What can the NZ Government do?
○  Take peak oil and climate change seriously at all levels
○  Is the government going to look at alternatives to population growth based economic growth? This is unsustainable but politically difficult.
○  Accept/acknowledge that there is a problem
○  Educate our population
○  Support movements that propose to deal with the problems
○  Listen to the other countries initiatives to take actions on peak oil & climate change, take the best out of that & implement!
○  Help us educate & transform, we may have the initiative but we lack resources.
○  Listen to the people and try to be more proactive
○  Support people who are ‘thinking’ of other ways to look at things
○  Abstain from Government and let someone better have a go
○  Electrify the railways, and create incentives for electric cars
○  Encourage energy saving/efficiency programmes
○  Subsidies for solar panels & hydrogen/hybrid vehicles
○  I saw Country Calendar (April 12 2009) it was all about what Timaru is doing with waste & recycling it – all cities should be doing this
○  Support local and national production & manufacturers – e.g. Fisher & Paykel, Army clothing contracts. By losing these industries we lose skills to overseas, it means we have to use huge amounts of oil – transportation of goods.
○  Keep imports to a minimum be a self sufficient not a dependant country
○  Promote internal tourism, boost national economy, use less fuel travelling
○  Let’s see more government officials on bicycles!
What can Invercargill do?
○  Council initiatives to encourage less energy use/more sustainable practices
○  Encourage community initiatives to discover more about the sustainability of our city
○  Offer financial incentives to motivate people/organisations/farmers
○  Invercargill can learn about what faces it – we have the resources to provide for ourselves, we just need to stop sending them overseas
○  Become a strong group that supports one another – networked with a wider Southland/national web of passionate committed people
○  Be part of a community building group.
○  Share resources and skills
○  Get involved in the TT movement
○  Surprise the district by developing a few model examples of ‘how to do it’
○  Keep talking to others about the issues
○  Make all the people who come to the videos come to the talks
○  Encourage ‘cell groups’ – small groups of people around local issues/support each other to do
○  More farmers markets, community gardens & cycleways
○  Encourage more gardens & market gardens i.e. down centre of Esk Street, weekly Saturday morning
○  Invercargill can transform some of its green spaces into producing land - not just trees in Queens Park etc
○  Start planting road sides with more edible species e.g. fruit and nut trees
○  Develop a city project Perma-Culture, Bio-diverse woodland & garden i.e. Donovan Park – get volunteers & schools etc involved
○  Publicise walking and biking
○  Close off central city to all traffic except bicycles
○  Make Esk Street a pedestrians only zone – open for deliveries only at certain times
○  Have bike depots for people to take a bike, leave a bike – bikes with carriers, chain guards, fenders and a bell
○  Have bicycle centres around town, take a bike when needed, leave it at a depot when done. Paint bikes (e.g. lime green) for all to use. They need to be basic and with a carrier basket, chain guard, wheel fenders, & a bell (this works I have seen this in a small community in Canada)
○  Organise public transport systems
○  Stop repainting road markings every 4 months - get paint that lasts 6 or more years
○  Encourage all homeowners to insulate. Those home owners who are existing in uninsulated houses – told to insulate or be fined. Demolish & rebuild houses unfit for living. We should have no tolerance for houses not insulated.
○  Make it easier for people to recycle (all plastics, all paper)
○  Refer to Timaru waste/composting system (see Country Calendar April 12 reference above)
○  Seed Banks
○  Support community groups in growing local produce
○  Research into real solutions – not just for research sake
○  Increase available energy efficient public transport
○  Plant more nut trees, make current green space productive not just pretty!
○  Establish a sister city transition town
What can I do?
○  Be diligent in the way I use energy resources
○  Keep talking about the issues & support others who are making a difference
○  Decrease the tempo of my lifestyle
○  Walk the talk more
○  Manage with less stuff
○  Work with my community
○  Talk about peak oil with others
○  Notice the part energy plays in my life and find ways to minimise it
○  Share these ideas with others, let me share information
○  Learn about the problem, find out more
○  Reduce my own energy needs
○  Tell other people about what I learn – increase awareness
○  Consider vegetarianism – uses less energy to produce some veges than meat? (I think)
○  Think about these issues – not be afraid or complacent
○  Choose to have one car-less day
○  Use my bike more
○  Car pool, bike
○  Start biking to the transition town talks
○  Walk or bike to work/school
○  Limit car use, consider a hybrid car
○  Use products that don’t have combustion engine or electric motor
○  Grow own veges, give them away
○  I can learn how to plant and maintain a successful vege garden and teach others
○  Grow my own
○  Produce more home grown vege products
○  I can plant some more veggies, eat less meat, source food locally, use less plastic, cycle more, use public transport, inform others
○  Chickens for eggs and meat
○  Lobby local and central government for schemes like warmer homes
○  Insulate house well
○  Vote for a Government that will prioritise sustainability above economic growth
○  Lobby the government, the Council to act
○  Develop a hard core underground branch
Other Thoughts
○  Pass laws to ensure our international commitments are met
○  Keep having low key events & encourage others to learn
○  Promote education, seminars, and resources about issues
○  Reduce my demand for resources
○  Learn from countries who are not so dependant on oil & realise we do not need to make the same mistakes as some other countries
○  Put the emphasis on ‘The Power of One’ which combined make the power of millions
○  Need to encourage each other to make the changes & make a difference locally
○  Can we find someone who knows about making alternative remedies from herbs etc to teach us how to do this?
○  NZ still hasn’t reached our population limits from resources – why? Why have other countries?
○  Antarctic oil reserves
○  Lack of knowledge – of the scale and the problem itself – this is the beginning
○  Using ‘kiwi ingenuity’ for a kiwi way of using recycled material in producing daily life things as well as in art etc
○  Thank you for your initiatives! Keep it up.
○  Population growth – where is this going? Present growth unsustainable.
○  Keep it moving. Don’t be afraid to change.
○  Address population growth globally through education as a matter of urgency.