March 14, 2016

HHS Cheerleaders & Parents:

As you all know, cheerleading is an expensive sport. We need to raise money in a short amount of time and as quickly as possible so that our squads are prepared for camp and football season.

Our first fundraiser will be our 20/20 fundraiser. All money from this fundraiser will be directly credited to each girl´s cheer account to go toward the cost of her uniforms, camp fees, etc.

Here is the way this fundraiser works:

· Each girl will be given a copy of the 20/20 letter. The girls need to HAND WRITE either “Thanks” or “Thank you” or “Love” or whatever salutation is appropriate for the person they are sending it to, and then sign their name in the blank section of the letter above where it says “Please make checks payable to”. They will also need to write their name on the line at the bottom of the form that says “I would like to sponsor the following cheerleader”.

· You will need a total of 40 envelopes if you are sending all 20 letters out via US Mail. 20 larger envelopes to mail them out in and 20 smaller envelopes to place inside the main envelope with the letter. The 2nd (smaller) envelope will be used by the sponsor to return the form and their donation.

· You will need to complete the return address for each of the smaller envelopes. This makes it easier for people to send their checks in - all they have to do is stick it in the pre-addressed return envelope and put it in the mail!!

· You may also circulate this letter by hand delivery to neighbors or close friends, or also via email. You can ask sponsors to send their donations directly to the school, or you can have them send their donations directly to you. If you receive any donations directly, please promptly turn them into Coach Jones at practice.

As stated above, all money raised from this fundraiser will be directly credited to each girl´s cheer account to go toward the cost of her uniforms, camp fees, etc. This fundraiser has the potential to earn each cheerleader on the squad over $400, so we are asking everyone to be a part of it! However, because the funds are being credited individually to each girl´s account, participation is not mandatory.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!

Kindall Jones

Mallory Swinsick

The Helena High School Cheerleaders are kicking off their upcoming season with a 20/20 fundraising drive. Each member of the Varsity and Junior Varsity squads are asking 20 supporters to make a donation of at least $20.00 each toward our cheerleading program. Any funds you donate will go directly toward the fees for the cheerleader you sponsor.

We are excited about the cheerleading program at Helena High School. We are working toward making the 2016-2017 season a success! Our goal is to raise over $25,000 in order to attend camps and competitions this year. We need your help to accomplish this goal and to build the HHS Cheerleading program into the best that it can be!

Any amount that you can contribute toward our goal is greatly appreciated! Please return this form with your donation via the enclosed self-addressed envelope by May 1, 2016. Or you can return your form and donation directly to the cheerleader you are sponsoring.

Thank you so much for your help and support. Go Huskies!

Please make checks payable to: Helena High School Cheerleading

Mail form and donation to: Coach Kindall Jones

Helena High School

1310 Hillsboro Parkway

Helena, AL 35080

Please detach and return lower portion with your donation


I would like to sponsor the following Cheerleader: ____________________________________

Donation amount: ________________________ Check Number: _______________________

Name: ______________________________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________

Phone: _________________________________ Email: ______________________________