Chapter 4 : Prenatal Development and Birth

Test Reviewp127 #1-10

1.)What are the major differences between an embryo at 2 weeks and a 8 weeks

after conception?

2 weeks- germinal period cells multiply ( more than 100) implantation (embed in uterus)

3 weeks – embryonic period (embryo) 22 days neural tube visible

8 weeks- Fetal period (fetus) head rounded, organs ,body parts present

2.)What are the factors in achieving viability?

Brain development- brain regulates basic body functions

3.)Since almost all fetuses born at 30 weeks survive, why don’t women avoid the last month of pregnancy by having an elective cesarean at the time?

Fragile vs robust newborn- final three months – maturation of neurological,

respiratory, and cardiovascular systems; baby gains weight (4 ½ lbs in

third trimester, ensures that the developing brain is well nourished.

4.)Which maternal behavior or characteristic seems most harmful to fetus: eating a diet low in folic acid, drinking a lot of alcohol, or being HIV-Positive? Explain your answer.

Folic acid-

Drinking alcohol-


5.)Reconsider the Horan’s decision to abort their fetus. According to this published account, which considerations were crucial for them? If you were in this situation, which considerations would be crucial for you?

Horans-Quality of life of the child, religious beliefs,

marital bonding, other children, fear of losing another newborn, tolerance for risk, feelings of shame and guilt, ability to raise a child with serious medical or psychological problems

6.)How much influence do husbands and mothers have on pregnant women? Explain your answer.

Lots…most women will not drink alcohol as a result of this factor….more so than age, education, employment.

What is the alternative explanation for this correlation? Pregnancies with in a

marriage are more likely to be wanted and planned by both parents, a wanted


7.)How have medical procedures helped and harmed the birth process?

Medical care has undeniable benefits, but many aspects have been criticized as

being rooted in custom and not necessary.

8.)Why do hospitals encourage parents of fragile newborns to provide some care, even if the newborn is in critical condition and may die?

Many hospitals provide high –risk infants with regular massage and soothing stimulation…which aid in weight gain and increase overall alertness

9.)What factors increase the likelihood of a strong mother infant bond?

hold , examine, feed their newborn….bond develops

10.)What can be done about postpartum depression, for both the mother and

the infant?

See hand out…father’s support benefits the mother, his attachment to the baby can overcome any negative impact on the developing child.