Georgia Fire Inspectors Association
General Meeting Minutes
January 19th, 2017
The meeting of the Georgia Fire Inspectors Association was held in the H Building Auditorium at Central Georgia Technical College, Macon, Georgia.
State Fire Marshal’s Office Report
State Fire Marshal Dwayne Garriss gave information on legislation and other news.
SB2 – Introduced by Lt. Governor., dealing with fees having to post a schedule of services. Fees will have to be refunded if timelines are not met
Statutory requirement in Title 8 and Title 25 – discussion of 30 day plan review. Senators trying to change to 15 days.
Discussed ICC previous voting period. Residential sprinklers still in residential code. Met with Home Builders Association. Still approve of most current code adoption. 6000 governmental registered voters. 1600 voted. 708 votes on one code issue (sprinkler requirements to be moved to annex). 158 was minimum votes on one issue. Approximately 14000 votes cast in one day on multiple issues, breaking previous records. No ICC voting issues this year. There will be leadership training in Arlington, TX, on May 27th-29th and the annual ICC business meeting in Columbus, Ohio.
State will be going to 2018 codes. Going into effect in 2020. Still looking at modifications for the current code cycle.
NFPA and International Association of Fire Marshal’s had a meeting about data business. NFPA will be a collection point for fire data.
Reminded membership of adoption of WUI Code.
S. Bush recognized Mr. Lavon Cooper as the Fire Inspector of the Year but Mr. Cooper could not make the meeting.
Secretary’s Report
November minutes were not sent out for membership review. Minutes will be sent out prior to March meeting for approval and posting to the website.
D. Wallace advised that all shirts that were not picked up from the pre-orders will be used at the symposium or other conferences.
D. Wallace advised that the website traffic is still growing. Advised that there has been some information on that was inaccessible but those issues are being worked out. Advised membership to make contact if an error on the website is found so that it can be fixed promptly. Social media is doing well. Advised asking members on Facebook to approve new members that is not known. Google+ is doing well but tracking for views has stopped. There will be no more reporting on Google+.
C. Landolt brought up about views that are publicly available being in conflict with other Associations. Advised that we need to ensure we are in line with other organizations to maintain unification throughout the fire service. S. Bush asked if anyone would like to help draft a white paper specifically dealing with the plan review legislation. S. Bush will ask Jeff Mayers if he would like to lead that endeavor and asked membership if they would help and reach out with that help. A member advised that this white paper could be passed along to other organizations such as BOAG.
Treasurer’s Report
D. Taylor did not attend the meeting. S. Bush gave report. The balance is $3922. Upcoming billings. $505 paid out. S. Bush advised that Taylor is no longer with the state but would like to stay on the Board.
Board Member
S. Bush recognized and introduced B. Stute. Advised Mr. Stute will be handling membership.
Board Member
W. Johnson discussed training in March to be at the Macon Marriott City Center adjacent to the Macon Centreplex Coliseum with GAFSED. Working on May training and symposium material. Would like membership to provide input on training items or come up with ideas to get more information to more inspectors throughout the state. Advised membership to contact him by phone. S. Bush advised that L. Cooper needed to know if membership is willing to change to Macon Marriott City Center. S. Bush called for an informal vote by hand raising. Majority concluded that was good. S. Bush advised that L. Cooper, Past President, will be assisting W. Johnson on training with primary duties being the symposium. S. Bush advised a Standing Symposium Committee and advised that would come in the near future.
Vice President’s Report
C. Landolt advised that his capacity on the board primarily is to review the by-laws and the golf tournament. Advised membership to look at the by-laws and if there are items that should be considered to make contact.
The golf tournament is right around the corner and C. Landolt has asked the membership to find hole sponsors. Advised that these sponsors are paying a relatively low fee compared to other events of the same nature. C. Landolt advised that if anyone would like for the Association to reach out to someone and not do it themselves to provide contact information and he would reach out on behalf of the Association.
President’s Report
S. Bush would like to get his 2 year goals taken care and provided an outline of these. Advised that training and membership is top on the list. Free training was going to stop. Either a membership is required or a fee for a training certificate. S. Bush advised that the Georgia Fire Inspectors Association is now a valid member at the table for the state along with the Chiefs Association and Firefighters Association. S. Bush advised that certificates are not going out and there are valid reasons for that, not excuses. Board is working very diligently and is changing who is responsible for what to get these out to the membership. J. Gant advised that his goal is to get certificates out to paying members within 1 week.
S. Bush advised that the Association balance is low. Advised that the Association historically donates $500 to SFPE and the Legislative Dinner each. Advised of 2 other Association meeting that the GFIA will attend and costs will be saved by the attending members paying for their own way. S. Bush requested membership to make the call to continue to pay $500 each, not to pay or something in between. A motion was made by K. Richter to donate the amount of $250 to each event instead of the normal $500. R. Cummins gave a second on the motion. C. Landolt advised that the SFPE is a private sector business and probably has the financing available. He would like for the Association to reach out more to our partners that are more like our Association. C. Landolt would like to amend the motion to $500 to the Legislative Dinner and $250 for the SFPE. K. Richter amended her motion to provide $500 to the Legislative Dinner. Second by R. Cummins. No other discussion. Membership approved unanimously. No nays. S. Bush entertained a motion for the amount to pay SFPE. K. Richter made a motion to provide $250 to SFPE for the continuance of their education. Second by B. Stute. No other discussion. Approved by members unanimously. No nays.
Member asked if Association can accept donations. S. Bush advised that was a good idea but did not know the legalities.
Would like for the Association to become an ICC Chapter.
Past President’s Report
L. Cooper did not attend the meeting.
Committee Reports
K. Richter advised that the schedule blocks and rooms are available for assigning classes at this time. K. Richter advised that the symposium fee will be going up to $125 for 2018. The fee has been delayed to help make accommodations for budgeting. This will fund approximately 30 hours of training for anyone that attends. C. Landolt advised that the Board has made every attempt to make changes to the classes at the symposium with the feedback that is received each year. C. Landolt wanted feedback from the membership if there was a specialty class would another option have to be available. K. Richter advised that to get full credit for a 16 hour class, attendees would have to stay in the same class the entire time to get credit. C. Landolt advised that ICC certified classes can’t be repeated within 3 years for credit.
K. Richter advised on the upcoming Swearing In Ceremony on February 7th. Also advised that the schedule has changed for this event due to occupant load issues.
A. Laberteux advised that the 120-3-3 committee is still taking changes to the current code cycle.
Association Reports
New Business
B. Burke advised on committees for training course development at the GPSTC. Mr. Burke advised on a Principles and Practices training and revising the Inspector I course. A Life Safety Course is being developed. Mr. Burke advised that the Association is very much involved with the course development for the State. S. Bush also advised that multiple agencies throughout the state are involved with this course development.
For The Good of the Membership
No new items were presented.
The meeting was adjourned.