Graduate Music Classification Proficiency Examinations
Note: all incoming graduate music students must take the graduate music classification examinations at the beginning of their first semester and must complete all requirements as diagnosed by the exams before they are eligible to graduate. Also, students must remediate any deficiencies in history and theory prior to registering for graduate history or theory courses.
The Graduate Music Classification Examination (GMCE) is a series of proficiency tests administered prior to the beginning of each semester to all graduate students who are entering the College of Music for the first time (including undergraduates of FSU). The GMCE includes areas of music skills covered in a typical four-year program of undergraduate music study.
Students deficient in any of the areas below will be required to register for certain remedial courses. Graduate courses taken for remedial purposes are not credited toward the total hours required for any graduate degree.
As an aid in counseling, the following guidelines are provided for the GMCE’s areas:
· Theory Examination (all students)
This examination covers subjects from the first two years of college theory, including sections on realization of figured bass, harmonic analysis, seventh chords, basic strict counterpoint, and formal analysis. All students must pass the theory test or take MUT 5051, Graduate Theory Review. Students may take the exam multiple times. Note that it would be to the student's advantage to take this exam as early in the degree as possible, so as not to delay degree conferral. Credit earned in MUT 5051 cannot be applied toward degree course work requirements.
· Music HistoryExamination (all students)
This examination consists of thirteen scores from all time periods with multiple choice questions pertaining to each one. All students must pass the history test or take MUH 5219 Graduate Survey of Music History. Students may take the exam multiple times. Note that it would be to the student's advantage to take this exam as early in the degree as possible, so as not to delay degree conferral. Credit earned in MUH 5219 cannot be applied toward degree course work requirements.
· Applied Music Requirement (Non-performance majors in Music Education, Music Therapy and Arts Administration or performance majors who have submitted a recorded audition.)
See AUDITIONS. Note: Non-performance degree students who do not achieve principal level will not be permitted to graduate.
· Vocal Proficiency (Music Education and Music Therapy majors except for voice principals)
o The student must demonstrate a level of proficiency indicating that they are capable of using the voice as a teaching tool in the classroom. This short, individual exam consists of:
§ the singing of a familiar melody with consistent breath pacing.
§ hearing and reproducing selected intervals on a given vowel.
o Criteria for evaluation include breath pacing, intonation, adequate range, and acceptable tone quality. Students who do not pass this exam must register for MVV 1111 Class Voice until the vocal deficiencies are remedied, as determined by a passing grade in the course. Credit earned in MVV 1111 is not credited toward the total hours required for the degree and is not covered by a graduate assistant tuition waiver.
· Piano Proficiency (Music Education and Music Therapy majors except for piano or organ principals)
o The student must demonstrate a level of piano ability indicating that they are capable of using the piano as a teaching tool in the classroom. This short, individual exam consists of:
§ playing simple accompaniments
§ improvising simple accompaniments for a given melody
§ playing chords from symbols
§ Students who do not pass this exam must register for MVK 5151 Class Piano until the piano deficiencies are remedied, as determined by a passing grade in the course. Credit earned in MVK 5151 are not credited toward the total hours required for the degree.