Getting to Know Edmodo
Log onto the computer using directions provided in the lab.Assignment 1. Sign up for Edmodo
If you already have an Edmodo Account, do not create a new account. Follow these directions:
- Login to your account.
- Find “Groups” on the left side of the homepage. Click on the plus sign [+].
- Type in the 6 digit group code ______
1. Visit and select the “I’m a Student” button.
2. Fill out the registration form with the
group code: ______
[all lowercase]
[for example: James Lewis would be lewisjames]
and password: your student number
Do not fill in an email address.
Use your real name for
First Name and Last Name.
3. Select the “Sign up” button to complete the signup process. You will then see the group you joined on the left sidebar.
Assignment 2. Practice Replying to a Post on Edmodo
Reply to a Post
If you want to respond to something your teacher or classmates said to the Group, you can reply to the post following the steps below.
- Select the“Reply”iconlocated below a message.
- Type yourreplyin the text box then select the“Reply”button when you are ready to post it. The reply message will appear below the original post.
On Edmodo, find the Post Practice Replying to a Post.
Assignment 3. Practice Turning in an Assignment on Edmodo
1) Scroll down within Edmodo to “Practice Turning in an Assignment on Edmodo.”
2) Open [DOWNLOAD] the document by clicking on the document name or on the download link.
3) Fill out the requested answers on the document you have opened.
4) Save the document on the desktop or on your thumb drive, adding your first name to the beginning of the file name. Do not add anything to the end of the file name. (Anything on the desktop will disappear when you log out.)
5) UPLOAD the document to Edmodo by clicking on the “Turn In” button, clicking on the “file” icon, and selecting your saved document to upload.
Add a comment, select a reaction (face) and click on “Turn in Assignment.”
If you’re turning the same document in again, click on “Turned In” or “Graded,”
then on “Resubmit Assignment,” attach the file, and click on “Turn in Assignment” or “Add Comment.”
Each time you do more work on a documents, you must save it, then select your document from the place you have saved it, using the file icon.
6) Watch for a link to your document to appear.
Before you leave, sign out of Edmodo.
Log off the computer.
Push your chair in, and take any belongings that you brought with you, including this page
Turning in Assignments on Edmodo