Getting Acquainted Assignment
Students may submit this document in one of the following forms:
Word document (filename.doc or .docx)
rich text format (filename.rtf)
plain text format (filename.txt)
At least one of the three formats should be readable in most word processors. This assignment will enable each student and the instructor to find a file format that will work for all graded assignments that must be submitted via the D2L drop box and for all files to be downloaded from D2L, the faculty website, or the course software. The options listed above are in the order of my preference.
When saving a document in your word processor, use the “save as” command and then use the drop-down box to select a file format that is one of those listed. Name the file GA your name. For example, my getting acquainted Word document would be GA mike marzinske.doc.
The questionnaire begins on the next page. Type your answers for each numbered item. When it is complete, save the document as described above and then submit it via the D2L drop box. I prefer that this be done during the first week of the semester, but it must be completed no later than September 2 at 11:59 pm to obtain full credit.
Completion of all of the following activities count for a total of 32 points:
1. Activate your StarID and be sure you can access D2Lnt accounts: (StarID, and be sure you have updated your e-mail address for the IHCC campus) Go to
2. Getting Acquainted assignment: download from (also available under “Content” menu in D2L). Answer, save and send via D2L dropbox.
3. Register and enroll in MyStatLab software at : See the welcome letter for details and registration instructions which will be posted on D2L.
4. If you will be using MyStatLab on your own computer, run the Browser Check in MyStatLab to download plug-ins and players.
5. Send me an e-mail from your e-mail account mentioned in step 1 with Math 1103-99 your name in the subject line.
All of these activities are intended to get you set up to run the software, to play the videos and to be able to open, read, print and send documents. Hopefully, you will be ready to go on or before the first day of class.
Getting Acquainted – Math 1103-99 Fall 2014
1. Your name:
2. Your IHCC student ID number:
3. (For fun) What is your favorite movie?:
4. Your official student e-mail address on file with IHCC:
5. (Optional) Another e-mail address (for back-up purposes only):
6. Your primary phone number:
7. Your cell phone number if different from above:
8. Your complete home mailing address including zip code:
9. Your preferred document type (Word.doc or Word.docx or Rich Text Format.rtf):
10. Type of statistical calculator such as TI 36, TI 83 Plus, TI 84 Plus, TI 89, etc.: Identify:
11. Internet Access: ___ IHCC campus lab ____ Work ___ Home
12. Internet Access (Mark one):
DSL ___ Cable ___ Satellite (or mobile broadband) _____ Dial-up ___
(What is your download speed if you know it? _______)
13. Your planned course exam site (Mark one): IHCC campus ____ or Off-campus proctored site ____
If you answered an off-campus proctored site (generally if one-way commuting distance exceeds 50 miles or you have extenuating circumstances), then answer the following (note that at this time this is only a suggestion, we will need to mutually agree to this):
a. Name of agency & its mailing address:
b. Name of proctor:
c. Proctor’s phone number:
14. Reason for taking this class online:
15. Last math class (course name, semester taken, location, year):
16. Grade in last math class:
17. Number of credits this semester:
18. Number of hours employed and/or volunteered per week this semester:
19. Are there any complicating factors or issues that may interfere with your time commitment of at least 12-15 hours needed per week for this class?
20. Tell me three thing(s) that you like to do and/or can do really well.