Programme Specification
Name of programme - MEng (Hons) Design with Engineering Materials
Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that students are expected to achieve if full advantage is taken of the learning opportunities that are provided. More detailed information on the learning outcomes, content and teaching, and learning and assessment methods of each module can be found in Module Specifications and other programme documentation and online at
The accuracy of the information in this document is reviewed by the University and may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency of Higher Education.
Awarding body/institutionDepartment / Loughborough University
Department of Materials
Teaching institution (if different)
Details of accreditation by a professional/statutory body / Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining; and Institution of Engineering Designers / Being sought
(Yes, for B.Eng programme)
(e.g .BA, MSc etc) / M.Eng. (Hons) or M.Eng.(Hons) with DIS or DIntS
Programme title / Design with Engineering Materials
Length of programme / Four years for M.Eng; five years for M.Eng. with DIS or DIntS
UCAS code / H1J5, H1JM
Date at which the programme specification was written or revised / March 2012
1. Programme Aims:
- The fully accredited Masters’-leveldegree programme in the field of product design(from consumer products to machinery components)provides an emphasis on deep understanding of materials, manufacturing technologies, safety and human factors, for ambitious students with aninterest in product development, problem identification and solving, and innovative development with up-to-date materials technologies for business.
- The aim of the programme is to produce high quality graduates with a unique combination of skills and knowledge to bridge the gap between business needs and deep-rooted materials technologies. Graduates should have the ability to undertake project management, to provide expertise for high level technical development, and to pursue entrepreneur-type initiatives andachievements. Specifically, this programme is intended to produce high-calibre graduates in ‘product design’ who possess detailed knowledge of materials: their selection, processing technologies, micro-structure, properties and environmental credentials which make them suitable for innovative new projects.
2. Relevant subject benchmark statements and other external and internal reference points used to inform programme outcomes:
QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications
QAA Benchmark Statements for Materials
QAA Benchmark Statements for Art and Design
The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining- Guidelines for Accreditation
The Institution of Engineering Designers
Loughborough University, Learning and Teaching Strategy
3. Programme Learning Outcomes
3.1 Knowledge and understanding
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
K1Principles, methodologies and communication skills for accomplishing and presenting a viable product design in both technical and business aspects, including regular peer evaluation of the design and use of stage gate systems, where appropriate, to ensure the ultimate marketability of the product;
K2Defining product or component performance and cost through manoeuvring the product characteristics by considering user’s requirements, including the principles and practice of ergonomic analysis and user evaluations;
K3Principles and methodologies of materials selection for a specific product, and their application in predicting and analysing the influence of progress in materials/manufacturing technologies on the evolution of existing products and innovation of new products;
K4Fundamental principles of materials engineering and performance of various materials, as well as the frontline technologies and evolutionary trends in new or enhanced materials;
K5Strategies and principles for business implementation of a product design, and external constraints and pressures influencing the design process, including consideration of legislative and financial issues and needs for wealth creation.
K6Modern information technology (IT) methods to support the design process, including the use of CAD and validating tools;
K7Environmental impact of products including sustainability, waste management and recyclability, within the design and materials/manufacturing process selection;
K8Appropriate quantitative analysis to determine the origin of failure in product design, and to relate the key attributes of materials with the technical functions and business requirements of a product.
3.2Skills and other attributes:
- Subject-specific cognitive skills
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:
C1Analyse a design problem/brief and develop appropriate design strategy and approach to facilitate a viable design solution within the stated and implied constraints;
C2Develop design concepts through to detailed design and/or prototype stage, and predict the likely performance and mode of failure of a given material/product depending on the service conditions/design requirements;
C3Correctly identify the material property requirements for efficient processing and product performance, and select and identify an appropriate material and manufacturing route for the design of a componentto meet functional, aesthetic, environmental, user and legislative requirements;
C4Evaluate the design requirements of a product in terms of human factors;
C5Analyse and evaluate a product design and propose suitable modifications by which its performance, appeal and/or cost might be improved;
C6Discuss the economic/financial/business implications of design decisions.
