NAME………………………………………………….INDEX No…………………………………..





July/August 2008

Time: 2¾ HOURS


Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (k.c.s.e)




July/August 2008

Time: 2¾ HOURS


  • This paper has two sections A and B
  • Answer all the questions in section A: In section B answer question 6 and any other two questions
  • All answers must be written in the answer booklet provided.

This paper consists of 4 printed pages.

Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain

that both pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing


1a) What is the meaning of the term vegetation?1 mk

b) Use the sketch map below to answer the questions that follow

i) Identify the type of vegetation in the shaded region 1 mk

ii) State three characteristics of the identified vegetation type 3 mks

2 a) What is Karst scenery ?1 mk

b) Give two reasons why unique features develop in a karst scenery 2 mks

c) With the aid of asimple diagram ,illustrate the following features

i) Dry valley 1 mk

ii) Swallow hole 1 mk

3a) Name three ways through which a glacier moves 3 mks

b) Identify two features in glaciated highlands 2 mks

4a) Classify sedimentary rocks according to their mode of formation 3 mks

b) State two importance of rocks to man kind2 mks

5a) Give two compositions of soil 2 mks

b) Give a brief description of soil under the following aspects

i) Texture 1 mk

ii) Structure 1 mk

iii) Lime content 1 mk


Answer question six and any other two questions from this section

. Study the map provided of Taita Hills and answer the questions that follow

6.a) Convert the scale of the map into a statement scale 1mk

ii) Give the six grid figure reference of the dispensary at Ronge forest 2 mks

iii) Calculate the area of Ronge forest 2 mks

b)Using the scale of 1 cm to rep 40 m ,draw a cross section from Majengo shop to Shalemba Dispensary

On your cross section indicate

i) Hills

ii) Loose surface road

iii) Voi ( goshi) River 6 mks

iv) Calculate the vertical exaggeration of the cross- section 2 mks

c) Describe the relief of the area covered by the map 4 mks

d) Describe the drainage of he area covered by the map 4 mks

e) Students of Majengo school carried out a field study on Ronge forest;

f) What was the importance of the route map to the place 2 mks

h) Give two importance of their study to the forest department 2 mks

7 a) Describe how a river erodes its channel by the following processes

i) Hydraulic action 4 mks

ii) Abrasion 4 mks

b) Explain three factors that lead to rejuvenation of a river 6 mks

ii) Describe the process of a river capture 4 mks

c) You have been asked to carry out a field study on features proceduced by rivers

i) State two methods you would use to record your data 2 mks

ii) State two hypotheses you would set 2 mks

iii) Give three significance of the features produced by rivers 3 mks

8 a) i) What is aridity ?1 mk

ii) State three reasons why wind is a major agent of land sculpture in the desert 3 mks

b) With the aid of diagrams ,describe the formation of the following features

i) Deflation hollows 5 mks

ii) A barchan 5 mks

c)Give three characteristics of aseif dune 3 mks

ii) State three factors influencing transportation of materials by wind in desert areas 3 mks

d)You have been asked to carry out a field study on water action in the desert

i) Name two features you would observe 2 mks

ii) State three features of a good working schedule 3 mks

9 i) Distinguish between ocean and sea 2 mks

ii) The diagram below shows the relief of oceans

Identify the features marked i,ii,iii,3 mks

b) i) Identify three types of ocean islands 3 mks

ii) State any three sources of salt in ocean waters 3 mks

c) Using suitable diagrams, explain how a cuspate foreland is formed 6 mks

d) Students from Shimo la Tewa sec school carried out a field study along the coast of Kenya

i) Give three methods they would use to collect their data 3 mks

ii)Apart from cuspate foreland, what other three depositional features did they identify 3 mks

iii) What problems did they face during their study 2 mks

10 a)i) Name two fold mountains found in North America 2 mks

ii) Draw a diagram of simple fold and on it mark and name ; anticline, limb and a syncline 3 mks

b)i) Differentiate between sill and a dyke 2 mks

ii) Explain how a laccolith is formed 3 mks

c) i) How does aTsunami occur 3 mks

ii) Using suitable diagrams, describe how rift valley was formed through anticlinal arching

5 mks

iii) Identify two block mountains found in Kenya 2 mks

d) You intend to carry out a field study of the landforms around your school

i) State two objectives of your study 2mks

ii) State any three methods you would use to present the information you would collect 3 mks


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