Hating Alison Ashley by Robin Klein
Choose one task from each line
Extension: complete one extra task from each line
Remember / List all the main characters in the story. Describe each member of Alison’s family / Record the important events in the story in chronological order. / Pretend you are Erica. List qualities you like about yourself. / Who helped solve Erica's problems before the Drama night performance? / Describe Alison's first day at Barringa East Primary.
Understand / Describe your feelings for three characters in the story. / What differences exist between Alison's and Erica's home lives? / Write a description, in your own words, of Alison's appearance on the first day at Barringa East. / Discuss Erica's feelings for Alison. What changes occur during the novel? / Look for three events in the story which could be told successfully through mime.
Applying / Write acrostics about two of the following: Erica, Alison, Jedda, Barry, Valjoy, Lennie, Harley. / Write a newspaper article explaining the changes to the school zoning system which caused Alison's enrolment at Barringa East. / Write a letter from Alison to one of her friends from her old school. / Construct a Find-a-word using Erica's long list of medical conditions (page 5). / Write the dialogue of a doctor's explanation to a patient of each medical condition. Describe the symptoms, location in the body (if applicable), treatment, and curability.
Analysing / If Alison had blabbed out the real reason behind Erica's refusal to replace Oscar, what might the ending have been? / Alison has lent a pen to Erica which Erica has not returned. The pen is of sentimental value to Alison and she desperately wants it back. Why has Erica not returned it? What might they say to each other about this? / Write a biography of Alison's life up to the time she enrolled at Barringa East. / Design a questionnaire to gather information from the other characters about their feelings for Erica. / Make up a dialogue between Barry and Erica discussing Alison. Do this on your own or with a partner. If you work with a partner, write the words for one character each.
Evaluating / If you were to have a family like Erica's or Alison's, which would you choose? Why? / Write an argument in favour of Alison being allowed to ignore the zoning changes and so not having to attend Barringa East. / Alison and Erica are both running for class captain. Who would you vote for? Why? / How would you handle having to go to a school where you were one of a kind? / Alison has lent a pen to Erica which Erica has not returned. The pen is of sentimental value to Alison and she desperately wants it back. Why has Erica not returned it? What might they say to each other about this?
Creating / Using a collage, design a ‘set design’ for the Richard Tulloch play or at least two scenes from it. / Create a label for the clothes that Valjoy prefers. / Create an advertising campaign in the form of a Flyer, for Kyle Grammar School. / Make a list of personal goals for Erica and Alison at the camp and evaluate their success. / Write a poem that expresses the views of a character in the book.

Adapted from a range of resources based on ‘Still Thinking to Learn’ Hawker Brownlow Education 2006
