specific Requirements

1. Purpose

The purpose of this document is to ensure that the Contractor implements Company’s best practices of Health, Safety and Environment Management System (“HSEMS”) in its Contract.

The Company is striving to achieve high industry standards in HSEMS as elaborated in the Guide to KOC HSE Management System, KOC Fire and Safety Regulations, Relevant KOC HSE Procedures, Standards & Recommended Practices. These documents can be obtained either from the Company’s website or from the Company’s HSE Group/Asset Team(s). The Company believes that good HSEMS and performance is an integral part of efficient and profitable business management.

2. Scope

The primary objective of this document is to prevent or reduce the potential of incidents involving personnel, property and/or environment in all Company’s controlled areas and activities. The Company expects all contractors and their sub-contractors’ employees at all levels to co-operate and participate in its implementation.

Notwithstanding any requirements herein to the contrary, the Contractor shall fully comply with statutory obligations stipulated in General Conditions of Contract pertaining Health, Safety and Environment (“HSE”).

The Guidelines define the minimum contractual obligations towards Health, Safety and Environment that the Contractor shall fulfil upon award of the Contract by the Company.

3.  HSE Management Minimum Requirement & Guidelines for Contractors

3.1  The following is the summary of the minimum HSEMS requirements and the detailed Guidelines that the Contractor shall adhere to.

3.2 The specific HSE requirements for each contract are shown in Table-3 of Attachments hereto.

3.3 The Company reserves the right to audit and review the Contractor’s HSEMS during any phase of the Contract, and, may take any action necessary as warranted for any non-compliance observed.

Minimum HSE Requirements / Guidelines
The Contractor shall clearly state and document its HSEMS requirements as follows: / A1 / The Contractor shall have a documented corporate HSE policy with senior most management personnel in the organization responsible for ensuring the implementation of this policy.
A2 / The Contractor’s HSE policy for the Contract shall be compatible with the Company’s corporate HSE policy and contribute to realizing this. In case of any possible incompatibilities, these shall be identified by the Contractor and clarified/resolved by the Company prior to the Tender closing date.
The Contractor shall clearly define its commitment and accountabilities for the identified roles as follows: / B1 / The responsibility for HSE shall be with the line management and the top executives shall be personally involved in HSE management.
B2 / The commitment to HSE shall be evident at all levels within the organization and the corporate culture shall ensure a positive attitude to HSE issues.
B3 / The Contractor’s HSEMS shall demonstrate to reasonable satisfaction of the Company, that the aims and objectives of its HSE policy are proven through documented performance.
B4 / The Contractor shall ensure that all of its sub-contractors comply with its HSEMS as approved by the Company.
Minimum HSE Requirements / Guidelines
The Contractor shall demonstrate through the organization the HSE competency as follows: / C1 / All personnel involved in the Contract shall be aware of the HSE plan, and readily understand the hazards, risks involved and their associated controls and safeguards.
C2 / The Contractor’s personnel shall undergo an induction program administered by the Company’s Asset HSE Team, prior to entering any of the Company’s facilities.
C3 / The Contractor shall employ qualified HSE professionals who shall be responsible for providing assurance of sound standards for HSE for the duration of the Contract. The Contractor shall seek where necessary, expert / specialist advice from the Company or any external Consultants. (Refer to Table-1 and Table-2).
C4 / The Contractor shall provide appropriate training to its personnel responsible for the HSE management.
C5 / The Contractor shall ensure that all its personnel are given HSE training and awareness program including first aid, fire, Explosive Ordinance Disposal (“EOD”), defensive driving, etc.
C6 / The Contractor shall have a system for the selection, placement and on-going training of its personnel to meet specified job requirements, and, to assess and provide feedback on its performance.
Minimum HSE Requirements / Guidelines
The Contractor shall employ suitable and recognized methods for identifying, assessing, checking and handling hazards, risks and their consequences as follows: / D1 / The Contractor shall conduct a general job hazard analysis and health risk assessment considering all physical, chemical, ergonomic and psychosocial / organizational factors that could be detrimental to the health and performance of its personnel.
D2 / The Contractor shall provide all necessary Personnel Protective clothing and equipment, as required, to all its personnel for the safe performance of all the works.
D3 / The Contractor shall have a systematic procedure in place for identifying, assessing and categorizing the hazards and their consequences and the reduction / mitigation measures adopted.
D4 / The Contractor shall perform a Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) study as may be required by the Contract in line with the Company procedure / guidelines.
D5 / The Contractor shall conduct project HSE Reviews (PHSER) at various phases of the Contract as may be required by the Contract and as outlined in the Company procedure.
D6 / The Contractor shall have a documented environmental management program for monitoring the discharges and minimizing the environmental impacts and ensuring that all activities are carried out with due regard to the preservation of air, water, soil, animal and plant life.
D7 / The Contractor shall have a system for identifying, classifying, handling and disposal of wastes.
Minimum HSE Requirements / Guidelines
The Contractor shall adequately reflect the ability to meet all the HSE commitments in its HSE plan and procedures as follows: / E1 / The Contractor shall submit to the Superintendent for his written approval, its detailed HSE plan, within the specified period stipulated in the Contract Specification.
E2 / The Contractor shall establish Relevant HSE procedures as applicable to all the phases of the Contract.
E3 / The Contractor shall ensure adherence, as relevant, to the Company’s HSE documents, the HSE requirements as stipulated by the Kuwait law and other International Standards / guidelines for safe working practices.
E4 / The Contractor shall have a documented system for proposing and implementing any change(s) made to the equipment / design / procedures with an effective way of communicating the change(s).
E5 / The Contractor shall systematically report, follow up and action all accidents, incidents, near misses and non-conformances as part of an ongoing improvement process and shall capture and use the lessons learnt for improving future performance.
E6 / The Contractor shall ensure that its employees understand the Company's emergency response plan, and that, open communications exist between the Contractor’s personnel and the Company with respect to HSE.
Minimum HSE Requirements / Guidelines
The Contractor shall monitor and coordinate its overall HSE activities to ensure continuous and better HSE performance as follows: / F1 / The Contractor’s personnel at all levels of its organization shall demonstrate active involvement in the system, inclusive of provisions to share learning across the Contractor’s organization and periodic reporting to the Company.
F2 / The Contractor shall put in place a documented system to conduct and record HSE meetings, which shall be chaired by its senior most representative for the Contract, and shall indicate that all HSE issues, concerns and discussions are circulated / made aware amongst its personnel at all levels.
F3 / The Contractor shall have a transparent and well documented system for communicating its HSE performance to the Company and submit weekly and monthly reports as stipulated in the relevant Company’s procedures.
The Contractor shall put in place an effective assessment scheme to audit, review and improve its HSE management as follows: / G1 / The Contractor shall conduct self assessments to evaluate the effectiveness of its HSE management system. A consistent approach shall be adopted for the assessments and its documentation.
G2 / The Contractor shall periodically review the audits by the Contractor’s senior management.
G3 / The Contractor shall periodically assess the HSE performance and records of its sub-contractors to ensure compliance.

