Government Syllabus Fall 2015

Mr. Starkey

The goal of this class is for students to gain a basic understanding of why we have government and the different types of governments around the world as well as an in depth understanding of the United States Government. With this knowledge, students can become informed, responsible adults, who can actively participate and shape government on the local, state, or federal levels.

Course Description

This class addresses the creation of America’s government after the Revolutionary War. The class will focus on the Constitution, Branches of Government, State and Local Governments, Political Parties, and the rights and responsibilities of citizens.

Class Rules

1) Have respect for others and don’t interrupt them, wait your turn to speak

2) No food or drink in class

3) No cell phones in class

4) Use bathrooms between classes

5) No sitting on desks or leaning back in chairs


Class will consist of teacher and student led discussions, group and individual projects, and assignments, quizzes, and tests that will be completed online.

Late Work/Absent

Students will be given every opportunity to receive and make-up late or missing work. I will accept late work right up until the end of the block. The only way to not receive credit for an assignment is to not turn it in. If you are absent, come see me the first day you are back to get your missing work. You can also email me to get missing work while you are out of school.


Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else’s ideas and passing them off as your own. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in a zero for the assignment.


I use a total point grading system. Students will receive participation points for class activities but it will be a small percentage of their grade. Tests and class projects will be worth the same amount of points and will make up the largest percentage of your grade.