HTML Question Paper 2

· Fill up the following

1. One <blockquote> is equal to _________ spaces

2. <u> tag is used to _____ the text

3. <tt>tag is used to display the text as _____ text

4. Tag for creating unordered list is________

5. The default method for submitting the form is _________

6. ______ attribute is used to specify maximum number of characters in <input> tag

7. _________ tag is used to create Frames

8. Shapes, which are included in image maps, are _______, _____ and _________

9. ____________ attribute is used to set an image as background for HTML page

10. ____________ tag is used to import an external style sheet

· Write and Explain important attributes for the following tags

1. <body>

2. <form>

3. <textarea>

4. <iframe>

5. <applet>

· Explain in detail

1. Different Style Sheets

2. Different tags and attributes to create HTML table

3. Image Maps

· Write Codes

1. Write a program to create an image map with all the three shapes

2. Write a program to open the link in first frame in another frame