Goldstone Primary School and Nursery
Laburnum Avenue, Hove
Tel: 01273 294851
Fax: 01273 294853
April 2017
Dear Parents/Carers,
As you know, the national statutory assessment tests (SATs) take place nationally for all Y6 children next week:
Mon - Reading paper (60 mins)
Tues - SPaG paper (45mins) and spelling test
Weds - Arithmetic paper (30mins) and reasoning paper 1 (40mins)
Thurs - Reasoning paper 2 (40mins)
Our overall message to your child is:
Don’t worry / Do the best you can – you have already done very well / Be confident
The children have been taught all they need to know! They have been through practice tests so they know what to expect. We have already carried out our own assessments and know that every child is achieving very well and should feel confident.
A few tips:
Make sure that your child has enough sleep – no late nights please!
Make sure that your child has eaten a breakfast each day and if possible, a banana an hour before school.
Make sure that your child is on time every morning (8:45) so they do not miss any input or instructions.
Please don’t pass any of your anxieties or concerns on to your child. Praise and encourage your child to do their best.
If you child is unable to attend on any of the days because of an illness, please contact us as soon as possible so that alternative arrangement can be made for them to sit the test.
You will receive the results achieved in each test in July. There will be an opportunity for you to discuss the reports and results before the end of term with the class teacher.
If you have any further questions or concerns please do not hesitate to pop into school and chat to us about them.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Youles Mr Sheehan Miss Lewis
School Motto: Growing Together, Achieving Together
Headteacher: Chris Pearson Deputy Head: Anne Gibbs