Georg Fischer Harvel LLC
300 Kuebler Road
Easton, PA 18040
Phone: (610) 252-7355
Fax: (610) 253-4436

RE: Certificate of Compliance

Industrial PVC Schedules 40 80 Pipes

This letter is to certify that Georg Fischer Harvel’s Industrial PVC Schedule 40 80 Pipes are manufactured in the USA from a Type I, Grade I, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) material with a Cell Classification of 12454 per ASTM D1784. The PVC Compound (Trade Name +GF+) meets the requirements of NSF®/ANSI Standard 61-G as suitable for Potable Water and is considered Lead Free.

These pipes are also manufactured in strict compliance with ASTM D1785 and Schedule 40 pipes in sizes 1-1/4” – 12” are in strict compliance with ASTM D2665 as well. These pipes meet the requirements of these standards with regard to material, dimensions, workmanship, burst pressure, flattening, and extrusion quality. Any pipe bells meet the requirements of ASTM D2672. These pipes also meet the requirements of NSF®/ANSI Standard 14 and shall bear the marks of the listing agency. These pipes are also certified to NSF®/ANSI 372 and conform to the lead content requirements for “lead free” plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.

Very truly yours,

Gary Sample

Director of Product Management