- Subject-specific practical skills
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:
P1Apply appropriate materials, tools and techniques at various phases of a design process;
P2Apply alternative design strategies and select the most appropriate;
P3Make prototype models suitable for evaluation by users, using a variety of materials, tools and techniques;
P4Use appropriate computer software for materials selection, to produce rendered 3D solid models, and detailed 2D part and assembly drawings;
P5Use appropriate mechanical testing, corrosion testing, microstructural, analytical and forensic techniques to evaluate materials suitability for a design application, both in materials selection and post-mortem failure investigations;
P6Evaluate and present laboratory and product performance test data in a suitable format;
P7Operate practical processing equipment and collect, analyse and interpret experimental data.
- Generic skills
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:
T1Work effectively, both as part of a team and/or independently;
T2Manage team based and individual design projects effectively;
T3Possess skills needed to communicate effectively through written, graphical, inter-personal, and presentation media;
T4Competence with information technology (IT), using a range of different software tools;
T5Apply constructive and structured approaches to problem solving;
T6Acquire and use sources of information appropriately.
Learning, teaching and assessment methods to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated
Most modules utilise lectures to establish the knowledge and understanding required. Tutorials, problem classes, laboratory practice, workshop work and seminars develop this knowledge and understanding further and allow students to develop specialist techniques. Progress towards achieving learning outcomes is monitored through this staff/student interaction and developmental feedback on performance is given.
The acquisition of subject specific skills is aided by the inclusion of teamwork projects and individual projects. These extended pieces of work enable students to demonstrate their application of materials technology and design concepts to a range of problems. Student confidence in developing sound reasoning and drawing appropriate conclusions is also supported through seminar work and staff-assisted group design studies.
Transferable skills are developed throughout the programme. Students are encouraged to use private study time effectively and coursework submitted throughout the programme helps to develop time management skills. Project work supports students’ independent learning and group work skills.
4. Programme structures and requirements, levels, modules, credits and awards:
The MEng (Hons) programme in Design with Engineering Materials is offered as a full-time four year programme or as a five year ‘sandwich programme’ if taken with the optional year of industrial training or study abroad between Parts B and C. The sandwich degree offers the additional award of Diploma of Industrial studies (DIS) or Diploma in International Studies (DIS). Students will study modules with a combined weight of 120 credits in each part (academic year) of the programme. Each part is taught in two 15-week semesters; weeks 13-15 are spent on project work in Semester 1 and assessment by examination in Semester 2.
Details of module specifications can be found at:
Modules are listed under the Department primarily responsible for them, e.g. MP, = Materials, MM = Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, BS = School of Business and Economics
Full details can be found in the Programme Regulations at the following:
5. Criteria for admission to the programme:
6. Information about the programme assessment strategy:
The method of assessment for each module is described within the relevant module specification.
Examinations are held in each subject for which an examination is required in the assessment period at the end of the semester in which it is taught. This is in January for semester 1 (Part C and D only) and in May/June for semester 2. At the end of each year the results from examinations and coursework assessment are combined, as detailed in each module specification. The results for each module are compiled and considered by an examination board, which awards credit for each satisfactorily completed module (overall mark ≥40%). Students who achieve sufficient credit to meet the assessment requirements of their Programme Regulations are allowed to proceed to the next year of their programme.
Assessment criteria
120 credits out of the maximum possible of 120 are needed for progression in each year with an average of 55% for 2011 entry onwards. Readers are directed to the Programme Regulations for more complete details of progression requirements and the criteria for award of the M.Eng degree.
Re-assessment criteria
Candidates not meeting the criteria for progression have the right to be re-assessed on one further occasion only and, for Parts A,B,C and D, this re-assessment may take place in the University’s Special Assessment Period in early September. Re-assessment in the Special Assessment Period is not allowed if students have not achieved 60 credits. Re-assessment is also possible in the next academic year, but only by allowing the student to repeat the year of study, according to the regulations of the failed modules.
