Greater Naples Branch AAUW

Branch Meeting – Saturday, April 14th, 2012

The Strand Country Club, Naples, FL

Jackie Pierce, President of the Greater Naples Branch AAUW called the Annual Spring Awards Luncheon Meeting to order at 12:00, welcoming everyone in attendance and extending our sincere gratitude to Mollie Ottina, Chair of today's meeting.

Jackie explained that today's luncheon features one of the major projects of the GNB AAUW...the local scholarships. She thanked all those who have contributed financially or volunteered their services to make this program possible.

Nancy Palvino, Membership Co-Director introduced the guests and new members. Jackie recognized the past GNB AAUW presidents; Carolyn Willis, Susan Calkins, Harriet Lancaster and Vi Steffan and asked them to please stand, thanking them for their continued leadership and support.

Jackie asked members to sign cards that were being passed around the room for two of our past presidents who were unable to attend due to health issues of their own or of their family members and asked all to remember dear Jeanne Brooker and Ramona McNicholas in our thoughts.

Susan Calkins and new member, Sandra Buxton, were among the 11 women honored earlier in the week as The Community Foundation's 2012 Women of Initiative and Vi Steffan was honored as a 2012 AAUW Woman of Achievement. Jackie expressed our great pride and pleasure and asked the three ladies to stand and be recognized. We congratulated them all with thunderous applause!

Immediately following the luncheon, Jackie introduced Rose DiBiasi, Local Scholarship Director, who presented the Branch scholarships to the selected recipients. Rose called each recipient to the podium to be recognized. Each winner gave a short description of their program of studies and explained the impact education would have on their lives. Ellen Granger, incoming President, presented a rose to each recipient. The local scholarship winners for this year are:

Maribel Beltran

Edison State College, Business Management

Gisela Chamberlin

Hodges University, Accounting

Kimberly Kratz

Keiser University, Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Entela Kreka

Hodges University, Health Information Management

Rose Murray

Edison State College, Elementary Education

Noemi Perez

Hodges University, Business Administration

Rosemarie Schwager

Edison State College, General Studies

Sheila View

Edison State College, Nursing

Yosiel Betsy Comacho Viller

Edison State College, Dental Hygiene

Jennifer Wheeler

Edison State College, Elementary Education

Vanessa Wilson

Hodges University, Accounting

Jackie congratulated each scholarship winner and extended best wishes on behalf of the AAUW and mentioned that our own Michele Martin was a previous scholarship recipient and is now our Finance Director/Treasurer and manages the budget.

Jackie announced that the minutes of the March 3, 2012 branch meeting were posted on the web page under publications and asked for any additions or corrections. Hearing none, the minutes were approved.

Jackie thanked Sharon Hood, Editor of E'Bella Magazine for mentioning AAUW GNB Women of Achievement in several places of the magazine, including her Editor's Page. Sharon will be writing a story on the GNB AAUW Scholarship Luncheon. It was stated that Sharon had just joined AAUW and everyone applauded.

Michele Martin gave the treasurer's report and financial report from the Woman of Achievement benefit luncheon. As of April 14th, 2012 the checking account balance is $3,899.43 and the Money Market balance is $12,045.71. The Women of Achievement luncheon brought in $21,024 gross with a net income of $15,548. When asked how our numbers compared to last year, Michelle stated that donations increased by $730 in general and $333 short term.

Michele presented the 2012-2013 budget for approval. On behalf of the budget committee Jackie asked for a vote to approve the budget…all approved.

Jackie announced that four members would be attending the AAUW-Florida convention; Ellen Granger, Vi Steffan, Kathy Ryan and Florence Chandler. She wished them well and thanked them for representing our branch at this state convention.

Jackie reported that the Board of Directors elected Janet M. Welch as Chairman of the Nominating Committee and herself as an alternate. Teddy Furst Martin and Marcia Cinnamon were nominated to serve as members of the nominating committee and Janice Stowell has been nominated to serve as an alternate. Jackie asked if there were further nominations (there were none) and asked for a vote. The nominating committee was unanimously elected and asked to stand and be recognized (much applause).

Florence Chandler, Director for Public Policy, reported on Women's Health Matters, scheduled for May 25th.

Vi Steffan, Communications Director, reported that we have new software for the fall that will assist with the development of our website.

Karen Clegg, Vice President, reported on RIF (Reading Is Fundamental) explaining that Federal funding has ended but may be restored next fall if RIF is successful in funding competition. Regardless, funding will be reduced. She discussed the funding uncertainty and said 24 volunteers met on April 3rd to formulate a plan.

Basically the plan, approved by the Board, is to serve as many schools as AAUW funding permits, reduce the number of books for students in grades K through 5 from three to two a year, prioritize schools based on need, partner with other organizations, and seek new funding sources. The bottom line is to ask ourselves and other members of AAUW to contribute to RIF so we can continue this program next year. Those wishing to contribute can send a check to the AAUW Greater Naples Charitable Foundation by September and designate your donation for RIF. Currently, we have funding for only two schools, so if you want more, please contribute.

Kathy Ryan encouraged members to participate in the May sessions of the Scholar Bowl. The schedule was included in the last two Gulf Breeze publications and included contact information.

Harriet Lancaster, Educational Opportunities Director, is leaving the board after more than eight years of service.

Janet Welch, Legal Advocacy Fund Director, discussed the major legal battles with regard to equal pay for women. The Wal-Mart case lost on a vote of 5-4 at the Supreme Court level but now smaller cases are being litigated with AAUW support. Janet also mentioned the sexual assault cases in the military, Title IX, Equity in Sports, and Susan G Komen for the Cure, noting that AAUW is consistently the first to speak up in regards to women's issues.