4. Attachments

4.1 TABLE – 1: Minimum Requirement of Contractor’s HSE Personnel

Number of Contractor’s Personnel on the Site / Number of HSE Personnel Required
For 50 personnel or less
and thereafter
for every increments of
50 personnel or part of / One (1) full-time HSE safety officer/engineer


4.1.1 The Contractor shall submit to the Superintendent of the Contract, within thirty (30) days from the date of commencement of the Contract, curriculum vitae(s) along with all the educational / professional qualifications and service experience of the HSE personnel(s) to be employed by it for the Contract.

4.1.2 The HSE personnel shall be evaluated and approved based on the submitted curriculum vitae, personal interview and written test conducted by the concerned HSE Asset Team of the Company.

4.1.3 The competency of the Contractor’s HSE personnel(s) shall be subject to verification through review / audit process by the Company during any phase of the Contract. If any non-compliance is observed, such personnel(s) shall be required to be withdrawn from the Site immediately, even though such HSE personnel were approved by the Company.

4.1.4 The Contractor shall not replace any of its Company approved HSE personnel without obtaining a written concurrence of the Superintendent subject to providing documentary evidence and reasons for the removal. The Contractor shall provide suitable replacement, duly approved by the Company, prior to the removal of such HSE personnel from the Site.

4.1.5 In the event of absence and/or non-availability of the Contractor’s HSE personnel from the Site for what-so-ever reason, without an approved replacement, the Company shall apply the provisions of the Contract.

4. Attachments (cont’d.)

4.2 TABLE – 2: Minimum Qualification of Contractor’s HSE Personnel

applicable to / HSE Personnel’s
Qualification & Experience
All Contracts involving Company’s Facilities/Assets / 1- Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering or Science from a recognized and reputed university, with minimum 5 years experience as HSE personnel in the relevant field
Diploma in Engineering from a recognized and reputed Institute of University, with minimum 7 years experience as HSE personnel in the relevant field
2- Must have attended one or more HSE course(s) in any category of training in General Industrial Safety, Construction Safety, etc.

4. Attachments (cont’d.)

4.3 TABLE – 3: Specific Requirements

(Read in conjunction with clauses 3)

A1 / HSE Policy / x / x / x / x / x
A2 / Compatible with Company’s HSE Policy / x / o / o / o / o
B1 / Leadership / x / x / x / x / o
B2 / Commitment / x / x / x / x / x
B3 / HSE Management Assurance / x / x / x / o / o
B4 / Sub-contractor HSE Compliance / x / x / x / o / o
C1 / HSE Plan awareness / x / x / x / o / o
C2 / HSE Induction Program / x / x / x / x / o
C3 / HSE Personnel (Also Refer Tables 1 & 2) / x / x / x / o / o
C4 / Specialized Training for Accountable personnel / x / x / o / o / o
C5 / HSE Training & Awareness Program / x / x / x / x / x
C6 / Job specific Training Program / x / x / x / x / x
D1 / Work Environment, Occupational Health & Hygiene / x / x / x / o / o
D2 / P.P.E / x / x / x / x / x
D3 / Safety Risk Assessment / x / x / x / o / o
D4 / HAZOP / x / x / o / o / o
D5 / PHSER / x / x / o / o / o
D6 / Environmental Management Program / x / x / x / o / o
D7 / Waste Management / x / x / x / x / x

4.3 TABLE – 3: Specific Requirements (Cont’d.)

E1 / HSE Plan / x / x / x / o / o
E2 / HSE Working Procedures / x / x / x / o / o
E3 / HSE Rules & Regulations Compliance / x / x / x / x / x
E4 / Management of Change / x / x / x / o / o
E5 / Reporting & Handling undesirable events / conditions / x / x / x / x / x
E6 / Emergency Response / x / x / x / x / x
F1 / Pro-active HSE working Environment / x / x / x / x / x
F2 / HSE Meetings / x / x / x / o / o
F3 / HSE Reports / x / x / x / o / o
G1 / Self Assessments / x / x / x / o / o
G2 / Review of Audits / x / x / x / o / o
G3 / Sub-contractor Assessment / x / x / x / o / o

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