GreenMatter Postgraduate Fellowship

Bursaries for Honours study in South Africa 2018

Please fill in this form by typing in the answers. Then print to sign or sign in PDF. Hand written answers are not preferred and are only accepted if legible.



If you have a facebook or twitter account fill in:

We inform you of decision via email so please ensure address is accurate and current


2.  Proposed course of study

Proposed course of study:

Undergrad Diploma Honours

Title of degree
e.g. Masters in
Environmental Science / University
e.g. University of Cape Town / Offer from university
Already studying this course
Yes Conditional Waiting
Not applied yet
Conditional Waiting
Not applied yet
Conditional Waiting
Not applied yet
How many years do you have to study for this qualification?
Date course begins/began
Date course ends
Mode of learning / Full time
Part time

3.  Education

Please list your previous completed university education, starting with your most recent studies:

Title of course
e.g. Zoology / Qualification
e.g. MSc / Name of institution
e.g. University of Cape Town / Grade
e.g. Merit / Year completed
e.g. 2011 / Paid by: (relative, sponsor, self)
e.g. parents
Eg. Zoology and Botany / Eg. BSc / Eg. University of Johannesburg / Eg. Average Pass mark 84% / Eg. 2010

4.  Employment

List your employment history, starting with your most recent or current position:

Employer, address and telephone number / Position / Dates (from/to) / Summary of Main Responsibilities
5. Financial Information
Are you currently employed? / Yes - Full time Yes - Part time No
If yes, please give job title, employer and salary. / Job title:
Monthly Salary (Rd):
How much are the annual tuition fees for your course? (Rand)
How much are your
other financial commitments for the year (living expenses, research costs etc)? (Rand) / Rent: / Transport:
Research costs: / Living expenses:
Have you applied to any other organisations for
bursary support for 2017? / Yes, and I have been successful. Amount secured for 2018 is ……………. Yes, and my request is still pending
If no, how are you
currently financing your studies? (working, parents, savings, loan etc)

Please describe your financial situation and explain why you need this bursary (maximum 150 words)

If your answers cannot fit into these spaces please feel free to expand or continue on a separate sheet

6.  Motivation

The focus theme for 2018 GreenMatter Fellowship is Biodiversity and Responses to Climate Change, and the associated issues and risks around:

·  Biodiversity and Water Security

·  Biodiversity and Food Security, and

·  Biodiversity and Social Change/Innovation.

a)  Please describe how your research field of study area relates to the 2018 GreenMatter focus theme (maximum 400 words)

b)  GreenMatter wishes to address both absolute and relative skills scarcity in the biodiversity sector. Please describe how the skills you are cultivating through your studies and research will contribute to the skills needed in the biodiversity sector (max. 400 words)

c)  GreenMatter believes that leadership is key to transformation in the biodiversity sector. Please describe how you have developed your leadership skills and give specific examples of where your leadership has made a difference. This may be in academia, at work or in your community (max. 300 words)

d)  GreenMatter seeks to develop a network of committed and able biodiversity ambassadors. Please use this section to tell us how you would contribute to the Fellowship network and be a good ambassador for the sector. (max. 200 words)

e)  Have you ever acted as a mentor or tutor to others? Please give examples. (max. 200 words)

7.  Other information

Please tell us any other information you think is relevant to your application, for example ways in which you contribute to your community other than through your studies and/or employment (max 150 words)

8.  Networking and Mentoring Programme

GreenMatter recognises the importance of networking with peers and exposure to positive role models in supporting students to succeed in, and beyond, their studies. Fellowship participants will have access to various forums for networking and will also have the opportunity to be matched with a mentor. Please tell us what your particular mentoring and networking needs are and what you would hope to achieve through accessing the programme. (max 300 words)

9.  How did you here about this bursary opportunity/the GreenMatter Fellowship?

Please tick one box: Internet search GreenMatter website

Through a staff member at my university (please specify who) ……...…………

At my workplace

Word of mouth

Print Media

Financial Aid Office

Other (please specify) ……………………….

10.  Application checklists

Please check you have included all the following documents and tick to confirm: Fully completed application form

Certified academic transcripts

Certified degree certificates, if applicable Reference letters from two referees

An up-to-date prospectus for your proposed Honours Degree

Proof of South African citizenship (certified copy of ID book) Proof of registration, if you are already studying.

Please tick to confirm you have read and agree with the following: The information I have given is accurate and complete;

I understand that if I have not included any of the required supporting documents, my application will be automatically rejected and if I am not accepted to be registered for my intended course I will not qualify for this bursary;

I understand that if my application arrives late, it will not be considered;

I understand that GreenMatter cannot provide feedback on the result of my application or return documents.

I understand that if I am successful and accept the award, I will need to be available to attend a Fellowship Orientation event in April 2018.

Signed (Please type Name): ______


Date (dd/mm/yyyy): ______

Send your completed form and supporting documents by Sunday 5 November 2017 to:


Please send all documents, except references in one email where this is possible.

See the Information for Applicants Guidelines on submitting references.