Jackie added to Janet's remarks by explaining that April 17th is Equal Pay Day and women wear red on this day to signify the point in the new year where women's pay catches up to their male counterpart's pay.

At this point in the meeting, Jackie spoke about the Woman of Achievement Benefit held on March 8th and asked the event co-chairs, Ellen Granger and Karen Clegg, and all the committee members to please stand for our recognition and applause. Ellen reported on the criteria and the selection process used to determine the Women of Achievement winners. She noted that next year the event will be held on March 7th and the price will change from $75 to $80.

Mollie Ottina announced that E'Bella Magazine donated $1,000 and, therefore, is our first corporate sponsor.

Jackie asked the GNB AAUW 2010-2012 Board of Directors to please stand and be applauded for not only a job well done, but a job accomplished beyond one's job description. A special note of gratitude was extended to those leaving the Board: Sue Goodwin, Secretary; Harriet Lancaster, Educational Foundation; Molly Ottina, School and Community Relations; Patti Stentz, Bylaws; Janice Stowell, Corresponding Secretary; and John Goodlet, Historian.

Before the installation of new branch officers began, Jackie noted how sad we are that Ramona McNicholas was unable to attend and that Ramona had designed and printed the program for today's meeting and prepared the installation ceremony. With heartfelt gratitude, Vi Steffan, past president, would serve as the installing officer for the 2012-2014 branch officers. Jackie asked incoming Board members to please come forward and the installation of officers proceeded as follows:

Ellen Granger - President

Susie Mehas - Vice President

Florence Chandler - Director for Public Policy

Donna Walker - Director of Educational Opportunities

A brief biography of each member was read during the swearing in ceremony. Glenda Struthers, recording secretary, was not in attendance but her bio was read and she was officially installed.

After the installation of officers, Ellen Granger thanked Jackie for a wonderful two years of leadership, commitment and diplomacy. She said she had never met anyone so adept at handling the most difficult of situations and always with grace, charm and consideration. She added that she hoped to follow that fine example as she assumed the role of AAUW President.

Ellen went on to thank the numerous volunteers and to highlight a few changes that would be taking place next year. The first general meeting will be held on Oct 6th and will include an overview of all the AAUW activities and the actual structure/composition of the board. Ellen discussed the League of Women Voters, next year's Women of Achievement Benefit (March 7th) and the nomination forms. She also explained that the Board meeting dates will be held on the second Tuesday of each month at Grey Oaks. Ellen concluded by expressing the loss we all feel for our dear friend Mary Lou Dane and salute her courageousness in death and her dedication and commitment to AAUW. She noted we will be awarding a scholarship next year in her name.

Ellen also mentioned we need co-chairs for the Women of Achievement Benefit and someone to head Tour and Talks. She asked for interested parties to contact her directly.

Jackie asked the past presidents of GNB AAUW to come forward and be recognized. Jackie passed the President's pin to Carolyn Willis (1994 - 1996), Carolyn passed the pin to Susan Calkins (2004 - 2006), Susan passed the pin to Harriet Lancaster (2006 - 2008), Harriet passed the pin to Vi Steffan (2008 - 2010), Vi passed the pin to Jackie Pierce (2010 - 2012) and Jackie passed the pin to our new President, Ellen Granger.

On behalf of the past presidents, Vi Steffan presented Jackie with the Past President's Pin. Vi spoke about the wonderful work Jackie has done for AAUW and about her leadership, her character and work ethics.

Jackie closed the meeting with a poem called "The Chair." Although the poem says "author unknown" we all know better and its worth repeating. Here it is:

I'd like to take a moment

At the closing of the year,

To comment on a subject

That to you may not be clear.

The question is more complex

Than first it may appear:

Just why is it that presidents

Are also called "the chair?"

The one who thought that title up

Must surely be aware

It doesn't boost one's ego

To be likened to a chair!

It's true one may be well-upholstered,

Overstuffed or bare,

But just between the two of us

I don't look like a chair!

The problem really puzzled me

Then finally grew clear

A conscientious president

Must function like a chair.

Some chairs are merely beautiful,

They're delicate and rare.

But the kind that I refer to

Is the ordinary chair.

Can anyone imagine

An object anywhere

Which is more downright useful

Than the ordinary chair?

A chair should never squeak or sag

Or any way complain,

But just go right on functioning

No matter what the strain.

A chair must be efficient

And equal to the task

Of sometimes being "sat upon"

Buy some well meaning lass.

A chair should be dependable,

And always well aware

That it's awfully hard to sit upon

A chair that isn't there!

A chair should not seek privileges

That it does not deserve,

But should remember at all times

"It's only there to serve."

The proper chair will not collapse

When burdened with a care,

But stand upon its sturdy feet

And calmly bear its share.

A chair will not be crushed

If it can't please everyone,

But be content if it has borne

The heavy weight of some

At last there comes the moment,

When with worn and weary pace,

The chair must tactfully "take off"

And find a corner place.

It doesn't seek retirement

In corners dark with gloom.

Just clear the place for fresher chairs

Which come to grace the room.

I hope I've served you well

And never let you down,

For surely I'm the luckiest

Of all the chairs in town!

You've sat on me most gently

Throughout the months of use,

And I honestly can testify

I've never known abuse.

I'll cherish every spot on me

That you have given wear.

And so I close these thoughts to you,

With much love....the Chair!

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned by President, Jackie Pierce at 2:15 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Nadine Wells, for Sue Goodwin, Recording Secretary