M.Eng programme transfers
From 2011 onwards students may transfer to the M.Eng programme at the end of Part A if they have gained 120 credits with an average of >55%. Transfers are possible at the end of Part B if students have satisfied the Part A requirement and gained 120 credits in Part B with an average of >55%.
Students commencing their programme pre 2011 may transfer to the M.Eng programme at the end of Part A if they have gained a maximum of 120 credits. Transfers are possible at the end of Part B if students have satisfied the Part A requirement and gained at least 40 credits at >40%; 40 credits at >50% and 40 credits at >60% in Part B modules.
Final Degree
The final degree mark is weighted from 20% of the Part B mark, 40% of the Part C mark, and 40% of the Part D mark.
7. What makes the programme distinctive?
This programme is a broadly based engineering programme, providing a unique combination of knowledge and skills in both product design and materials engineering and a balance of skills across technical, design, business and management, and entrepreneurship. This leads to a programme which bridges the business needs and technical expertise to fill the gap between industrial design and materials engineering, as well as to fulfil advanced technical innovation in technical focused industries.
The programme particularly develops individual and group projects, with strong emphasis on practical skills. There is a high level of ergonomics and design skills modules in this programme. The University’s Ergonomics and Safety Research Institute, based in Loughborough Design School, delivers 90 credits of taught modules and supervises the majority of DEM Individual Projects. ESRI is an internationally leading consultancy organisation with expertise in the areas of design ergonomics and design for safety. This liaison offers the opportunity to link strongly between theory and professional practice and provides a wide variety of real life examples and case studies to contextualise the taught modules.
The programme particularly encourages teamwork and practical skills; about one third of the programme is laboratory/project studio-based learning. There are design studios in the department with rapid prototyping and computers running packages including CES, Solid Edge and Solid Works, COSMOS works and COSMOS motion, and other visual design tools including Autodesk Moldflow. A dedicated work bench in the department workshop is developed for students to generate physical models for their individual and group projects.
The (optional) Diploma of Industrial Studies placement year following Part B provides an opportunity to acquire valuable industrial experience which encourages the development of core skills and puts taught material into practice. The industrial year is fully supervised and assessed, in order to monitor skills development, leading to the supplementary award of DIS. Students undertaking the DIS are employed by the company for a minimum of 45 weeks and receive an appropriate salary during this period. Each year a number of students undertake a final year Project based on/sponsored by their DIS placement company. Recent placements have included Smiths Medical, Xerox, Diageo, and Avon Rubber (Protection Division). All other students are encouraged to undertake shorter vacation jobs in relevant industrial settings.
In common with other undergraduate programmes, industrial relevance/involvement is a distinctive aspect of the programme at Loughborough. Industrial visits are arranged during the programme and ’real-life engineering’ is also central to MPD102, Industrial Case Studies, in which tutorials are given by speakers from various industrial backgrounds looking at integrated materials issues. Students undertake an individual project as part of the module MPB107, Packaging Design Project, associated with the Starpack competition organised by the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, and MPD106 (Realisation and Commercialisation) to bring their design into real world commercial practice, including business plan development for the design through engaging with industry.
Group work is an important feature of the programme. The Worshipful Company of Tin Plate Workers alias Wire Workers of the City of London provide prizes for the group design project in MPB107, Product Design, and staff from that organisation participate in the teaching and assessment of the projects.The Masters’-level Group Project in Part D will bring the students’ team work, technical input and integration, design skills and business judgement into an advanced professional level.
The programme prepares graduates for careers in all aspects of consumer product and machinery component design and production. The depth in materials engineering, capability for product innovation, and understanding of business will open broad prospects and extensive career opportunities for graduates to become leaders in industry, technical experts, or entrepreneurs.
The existing B.Eng programme is accredited by both: (a)the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IoM3) and (b) the Institution of Engineering Designers (IED). Similar accreditation for the M.Eng programme is currently being sought.
8. Particular support for learning:
Refer to the generic information on learning support which can be found at:
9. Methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standards of learning:
Refer to the generic information which can be found at: